The Three Amigos are in Montreal this coming week-end to discuss their secret corporate pact to create a single EU style market place on the North American Continent.
Teach Ins are planned across Canada including in Alberta. Home of Petro Powers That Be. Organizers are to be congratulated for focusing on making these protests Teach Ins rather than the usual street protests that follow the G8, WTO, etc.
Since most folks have no clue as to the nature of these binding yet secret corporatist-state agreements, the point is to inform them.
We did a Teach In in Edmonton during the APEC Energy Conference. Since few people knew anything about APEC or this corporatist state model for global governance.
The annual APEC meeting was held in Vancouver which resulted in the first RCMP Attack on protesters, which was to become national and international state security policy in dealing with anti-globalization protests.
August 19
Edmonton, Alberta
Protesting the SPP in Edmonton! Help preserve Canada’s sovereignty, join the protest.
Host: Protest The S.P.P.
Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm GMT
Where: Legislative Assembly of Alberta Street: 10800 - 97 Ave. Edmonton, AB
Calgary, Alberta
Protesting the North American Union
Host: Lindsay Ross and other concerned citizens!.
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 3 p.m. GMT
Where: Calgary City Hall, 800 Macleod Trail SE, Calgary, AB, then marching to the U.S. Consulate at 615 Macleod Trail for more speeches
For cross Canada protests see Verbena-19
Free Labour = Free Of Unions
Derek Burney Voice of America
Deep Integration
Origins of the Captialist State In Canada
Time For A Canadian Steel Workers Union
Will Canadian Labour Accept Free Trade?Cold Gold
Mittal Plays Monopoly
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The irony that the NDP supported Free Trade and NAFTA.
You can thank stephen Lewis and Pierre Trudeau for Mulroney's most agregiuos and even crinianl "Free Trade" deal that has led to these meetings of "the three amigos".
Don't forget Tudeau, Lewis and Mulroney.
Three Canadian Twit-o's.
The NDP did NOT support FTA or NAFTA.
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