From veterans on Rememberance Day. Something that armchair warmongers like Harper will never understand because they never have been in combat.
Afghanistan puts new slant on day
Military mourners called it a different Remembrance Day than most - 34 soldiers have died in Afghanistan this year, and while troop support remains high, criticism of the mission is mounting.
"I have the utmost respect for our soldiers, but honestly, we need to get the hell out of (Afghanistan)," said Leduc native Wave Reynar, a man most military types would listen to.
The 62-year-old is a recently retired U.S. Marine Corps gunnery sergeant, who's fought in Vietnam, Granada, Iraq, and saw legions of casualties while serving in Beirut.
War has brought him silver and bronze stars, lunches with U.S. presidents, and even a purple heart.
But it's also brought grief - Reynar's son was killed in Iraq."That miserable war isn't worth one more life," Reynar said before bursting into tears at the Leduc Legion, where he was celebrating Remembrance Day with friends, among them several members of the RCMP.
Aart Van Sloten - would-be father-in-law of slain soldier Cpl. Ainsworth Dyer, killed in the 2002 friendly fire incident in Afghanistan - agreed dialogue over pulling out is reasonable.
He spoke after attending a Remembrance Day ceremony at Rundle park yesterday at a bridge named in Dyer's honour.
"We send troops to the armpit of the world and they go through hard times there. No one likes war and every time we hear of another soldier's death it gets harder.
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