Harpers War; the body count has increased to 65
And it's a land mine by any other name that killed them. And the reason was that they were traveling in a 'light armoured vehicle' an ATV by any other name.
And as per usual the Afghani killed remains unnamed. As if he was just a bystander in the war.
SEENov 19, 2007 05:32 PM
MONTREAL – The family of a Quebec soldier who died in battle in Afghanistan says he was committed to making a difference in this world.
Cpl. Nicolas Raymond Beauchamp, 28, of the 5th Field Ambulance of CFB Valcartier, was killed on Saturday when his light armoured vehicle struck a roadside bomb.
Pte. Michel Levesque, 25, of the Royal 22nd Regiment – also known as the Van Doos – was also killed in the blast, as was an Afghan interpreter.
Harpers Body Count

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