Gee I thought the Conservatives represented all the Western Farmers.....
"I think if we lose the wheat board, we're going to lose a lot of income," said Larsen, who held up a pro-wheat board placard.
"I don't like the way (federal Agriculture Minister) Chuck Strahl has put forward such a manipulative and dishonest question on the barley plebiscite."
Stewart Wells, president of the National Farmers Union, got a loud ovation at the rally as he accused the federal Conservatives of being underhanded in their attempt to end the wheat board's marketing monopoly."We've had this endless stream of dirty tricks and manipulation and the gag orders and the firings," Wells told the cheering crowd. "For the first time in my life, I'm actually afraid for democracy in this country."
Stephen Harper's Conservatives are going to lose farm votes on the Prairies over their ideologically driven assault on the Canadian Wheat Board, says fired Wheat Board boss Adrian Measner.
Measner told reporters yesterday that the Harper minority government will pay for its campaign to end the board's monopoly when it goes to the polls.
"I have talked to a lot of farmers who say they are unhappy with what has happened," he said. "They voted Conservative in the last election, but won't in the next election."
Meanwhile the Harpocrites have failed to pay their own CWB CEO appointee his salary.
THE Canadian Wheat Board will pay its new chief executive officer just as soon as the Harper government enters discussions on what the president's salary should be, says a Manitoba farm leader."I think (Agriculture Minister Chuck) Strahl has led people to believe we're unwilling to pay our CEO, which is not true," said Bill Toews, one of two farmer-elected board members from Manitoba.
New wheat board CEO Greg Arason has not been paid in five weeks, ever since Strahl fired Adrian Measner and appointed Arason without consulting the board.
Hey Bill Toews wouldn't be related to Vic Toews would he?
And he is right Chuck is saying it ain't his fault. And who do you think he blames? Why the Wheat Board Directors of course.
The Wheat Board is the Tories favorite scapegoat. Not because the Harpocrties represent farmers, far from,it because they represent a small political special interest group and lobbyists for big agribusiness.
And because of these old Reform Party alliances they will continue to engage in this partisan attack on the Wheat Board despite the fact it makes money for the majority of farmers and is important in maintaining Canada's grain sovereignty in the world market.China wants Canadian Wheat Board to stay
Wheat BoardCanada, agriculture, wheat, WTO, G8, WheatBoard, farmers, Western-Canada, barley, wheat, Strahl, Government, Conservatives, Harper, Free-Trade, Klein, NDP, taxpayers, PR, propaganda,
Wheat Board
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