Shame on anyone, especially Liberals, for questioning Canada's mission in Afghanistan. Pulling out now would be reckless and cowardly. At the same time, shame on the Conservatives for surpressing debate. Says Syncategorematic
Well I question our involvement in Afghanistan, now and when we first went in. The attack on Afghanistan was based on Bush Administration lies much like the attack on Iraq. The alternative was to find Osama bin Laden and try him.
First Bush said it was to take out Osama bin Laden, who is at this date still at large. Then it was to take out the Taliban for supporting Osama, given a short window of opportunity to give him up according to an American time table the same ploy used to justify the invasion of Iraq; a shrot time table for Saddam to give up his non existant WMD. And lets not forget the Americans invaded because the Taliban oppressed everyone especially women.
So the U.S. special forces, the CIA and their Northern Alliance Warlords invaded, taking out the Taliban, with the usual air bombings killing civilians and of course our own troops. But the fact is once the U.S. and the Northern Alliance seized Kabul, the job was done. The U.S. now demanded more support from NATO so as to allow them to invade Iraq.
Well women are not free in Afghanistan. Elections were for Warlords, the Taliban are not gone, and Osama is free. This is not a liberation struggle by the people, no one asked the U.S. and NATO to invade. Nor are many happy with us staying there.
Opium production has increased, and Warlords maintain their power. So yes we do have to ask what the hell we are doing there.
I do not support our Government who sent our troops there, either the Liberals or the Tories. And no I do not support the gung ho military war mongers like General Hillier, or his syncophantic commanders like Fraser.
What should our troops be doing? Defending our Northern Soverignty, our 200 mile offshore limit on both coasts and seizing foreign fishing Trawlers.Defending our airspace from secret CIA flights. Peace Keeping. And oh yes cleaning Toronto streets next time there is a major snow storm, that's what.
All the same if one is going to support our Troops in the field with blind jingoism, my country right or wrong we do a disservice to them since they cannot express a free opinion since they are indentured servants of the State.
The State sends them to fight and die and they have to follow orders regardless of what they think. As citizens we have the duty to speak out against those orders that would endanger them if we do not support those orders. They cannot.
No one asked us, the citizens of Canada, about sending our troops to Afghanistan, nor are we being consulted now. Nor will the troops be, because democracy and the military are corollary opposites. So anyone who says challenging why we are in Afghanistan is betraying our troops is doing a far worse betrayal, a betrayal of democracy, which those troops are supposedly fighting and dying for.
“We have a saying in the army . . . we defend democracy, we don't practice it,” Gen. Rick Hillier
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