Yep our newly elected Great Leader is looking more and more like another Great Leader, sans the moustache, as Right of Centre Ice writes; "Stalinization" of Harper's government begins

Is this Harper's ethical cleanup?
Toronto Star, Canada -
Prime Minister Stephen Harper promised during the recent election campaign to "clean up Ottawa." He said "accountability and ethics will be at the centre of ...
Harper won't bow to ethics czar on cabinet powers
Shapiro will go ahead with Harper probe
PM ratchets up battle over ethics probe
Forget a debate on Afghanistan: Harper
National Post, Canada -
Prime Minister Stephen Harper and General Rick Hillier greet members of the Canadian Forces as they arrive for annual Canadian Forces Appreciation night. ...
Afghan mission not up for debate, Harper says
Canada's Harper rejects debate on Afghan mission
Forget debate, Harper says Canadian troops are staying in ...
Also See:
Harper the Autocrat
Harpers Broken Promises: Accountability
Democracy Is Messy
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Canada, Government, PM, PMO, Harper, Stalin, Great, Leader, Autocrat, Ethics, Commissioner, Shapiro, Emerson, Conservatives
1 comment:
Another power-hungry Conservative. Thankfully, this one's stint won't last very long.
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