Wednesday, January 18, 2006

AFL Endorses Linda Duncan

The Alberta Federation of Labour has come out endorsing not just the NDP but Linda Duncan the NDP candidate in Edmonton Strathcona.

Pundits looking in wrong place for candidate most likely to stop Harper from painting Alberta Tory blue

After discussing the Edmoton Centre campaign that the Pundits and national media has focused on Gil McGowan President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, and Edmonton Strathcona resident says;
But that doesn't mean Albertans will send nothing but Conservative MPs to
Ottawa on Election Day. McGowan says NDP candidate Linda Duncan has a real
chance in Edmonton-Strathcona - and he's sending a letter to union members in
the riding encouraging them to help put Duncan over the top.
In the letter, McGowan points out that more than six out of ten voters in
the riding voted against Conservative incumbent Rahim Jaffer in the last
election - giving him the lowest levels of support among all Tories in the
"The majority of Canadians seem determined to punish the Liberals at the
ballot box," writes McGowan in his letter. "That's understandable. But let's
not punish ourselves by voting Conservative - and allowing them to impose
their program-slashing, Medicare-weakening agenda."
As far as arguments about strategic voting go, McGowan says that the idea
the Liberals are in the best position to stop the Tories is now clearly
laughable - especially in Edmonton-Strathcona.
"The wheels have fallen off the Liberal wagon," says McGowan. "The
majority of voters still believe in a vision of a caring Canada - but they
don't believe that the Liberals provide anything more than lip service to
those values."
"So, with all due respect to people like Buzz Hargrove who have been
promoting the Liberals as the least offensive alternative, I say 'buzz off.'
The Conservative are probably going to form the government - so we need MPs
strong enough to stand up to them. In other words, we need MPs like Linda
Duncan, not some faceless Conservative back-bencher with a checkered past.
Nuff said. It's a two way race in Edmonton Strathcona.

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