Sunday, April 24, 2022

At Venice Biennale, Canadian art star Stan Douglas explores meaning of protest in social media era

Douglas is 1st Black artist to create Canada's official

 offering at prestigious exhibition

A couple of gallery visitors in Venice, Italy, examine Stan Douglas's photograph depicting the riots in Vancouver following the 2011 Stanley Cup finals. (Megan Williams/CBC)

At first glance, the four huge photographs of protests by Vancouver artist Stan Douglas displayed in the small, angular Canadian pavilion of the Venice Art Biennale look like reportage.

There's an aerial view of the Tottenham riots in the U.K., with smoke, scattered protesters and police flanks; a scene of Occupy Wall Street in New York with non-violent resisters being arrested; clusters of young people gathered on the main avenue in Tunis, Tunisia, peacefully discussing politics and an alternate future at the onset of the Arab Spring; and the Vancouver riots after the Canucks were defeated in the Stanley Cup finals, with a crowd of hockey fans cheering an overturned car that has been set ablaze.

Yet on closer examination, the viewer notices every single person, object and structure captured by the camera is in perfect focus and fully rendered.

These images are not photojournalism at all, but elaborately produced reimaginings of real events, all of which took place in 2011.

Stan Douglas's photograph Tunis, 23 January 2011, from the series 2011 ≠ 1848, which is currently showing at the Venice Biennale. (Courtesy of the artist, Victoria Miro, London and Venice, and David Zwirner, New York, London, Paris and Hong Kong)

"It's the idea of poetic condensation," said Douglas, one of Canada's most internationally acclaimed artists, "of having as much information in one place to allow the viewer to see it and parse it as they need to. It has a sense of unreality. 

"But I'm not trying to fool anybody. I'm saying this construction is less a snapshot of the moment, but more a schematic or diagram of a riot."

A view of Stan Douglas's photograph New York City, 10 October 2011, hanging at the 2022 Venice Biennale. (Venice Biennale)

He calls this form "hybrid documentaries."

The two-part show — the photographic series 2011 ≠ 1848 and the video installation ISDN, in another part of Venice — marks Douglas's fifth appearance at the Venice Art Biennale, perhaps the most prestigious art exhibition in the world.

But it's his first show as Canada's officially selected artist, and the first time Canada has chosen a Black artist.

The virality of protest

In 2011 ≠ 1848, Douglas links the protests of 2011 to the widespread upheaval of the 1848 "Springtime of Nations," when bourgeois uprisings against the aristocracy erupted across Europe.

Douglas is interested in the similarities between the two years — the 1848 protests spread with the help of print technology, whereas the 2011 blew up thanks to social media.

Speaking of the photos at the Venice Biennale, Vancouver artist Stan Douglas said, 'I'm not trying to fool anybody. I'm saying this construction is less a snapshot of the moment, but more a schematic or diagram of a riot.' (Courtesy Evaan Kheraj, the artist, Victoria Miro and David Zwirner)

"Many of the events you see depicted were made larger by people saying, 'This is going on. Come down.' The example of the Arab Spring is what inspired Occupy Wall Street," he said.

But there are key differences: 1848 ultimately led to the formation of nation-states, whereas the social inequality that fomented the 2011 protests — a ripple effect of the Great Recession from 2007 to 2009 — remains depressingly unresolved, he says.

Other events since then, including the COVID-19 pandemic and Black Lives Matter, have shone more light on the underlying social inequality.

The second part of Douglas's show, ISDN, is set just before 2011, as the use of the digital transmission system to transmit audio over traditional phone lines began to decline, and is more hopeful.

Two giant screens hang in a disused 16th-century salt warehouse with U.K. grime musicians projected on one and Mahraganat artists (who fuse hip hop, electronica and Egyptian folk music) on the other. 

The two groups of rappers seem to perform an endless call-and-response, but it's fictitious, as they were each recorded separately, without listening to the other.

WATCH | U.K. and Egyptian rappers collaborate in Stan Douglas's video installation ISDN: 

In Vancouver artist Stan Douglas's video installation ISDN, U.K. grime artists Lady Sanity and True Mendous perform an imaginary call-and-response with Cairo musician Raptor. 0:50

The result is a joyful session of imaginary collaboration, with bass lines, drums, melodies and effects tracks all on different time loops creating an "improvised" jam that lasts more than three days before repeating in the same order.

"They both took the model of U.S. hip hop … but then incorporated a local idiom with that," said Douglas of the U.K. and Egyptian music. "In the piece, a third idiom comes out of that through [the imaginary ISDN] collaboration. Your mind makes connections where there may not be any."

Sign of 'incredible maturity'

Douglas, 61, studied at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver and now spends half his time in L.A., where he's chair of the graduate program at the ArtCenter College of Design. 

He has spent a career making photographs, film and most recently theatre exploring failed utopias and alternative histories as they relate to urbanism, technology and post-colonialism.

He uses elaborate techniques for his photographs. Shoots can last days, in which dozens of actors are photographed on a soundstage, sometimes one at a time, and then composited together with a digital plate shot of the location.

Douglas has a strong fanbase both in the world of art and film.

"It's interesting to look at world history through four photos and [process] all that happened and what became of it," said German art curator Bettina Steinbruegge, referring to 2011 ≠ 1848

Stan Douglas's photo Vancouver, 15 June 2011. (Courtesy of the artist, Victoria Miro, London and Venice, and David Zwirner, New York, London, Paris and Hong Kong)

"And then you see the rap musicians, which is very political and a younger generation. It's a good way to look at what's happening, all the turmoil. We are living in a world that is changing rapidly and is quite aggressive, and I think he captured it very well."

Mark Peranson, publisher of the Canadian film magazine Cinema Scope, is equally enthusiastic.

"The way he composes the video stylistically with the reiterations of the algorithm works really well with rap music," he said. "Because there's not a strict narrative [with rap], it worked. And the music is great."

Reid Shier, the curator of the Canada pavilion in Venice and part of the three-person committee through the National Gallery of Canada that selected Douglas to represent Canada, calls him an incredibly generous and accessible artist.

"If you walk into ISDN and don't know anything about Stan Douglas or contemporary art, you're going to be met with a work that is about an experience of listening to music in real time," he said. "It's not something you have to come in and read like a long, didactic panel to understand. You can get it visually, sensorially, audially, in so many different ways, and that's incredible maturity."

'International interconnectedness'

While race is a consistent element in Douglas's work, it's not explicitly autobiographical and usually part of a larger exploration of post-colonialism.

His 1991 short, I'm Not Gary, features a white man mistakenly calling a Black man he passes on the street Gary, a commentary on racial invisibility. In Inconsolable Memories (2005), Douglas reflects the experience of a Black, working-class Cuban.

A still from Stan Douglas's 2005 film Inconsolable Memories. (Courtesy of the artist/Art Gallery of York University)

He says he's had an abiding interest in race, but has resisted showing it from a purely regional perspective, citing another early work, Der Sandmann (1995), which features an African German character whose experience is closer to his own.

He's "kind of an outsider figure," which is similar to Douglas's experience "growing up in Vancouver with a majority-white population."

Douglas says this year's Venice show has been the most fun so far — he's been here enough to know what to expect, and to be able to relax. But he bristles at the idea of  "representing Canada" as the country's official artist this time around.

"I have a problem with the idea of identity, so in representing Canada, I'm not representing Canada — I'm representing international interconnectedness," he said, a point made in his work.

"I identify as Canadian, but I don't want to say, 'This is what Canada is.' I have no idea of what that is. To produce a national myth about what Canada is, is not really feasible. Unlike the U.S., that's all held together by people who can't stand each other but who love their constitution, their revolution or whatever it was. In Canada, we don't have those unifying myths."

'I identify as Canadian, but I don't want to say, 'This is what Canada is,' said Douglas. 'I have no idea of what [Canadian identity] is. To produce a national myth about what Canada is, is not really feasible.' (Michael Courtney)

While Canada may not have unifying myths, one could argue it has a certain unifying mode of expression that, even in the big-ego world of contemporary art, shuns hyperbole and self-aggrandizement.

When asked if he's surprised about how well his career as an artist has gone, Douglas laughs. 

"Oh yeah, I never thought I would not have to have a job," he said. "When I was coming up, the expectation of having [an art] career was very low, especially as a Canadian."

He pauses, then gives an understated — one could say quintessentially Canadian — explanation for his success.

"Lucky. Right place, right time."


Megan Williams

Rome correspondent

Rome correspondent Megan Williams has covered everything from Italian politics and migration to the Vatican and the Venice Biennale for almost two decades. Her award-winning documentaries can be heard on Ideas, The Current and other CBC shows. Megan is a regular guest host of As It Happens and The Current.

‘Worst it’s ever been’: a threatened species alarm sounds during the election campaign – and is ignored

Warnings of dramatically escalating extinctions in Australia over the next two decades seem to be falling on deaf ears

Australian Capital Territory’s faunal emblem, the gang-gang cockatoo, is now on the endangered list. 
Photograph: William Robinson/Alamy

Lisa Cox
Sun 24 Apr 2022 

Gregory Andrews was Australia’s first threatened species commissioner, appointed in 2013 by the then incoming Coalition environment minister Greg Hunt. He recently returned to the country, after serving as high commissioner to Ghana, and was disheartened by what he found.

Andrews believes the state of the country’s natural wildlife and biodiversity is the “worst it’s ever been” and calls the ongoing destruction of forests and other habitat “crazy”.

After a political term marked by consecutive summer disasters and multiple official reports highlighting government failure, he sees it as a major issue. But, as far as the first two weeks of the election campaign are concerned, the environment may as well not exist.

“Biodiversity and nature have been completely absent from this campaign so far,” he says.

“That makes me really sad because Australians define ourselves through our wildlife. We’ve got them on our money, our sports teams, our coat of arms, the tail of Qantas. We can’t keep defining ourselves by our wildlife when we’re losing it to extinction.”

Given so much of Australia’s landscape had already been cleared, he believes the time has come for a conversation about sharing what remains with the country’s unique, and increasingly struggling, wildlife.

“If we’re serious about what it means to be Australian … we are a rich enough country with enough habitat and enough cleared area to dedicate the remaining land to protection,” he says. “The trouble is the Greens are the only party that says that, and it is seen as a fringe or extremist position.”

Andrews spent three years as threatened species commissioner. He says while he was proud of some of the things that were achieved under Hunt, he felt restricted due to climate denialism within the Coalition and the refusal to deal with habitat degradation.

‘We are a rich enough country with enough habitat and enough cleared area to dedicate the remaining land to protection,’ says Australia’s first threatened species commissioner. 
Photograph: Der Wa/PR

He is not alone in raising concerns about the environment missing from the campaign. Others are also trying to raise its profile.

A new report from a coalition of conservation groups says if Australia was serious about nature protection, it would increase its spending ten-fold. It highlights 100 animals and plants – including the orange-bellied parrot and the grassland earless dragon – that are at imminent risk of extinction.

Koala listed as endangered after Australian governments fail to halt its decline

The South Australian independent senator Rex Patrick this week called for a change in the way the environment is treated in the next parliament, including requiring the prime minister to make an annual extinction statement, listing the species newly declared as either extinct or critically endangered.

The question is: is anyone listening?

That Australia is not doing enough to protect its environment is well known.

In the past term alone, three official reports, two from the Australian National Audit Office plus the independent review of Australia’s environmental laws by the former competition watchdog head Graeme Samuel, highlighted a litany of environmental failures.

A fourth, the five-yearly State of the Environment report, is also expected to highlight the ongoing decline. That report could have been tabled by the Morrison government before the campaign began but has been withheld.

The rate of land-clearing in states such as Queensland and New South Wales has been increasing and the addition of new species to Australia’s national list of threatened wildlife was accelerated by the country’s worst bushfire disaster.

The Australian Capital Territory’s faunal emblem, the gang-gang cockatoo, entered the list as endangered, with the expert scientific committee highlighting the climate crisis as the major driver of reductions to populations of the bird.

And a week before the election was called, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change again sounded the alarm that the world was rapidly running out of time to limit warming to 1.5C.

That the climate and nature crises are intertwined is acknowledged globally.

But the conversation about either of these issues in the campaign so far has been characterised by commentary on power bills, based on unsourced modelling, and a $220m pledge by the prime minister, Scott Morrison, for native forestry in Tasmania.

Before the election was called, the Morrison government also promised $50m for a single species, the koala, which had its conservation status upgraded in February from vulnerable to endangered.

Carol Booth, the principal policy analyst at the Invasive Species Council, says the silence from the major parties on what the next government will do to change the trajectory reveals a lot.

“They’re obviously making a judgment that it’s not going to turn the election for them,” she says.

“They pay attention to individual crises, like the fires. But because it’s a long term, insidious problem and there are so many threats coalescing and interacting … it’s hard to get your head around.

“You’re not going to see results in one term of government.”

Australian government ‘aggravating extinction’ through land-clearing approvals, analysis finds
Read more

The council – backed by BirdLife Australia, Bush Heritage, the Humane Society International and the Australian Land Conservation Alliance – has released a new report that notes extinctions are expected to dramatically escalate in Australia over the next two decades due to Australia’s failure to deal with the major threats of invasive species, habitat destruction and climate change.

It identifies 100 species that have a high risk of extinction in that time, including 20 freshwater fish, nine birds, eight frogs, six reptiles, one mammal and one butterfly with a greater than 50% risk of extinction within 20 years, and 55 plants at high risk of extinction within 10.

A new report highlights 100 animals and plants – including the orange-bellied parrot – at imminent risk of extinction. 
Photograph: Nature Picture Library/Alamy

It argues an overhaul of Australia’s threat abatement system is necessary after years of neglect, evidenced by overdue and outdated species recovery plans and the near decade-long failure by the Coalition to formally list major threats.

That streak was finally broken this week after fire regimes that cause wildlife decline was officially listed as a key threat to Australia’s environment, 14 years after it was first proposed.

The environment minister, Sussan Ley, signed off on the decision shortly before the election was called.

The Invasive Species Council’s report puts forward solutions, including that governments simply apply the laws and protections they have neglected for so long. That is, systematically listing major threats and developing and implementing plans to tackle them as well as recover species.

And it reiterates earlier work by a group of scientists led by the conservation ecologist Brendan Wintle that found Australia needed a ten-fold increase in nature spending to recover endangered wildlife.

Booth says this would require expenditure of about $1.5bn to $2bn annually.

“That’s not much in terms of the whole budget but it’s a lot more than they’ve committed to date,” she says.

Samantha Vine, the head of conservation and science at BirdLife Australia, says most voters care about nature, but that passion is not always visible to politicians.

She says when governments do make the effort to tackle threats, the trajectory of species facing extinction can be turned around.

On Macquarie Island, for example, breeding populations of grey-headed albatross are recovering after governments prioritised the eradication of rodents and rabbits on the island.

“It shows what can happen if you just invest in the work that needs to be done,” she says.

Guardian Australia asked the Coalition, Labor and the Greens about their priorities for nature.

Much of the Morrison government’s term has focused on its environmental deregulation agenda and a bid to transfer environmental approval powers to the states and territories.

But Ley says it has also “delivered more than $6bn in environmental spending since 2019” and points to budget announcements of $1bn for the Great Barrier Reef and $100m for the Environment Restoration Fund.

As minister, she established a new 10-year threatened species strategy and delivered a long-awaited recovery plan for the koala.

“The Morrison government is committed to practical action and to working with communities, land managers, traditional owners and scientists to protect the environment, from our heritage places to the health of our oceans and native species,” she says.

Labor’s environment spokesperson, Terri Butler, says the party will have more to say about the environment closer to the election, but has already committed to increased funding for Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas as well as $200m for urban rivers and catchments.

She says the Australia State of the Environment Report, which Ley was sitting on, should be made public.

“Protecting and restoring the environment has never been more important after bushfires and floods,” Butler says.

“The environment cannot afford to have the Morrison-Joyce government mismanage [it] for another term.”

The Greens environment spokesperson, Sarah Hanson-Young, says the party has been “fighting against the Liberal-Nationals attacks on our environment since they came to power”.

“Our environment is in crisis and the Greens are crucial to protecting it in the parliament,” she says.

She says the Greens have the most comprehensive policy of the parties for protecting the environment, which includes a zero extinction target and a commitment to end habitat destruction.

This week Rex Patrick, who is fighting to keep his seat, said if reelected he would move for the prime minister to be “personally accountable for Australia’s irrevocable environmental failures”.

Patrick wants to create a requirement in Australia’s environmental laws stating the prime minister must table an annual extinction and endangered species statement to parliament listing the species newly declared as either extinct or critically endangered.

“No prime minister is going to be very keen to stand up in the parliament and sound the death knell for unique Australian species,” he said.

“But that is what’s likely to be required to focus the minds of governments to take action before the irrevocable point of extinction is reached.”

Rare cold-water coral garden in peril on B.C. coast

Heavy prawn traps and ropes are destructive to the delicate red tree corals

Rochelle Baker, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, 
Canada’s National Observer

A remarkable coral garden tucked away in a remote inlet on B.C.’s wild central coast is in danger unless the federal government takes immediate steps to save it from destruction before the prawn fishing season gets underway, conservationists say.

Heavy prawn traps and ropes, which make contact with the seabed, are particularly destructive to the delicate red tree corals, or Primnoa pacifica, in a unique area in the ­centre of Knight Inlet, said professional diver, filmmaker and naturalist Neil McDaniel.

The bright orange coral fans in the relatively shallow waters of the Hoeya Head Sill are unusually large, stretching nearly two metres across and 1.5 metres high, McDaniel said.

The marine zoologist has been pushing Oceans and Fisheries Canada (DFO) for a decade to close the small section of the inlet to fishing, particularly each spring in May and June as the prawn season begins.

The large, intricate-fingered corals may take as long as a century to form, but can be destroyed in a moment from contact with fishing gear or anchors, McDaniel said.

He is perplexed at the ministry’s failure to protect the coral ecosystem, even on a ­temporary basis, given DFO’s own science supports such a move.

What’s more, both the area’s First Nation and the province have flagged the site for ­conservation while developing a network of marine protected areas along the northern West Coast.

“I don’t know why DFO is so resistant,” McDaniel said, noting that such large corals in such shallow waters are unmatched elsewhere in B.C.

“When I found out last week [DFO] had no intention of giving the area any interim ­protection, I was angry about it, to be honest.”

Coastal First Nation assumes guardianship in face of inaction

Leaders of the Mamalilikulla First Nation unilaterally declared an Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA) near the central part of Knight Inlet, which includes a marine area of spectacular corals and sponges.

The Mamalilikulla-Qwe’Qwa’Sot’Em is a First Nations band government based on northern Vancouver Island. The home territory of the Mamalilikulla and Qwe-Qwa’Sot’Em groups of Kwakwaka’wakw is in the maze of islands and inlets of the eastern Queen Charlotte Strait region around the opening of Knight Inlet, mainly on Village Island, where their principal village Memkumlis is located. It’s also known by the name Mamalilikulla.

There are significant pockets of band members in Port Hardy, Alert Bay, Campbell River, Nanaimo, Victoria and Vancouver, according to the First Nation.

The Mamalilikulla First Nation declared an IPCA late last year near the central part of Knight Inlet close to Lull Bay/Hoeya Sound, which includes the coral garden.

The Gwa̱xdlala/Nala̱xdlala IPCA encompasses 10,416 hectares — including land and sea — protecting important cultural sites and damaged watersheds and estuaries critical to dwindling salmon, bears and eagles, the nation said.

The marine protection includes the Hoeya Head Sill, cited as a highly biodiverse ecosystem of shallow corals, sponges and rare endangered species particularly sensitive to bottom-contact activities.

The move re-establishes the Mamalilikulla’s ancient role as guardians and to collectively make decisions with federal and provincial governments to ensure the well-being of the land, water and creatures in their territories, Chief Councillor Winidi (John Powell) said.

Government authorities have denied Indigenous people their ancestral stewardship roles for more than a century, Powell said.

“They put their own regulations in place, which have gravely failed, as is evident from the devastation in our territory, which has been subjected to logging and commercial fishing on a massive scale for decades,” he said.

A moratorium on commercial fishing in the area has not materialized, Powell added.

“One of the incentives to declare the IPCA when we did is that seasonal openings for prawn and crab fisheries were approaching, and those fisheries can be very detrimental to the ocean floor-dwelling creatures like coral,” he said

“All of these reasons, and more, are why we are taking back our stewardship responsibilities in Gwaxdlala/Nalaxdlala.”

DFO working toward coastal protected network

The DFO did not provide a response to Canada National Observer’s query about whether it intends to suspend fishing in Hoeya Head Sill to protect the corals.

The federal government has worked closely with provincial, territorial and First Nations communities to advance work to develop a marine protected network in the Northern Shelf Bioregion, or the Pacific North Coast, ministry press secretary Claire Teichman said in a statement.

“Minister [Joyce] Murray looks forward to continuing the work in protecting this critical coastal ecosystem,” Teichman said.

“We are actively considering how Mamalilikulla First Nation’s IPCA, as well as other sites, can fit into the broader context of reducing harm to sensitive and ecologically important areas in support of the Government of Canada’s commitments to protect 25 per cent of Canadian marine waters by 2025, and 30 per cent by 2030.”

McDaniel said it’ll be ironic if, by the time DFO actually establishes a marine protected area in Knight Inlet, there’s nothing left to conserve.

“It’s just like closing the barn door after the horses have left,” he said.

“We have several more years, during which time, prawn fishing will carry on — and the corals will be destroyed.”

John Bones, an adviser to the Mamalilikulla First Nation on its Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area, said the First Nation has “given up” on trying to persuade DFO to halt the May 5 prawn fishery opening. Instead, he said, it has made a direct appeal to prawn fishery organizations for “voluntary avoidance” of areas with high concentrations of the corals and sponges.

The Mamalilikulla find it ironic that “their best ally in advancing protection of this unique area appears to be fishery organizations and not the federal department mandated with the role for marine habitat protection,” Bones said.

Targeted fishery closures are a quicker, more flexible measure

DFO has made good use of targeted fishery closure protections for ancient glass sponge reefs in various parts of the coast, such as Hecate Strait, Howe Sound and the Strait of Georgia, said Jay Ritchlin, David Suzuki Foundation director-general for western Canada.

Such measures are limited in scope and don’t involve the blanket closure of a large geographical area, Ritchlin said.

An interim fishery closure designed with First Nations might close the relatively small area but would still allow fishing in the majority of the 100-kilometre-plus inlet.

“It’s not a big hammer that shuts down everything all at once,” he said.

Such fishery protections are easier to put in place and flexible compared with the lengthy, complex process to get a marine protected area legislated, Ritchlin said.

“I feel fairly confident that if DFO wanted to take that approach … [it] could do that fairly quickly,” he said.

Protecting the coral ecosystem could benefit fisheries

Deepwater sponges are also found in the shallow waters of the Hoeya Head Sill.

Protecting the coral and sponge ecosystem in the shallower waters of the Hoeya Head Sill will likely benefit commercial fisheries in adjacent waters, said marine biologist Verena Tunnicliffe.

“Species like prawns, red rockfish and other commercial species use it as a nursery or refuge area,” said the Order of Canada scientist who first conducted research in Knight Inlet more than three decades ago.

“If you take out such good feeding areas, you might just find your fishing grounds in the region are suddenly not so good anymore.”

A dump of glacial rock made the shoal — as shallow as 65 metres in a fjord often half a kilometre in depth — which experiences strong tidal currents and turbulence that stir up food and create conditions ideal for the coral and other deepwater or rare species, Tunnicliffe said.

In addition to the corals, soft goblet or cloud sponges thrive on the sill along with Townsend eualid shrimp and bigmouth sculpin.

But it’s the Primnoa pacifica coral, usually found in deep water beyond the reach of recreational divers or marine biologists, that’s the main draw, Tunnicliffe said.

“I can tell you, it was a stunning sight,” she said.

“I’ve worked a lot of the coast, and I haven’t seen that density and size of corals.”

— With a file from the Times Colonist

1 / 11 Conservationists and First Nations are calling on the ­federal ­government to protect a unique ecosystem of corals and sponges in a remote B.C. inlet.

Federal labor board sues Starbucks for union retaliation

The National Labor Relations Board filed two lawsuits against Starbucks on Friday accusing the company of illegally retaliating against employees organizing unions. 
File photo by Stephen Shaver/UPI | License Photo

April 23 (UPI) -- The National Labor Relations Board filed two lawsuits against Starbucks in federal court this week accusing the company of retaliation against union organizers.

One suit is linked to the February firing of seven Starbucks workers in Memphis, which the board said was retaliation because they "joined or assisted the union and engaged in concerted activities, and to discourage employees from engaging in these activities," The New York Times reports.

Another suit is an attempt to force Starbucks to rehire three employees in Phoenix, Ariz., that the NLRB claims were fired or forced out illegally. Both lawsuits were filed on Friday.

"Employees have the fundamental right to choose whether or not they want to be represented by the union without restraint or coercion by their employer," Cornele Overstreet, the director of NLRB's Region 28 in Phoenix, said in a press release.

"The faith of Starbucks employees nationwide in workplace democracy will not be restored unless these employees are immediately reinstated under the protection of a federal court order."

Friday's filings mark the latest development in Starbucks' ongoing battle with organized labor efforts. Earlier in the week, the company filed two of its own complaints with the NLRB accusing the union Workers United of intimidating workers.

In the complaints, Starbucks alleges that representatives of Workers United "unlawfully restrained and coerced partners in the exercise of their rights" during incidents at Denver and Phoenix locations.

"We're doing this to protect the physical safety and emotional wellbeing of our partners and to make it very clear that the behavior we're seeing from some union organizers is not acceptable and we won't tolerate it," Rossann Williams, president of Starbucks' North American operations, wrote in a letter to employees obtained by CNBC. "I want every partner to know we respect and honor all their rights - the right to choose a union, and the right to choose to speak for themselves."

The union countered that filing the complaint took "a lot of gall for a company that's launched one of the most aggressive & intense anti-union campaigns in modern history," CNBC reported.

Across the country, Starbucks employees are organizing to bargain for better pay and working conditions. Workers at 200 of Starbucks' approximately 9,000 domestic locations have filed paperwork to unionize; so far, 24 stores have voted in favor and two locations have voted against

Labor officials sue Starbucks to rehire employees who say they were fired in retaliation for union involvement

Employees of a Phoenix Starbucks location said the company retaliated after they tried to unionize.

Signs held by Starbucks union supporters as they protest for Laila Dalton's reinstatement April 6.

They filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board.The NLRB's Phoenix Director sued Starbucks to reinstate three employees on Friday.

The National Labor Relations Board filed a petition in federal court for Starbucks to rehire three Arizona employees who say they were removed for unfair labor practices, the agency announced on Friday.

The NLRB's Phoenix Director Cornele Overstreet asked the court for an injunction that would require Starbucks to reinstate three employees with their usual schedules and accommodations, and expunge disciplines from their records. The employees say they were either illegally discharged, forced out, or placed on unpaid leave for union involvement, the NLRB said.

"Employees have the fundamental right to choose whether or not they want to be represented by the union without restraint or coercion by their employer," Overstreet said in a statement. "The faith of Starbucks employees nationwide in workplace democracy will not be restored unless these employees are immediately reinstated under the protection of a federal court order."

Employees at a Starbucks in Arizona that began unionizing this year previously told Insider's Katherine Tangalakis-Lippert that the company has engaged in a pattern of retaliation for organizing.

Laila Dalton, a 19-year-old former barista at a Phoenix Starbucks, told Insider that she was fired after publicly organizing. Dalton said the retaliation began as soon as the union effort went public.

Dalton, alongside other co-workers, fileda complaint with the NLRB in January claiming the coffee giant violated federal law by retaliating against unionizing employees.

Starbucks locations across the country are increasingly participating in a nationwide unionizing effort across the coffee chain. In December, a Buffalo, New York location became the first company-owned Starbucks store in the US that voted to unionize.

Several other locations across the country have voted to unionize since then, including stores in Virginia, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Washington.

April 24, 2022 
Only one Starbucks in Canada is currently unionized, and it’s in B.C. Why is Starbucks so afraid of unions?

Unionization simply provides a safety net for employees and shouldn’t be viewed as a threat, writes Amir Barnea.
Contributing Columnist
Sat., April 23, 2022

Starbucks Coffee has gained the reputation of a company that provides great benefits to its employees. It refers to its workers as “partners” and is proud of investing in them. But the idea of these partners joining a union is something the coffee giant never liked. And until recently, save a few cases in New Zealand and Chile, has managed to avoid.

More than 383,000 people work for the Starbucks Corporation worldwide, including 245,000 in the U.S. and 23,000 in Canada. Until June 2021, none of the North American workers in company-owned stores belonged to a union.

But last summer, some 30 employees at a Starbucks drive-thru location at Douglas and Alpha streets in Victoria, B.C., changed that, making their store the only corporate-owned Starbucks in North America to unionize.

Sarah Broad, a barista at the Victoria location — one of the busiest on Vancouver Island — was the driving force behind the idea to unionize in the midst of the pandemic.

“It was the summer of 2020 and there was a lot of miscommunication and lack of communication between us and management. For example, with respect to what type of PPE we were supposed to be wearing. It felt like we weren’t being protected and we weren’t being prioritized. And we were being mistreated by customers,” Broad told me in an interview in Ottawa last month.

At dinner one night, Broad and her friends joked about unionizing and then decided to seriously look into it.

After reaching out to a few unions, the employees chose to work with the United Steelworkers (USW).

The decision caught Starbucks’ management by surprise, Broad said.

“We were receiving emails all the time about how disappointed they were in us,’ Broad recalled. “We were having conversations with the district managers and staff where they were saying how bad of an idea it is because unions are just a third party that gets in the way of communication, and we would have to pay union dues and it’s not worth it, and we wouldn’t be able to function as a normal Starbucks,” she said.

The vice-president of Starbucks Canada came to the store to speak with the employees. The workers decided to stick with their plan.

“Starbucks is a massive corporation, and we were asking them to treat us better. It was really intimidating, but it was empowering and exciting,” Broad said.

After months of negotiations, United Steelworkers (USW) announced a three-year deal that the union says better protects workers against workplace violence and aggression. It negotiated wage increases of up to $2.47 per hour based on years of service.

In a statement following the agreement, Starbucks Canada minimized the achievements accomplished by the employees. “After union dues and donations, some hourly employees in this store will earn only a few cents ($0.04 to $0.07) more per hour than other Starbucks partners in the province,” the statement reads.

Nevertheless, when reached for comment, a spokesperson for Starbucks Canada said in an email that while “All claims of anti-union activity are categorically false,” the company “continues to respect our partners’ right to organize, or not to organize, and we respect the union process.”

Yet, judging by recent comments by its interim CEO it appears that Starbucks is still frightened of the idea that more of its stores will unionize. In any case, it seems like the horse has left the barn. While there is only one unionized store in Canada (a recent attempt to unionize a Calgary store was voted down), south of the border a strong momentum is building: workers at more than 200 stores are in the process of unionizing.

Starbucks has been a leader on so many fronts. From being one of the first S&P 500 firms to publish a Corporate Social Responsibility report back in 2001, to its current initiatives with respect to fighting climate change. So it’s disappointing that it seems to view unionization as a threat.

Most worrying is a report by the New York Post of comments made by Howard Schultz, Starbucks’ legendary CEO who built the company into a coffee empire during his first term as CEO between 1987 and 2000 and was called to serve as interim CEO in the beginning of April.

In a recent meeting with Starbuck employees in California, Schultz told a 25-year-old barista advocating for unionization at his store in Long Beach, “If you hate Starbucks so much, why don’t you go somewhere else?” the New York Post reported.

The Starbucks Canada spokesperson echoed a similar sentiment in her statement saying: “From the beginning, we’ve been clear in our belief that we are better together as partners at Starbucks, without a union between us.”

But the reality is that unionization simply provides a safety net for employees and shouldn’t be viewed as a threat.

With the current worker shortage, especially in the food and service industries, the bargaining power in the workforce has shifted to the side of the employees. This makes it a perfect opportunity to unionize. Workers at retail giant Amazon scored an historical first win on a vote to unionize a Staten Island warehouse giving the labour movement another tailwind.

Schultz, who built Starbucks on principles of corporate social responsibility, should know better than anyone that employees who feel supported by their company are key to the company’s success. Hopefully, he will change his anti-union attitude and work with his partners and not against them.

Canada has 1,400 Starbucks stores, but only one is unionized. Victoria store organizer Broad said many employees are uninformed about the process and the potential benefits of unionization. Others are simply afraid of getting in trouble, she said.

Baristas of Canada, with or without Schultz’s support, this is your moment to take action. Improving working conditions and having a union representing you is your right, and it doesn’t stand in contradiction to being loyal to the coffee company you love working for.

Amir Barnea is an associate professor of finance at HEC Montréal and a freelance contributing columnist for the Star. Follow him on Twitter: @abarnea1
Starbucks eyes changes to mobile app after order deluge fuels barista burnout

Former Couche-Tard exec Deb Hall Lefevre tapped by CEO Howard Schultz as chief technology officer

Author of the article:
Hilary Russ
Apr 22, 2022


NEW YORK — Starbucks has hired a former McDonald’s executive to oversee technology as returning CEO Howard Schultz explores changes to the coffee chain’s drive-thru, mobile order-and-pay and other systems.

Deb Hall Lefevre will become Starbuck’s chief technology officer on May 2, according to a spokesperson. She takes over for Hans Melotte, who served as interim CTO for five months.

Changes are likely to include increasing personalization in the company’s mobile app for customers, as well as improvements to systems for employee training, scheduling and equipment maintenance to free up baristas to spend more time with customers, a Starbucks spokesperson said, adding Lefevre was not available to comment.

Hiring a CTO with experience in restaurants and retail will ensure that digital transactions run smoothly, which became particularly important during the pandemic as more customers flocked to mobile apps and new payment systems, said Chas Hermann, a consultant and former vice president of marketing at Starbucks.

Schultz “wants to have someone that can really run the engine in the car,” Hermann said. “But the driver in the seat will be Howard.”

As he returns to the CEO role for the third time, Schultz is plotting a broader corporate overhaul that also includes improved employee benefits aimed at deflating a ballooning union organizing effort at hundreds of cafes, which has been driven in part by barista burnout from a deluge of mobile orders.

Schultz already freed up potentially billions of dollars for investments by suspending share buybacks. When Starbucks reports earnings on May 3, investors will look to see if the company cuts its guidance and if price hikes have offset rising costs. The coffee chain missed sales and profit estimates last quarter and its stock has since fallen another 20 per cent and is down nearly 33 per cent for the year.

“We have to reimagine the customer experience….We have to reimagine mobile-order-and-pay, the drive-thru,” Schultz said in an April 11 video message to store managers and seen by Reuters.

At McDonald’s Corp, Lefevre oversaw all aspects of technology for its roughly 14,000 U.S. restaurants — helping launch its first app, introducing kiosks where customers place their own orders, launching digital menu boards — before moving in 2017 to Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc., the global operator of Circle K and other convenience stores.

Under her watch, Circle K launched trials of automated checkout systems at stores in Arizona — similar to Starbucks’ first cashier-less location that it opened with Amazon Go in New York City in November.

© Thomson Reuters 2022
"Dangerously Terrifying": Canadian poet Rupi Kaur's book banned in Texas

Daily Hive Staff 
Apr 24 2022


Book bans in Texas are affecting Canada, where one author is deeply troubled by young people no longer having the same access to their work.

On Friday, April 22, Canadian poet Rupi Kaur shared video clip of an interview she did with ABC News Live on her Instagram account after her work was banned in Texas.

“It breaks my heart,” Kaur said in the interview about the ban.

“It’s kind of disturbing to see the way those poems, our experiences about the abuse that we endure, are the reason that this book is being banned.”

“Over the last few months, parts of Texas and Oregon have banned or attempted to ban Milk and Honey from schools and libraries. Why? Because it explores sexual assault and violence experienced by a young woman,” Kaur wrote.

Over three million copies of Milk and Honey, a book of poems and short stories, have been sold worldwide since it was published in 2014. Now, Kaur says that being banned in Texas is “scary,” but they hope they can continue working with teachers and librarians to get it unbanned.

“The banning of Milk and Honey along with an ever-growing list of literature is dangerously terrifying. Banning books is the banning of culture and experiences for everybody,” she wrote in her post.

Kaur is about to embark on a world tour that will take her to numerous Canadian cities, so it’s a perfect opportunity to support the author.

According to a report from Pen America, censorship in the US has “expanded rapidly” in the last nine months.

“In Texas, politicians have been especially assertive in exercising pressure to scrutinize school books,” reads the report.
“Resorting to draconian tactics of banning books, silencing writers, and attempting to erase stories and communities represents an unacceptable attack on First Amendment freedoms fundamental to democracy,” concluded the report.
Here's when Canadians can catch the Blood Flower Moon total eclipse

Sarah Anderson
Apr 24 2022, 

Ronald Nieves/Shutterstock

The Canadian skies are set to be extra captivating in May 2022.

During the total eclipse, the moon will be shrouded in darkness, hidden from the sun’s light by the earth’s shadow.

When is the next lunar eclipse?

The next total eclipse of the moon is happening on May 15, 2022.

“The Moon will enter the penumbra at 9:31 pm EDT on May 15 (6:31 PM PDT) and leave it at 2:52 am EDT on May 16 (11:52 pm PDT on May 15),” said the Farmers’ Almanac.
Where is the lunar eclipse visible?

The lunar eclipse on May 15, 2022, will be visible in most of Canada. According to Wonders of Astronomy, the East Coast will get a great view as the eclipse begins later at night, while on the West Coast, the eclipse will have already begun as the moon rises.

Wonders of Astronomy

This eclipse will last for 84-minutes in total. Thankfully, you don’t have to wake up at 3 am for a chance to see this spectacular lunar event.

Of course, the weather will have to cooperate for people in Canada to get a chance to see it, and ideal conditions would be clear skies.
Why is it called the blood flower moon?

This May, the full moon is called the blood flower moon. The origin of the “flower” part of its name is because May is the time of year when lots of flowers are blooming.

“Blood” comes from the dark, rusty red colour the moon takes on as it changes from gleaming white to red during the eclipse.

According to, “the colours of a “Blood Moon” are caused by the Earth’s atmosphere, which sent some scattered and bent sunlight onto the lunar surface.”

Curious to learn more about the coming eclipse? You can watch an animation of what the eclipse will look like across Canada.