Friday, December 02, 2005

Leaders Debate Deja View

The MSM have conspired to NOT include the Leader of the Green Party into their little club known as the Leaders TV Debate. Again just like last election. The difference is that this time the Green Party got enough votes that they get taxpayers money. So taxpayers should get to hear from them.
Shame! Shame! cry the members of the
Progressive Blogging community pounding on their desks. We want to let them in on the debates.
The Green party is being given less attention this election than even last by the MSM and we ain't having it. The CBC places the Green Party under Other on their Web Site while the party earned enough votes to get taxpayer funding while the 'others' listed didn't come close.
If Buzz can get press for calling for Strategic voting, well its time fellow bloggers for us to demand fair play for the Green Party!
Whether ya vote for em or support em or NOT.
And so my fellow blogger, Murky View who is as offended as I over this deliberate censorship, err exclusion of the Greens from the Leaders TV Debate has launched a campaign to email complaints to the MSM.

Go Here and let the protest begin;
CALL TO ACTION: Green Party not in Debate

And you can email the TV Debate gang and ask them to let the Greens In:

Orla has produced an online petition to lobby for the Greens Right to be in the debate. Regardless of whether you support them or vote for them its their right to be heard.

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