Sure they have overstayed their welcome without the proper papers , but we face nowhere near the illegal immigration of other countries. And they were promised an amnesty.
I refuse to call them illegal aliens, as my grandparents, and any of us whose grandparents came from non UK based countries, were so refered to.
The big " Enemy Alien" scare in 1919 during the Winnipeg General Strike was that it was led by Reds, Bolsheviki, aliens to Canada's very British way of life. The fact that the leaders of the General Strike were all English or Scottish trade unionists in no way related to the charges that the real force behind the strike was Ukrainian, Finn, Icelandic and Jewish labour activists.
The government of the day was of course Conservative. Eighty years later the Conservatives are in power once again and attacking immigrant workers as Aliens.
Bad enought they began deporting Portugese construction workers in Toronto, that has caused an outrage and raised concerns about the Conservatives immigration policy. Illegal immigrants told to stay 'underground'
One that appears influenced by the likes of Paul Fromm and his White Power advocates who influence the base of the Tories.
Here is the latest spin that the Conservatives will use to kick out undocumented workers; State security. And instead of it being Bolsheviki Reds they will use Terrorism as their excuse. But again like in 1919 the Conservatives will justify their reactionary policy with the supposeded threat of Enemy Aliens.
Cabbies speak out on arrest of colleague
Globe and Mail -1 Apr 2006
NEWMARKET -- The recent arrest of two Toronto-area men on immigration charges -- and a published report linking one to a notorious Pakistani terrorist group -- has cast a chill over neighbours and co-workers while raising fresh concerns about how Canada ...
Suspect denies terror linksCalgary Sun
Alleged al Qaeda terrorist arrested near London Free Press -Toronto Sun -York Region Era Banner -640 Toronto -all 26 related »
But we still have to ask why the Conservatives are hell bent on kicking out working class folks who are earning a living? It's not like we don't need them.
There is something sinister and white behind the Conservatives immigration concerns. It was no mistake they put a Mormon from white Southern Alberta in charge of Immigration. His riding is rife with racist attacks on foreign workers as the strike at Tysons showed last year.

Filipino caregiver in Canada to stay and fight deportation
Canadian immigration authorities set to deport Egyptian writer and ...
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