Gee wonder why the Conservatives just don't tell these folks about how their tax breaks are going to help them down on the farm. You know 5% is a Canadian Value. Ingrates.
So when in doubt sign over more welfare checks to farmers while you try and shut down the Wheat Board. Makes sense eh.
Note that the Ontario farmers protesting are demanding a protectionist market and subsidies like the US grants its agribusiness. Not exactly Tory farm policy.....Strahl doesn't mention market-solutions for protesting Farmers
Now imagine the crisis on the farm if we had a free and open market with no Wheat Board or other producer run cooperatives or marketing boards. It would be the end of the so called 'family farm'. Which is long in the tooth and almost non-existant in Canada now.
Strahl promises better relief for struggling farmers
CTV.ca -9 hours ago
As thousands of farmers converge on Parliament Hill for a massive rally, Federal Agriculture Minister Chuck Strahl is promising better relief for cash-strapped producers.
Provinces have to help, Strahl tells farmersGlobe and Mail
Harper promises money for farmersToronto Star Brandon Sun -Reuters Canada -CBC Manitoba -580 CFRA Radio -
Yep these guys would all be gone and all that would be left would be big Agribusiness corporations. Who would then demand subsidies like they do in the US.
Its the battle between the farmer Millionaires versus the Corporate Agri-Billionaires.
And the irony is that these guys are the right wing backbone of the Tories, who demand they kick folks off welfare.
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