Harper didn't attend the debate. Neither did Bloc Leader Gilles Duceppe.
In fact, the House of Commons was mostly empty during the five-hour debate with groups of MPs showing up to lend support to one particular speaker or the other.
While there were only eight NDP MPs at the beginning of the debate, the entire caucus of 29 MPs was in the House to hear their leader Jack Layton speak.
Similarly, about 60 of the 122 members of the Conservative caucus were on hand to hear Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor.
But as soon as O'Connor was done, many Conservative MPs left and for much of the night less than 20 were present.
Though there are 102 Liberal MPs in the House, just 21 of them were present when their defence critic Ujjal Dosanjh spoke. Opposition Leader Bill Graham did not deliver a speech although he asked a question of O'Connor during the debate.
The poorest attendance at the debate was from Bloc Quebecois MPs. When the BQ defence critic Claude Bachand spoke for his party, there was just one other Bloc MP present in the House. And for the first three hours of the debate at least, there were never more than four Bloc MPs present out of a caucus of 51.
Yep we need another debate alright. Not.

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