Terrorists are supposedly creeping into the US from Canada. This is being proposed not only by wacko US congressmen but by our own homegrown self appointed experts.
Terror Land North: Canada Becomes America's New Next Threat
In this case a low level former CSIS agent who is making a living as a so called security expert. The reason to justify the passport and border laws the congress has passed.
Alienation at home, criticism from abroad
WASHINGTON -- A U.S. congressman warned yesterday that Canada, and in particular the enclave of "South Toronto," was a breeding ground for Islamic terrorists and that the United States will be under threat as long as passports are not required of all Canadians crossing the border."South Toronto, like those parts of London that are host to the radical imams who influenced the 9/11 terrorists and the shoe bomber, has people who adhere to a militant understanding of Islam," said John Hostettler, chairman of the House of Representatives subcommittee on immigration and border security, noting that Toronto has a very large South Asian community.
Mr. Hostettler's views were backed by several witnesses to the committee, including David Harris, an Ottawa lawyer and senior fellow at the Canadian Coalition for Democracies who used to work for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. He was the only Canadian asked to appear before the committee.
Mr. Harris described Canada as being "heavily infiltrated by terrorists" as well as "a recruiting, planning, financing and launch point for international terrorism."

Sorry to dissapoint youse guys but everyone already knew that Canada was the source of all evil south of the border years ago.
Anyone who watched Twin Peaks, knows all the truly twisted evil that happened in that Northern Washington State town always came from 'across the border'.
And these dweebs; Hostettler and Harris have about as much credibility as the log lady.
The real politicks of last weeks terrorist bust is far more mundane, but no less sinister;
'Cause our Chief Harpocrite can't do anything without asking Daddy first.
Canadian government, media use alleged terrorist plot to push right-wing agenda
One of the first things Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper did after the weekend arrests of 17 suspected Islamic terrorists in Ontario was to pick up the phone and thank President George W. Bush for American assistance in tying the alleged plot together.
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1 comment:
If we get the Gringos really scared of us maybe they'll stop raping and pillaging us all the time. Then again with Stephen Harper bending over the way he does...
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