Men fare better on IQ test - of CBC viewers, anyway
Well what do expect when the majority of contestants are men, the show is developed by men, the research is based on work by men and the show is based on male knowledge paradigms. The results are about as valid as those used by the fascist ideologue Phillip Rushton.
Parker and his team of colleagues drew lessons from other shows when writing the test. Since 2001, when the Netherlands aired the first Test the Nation, the format has been repeated in 40 countries.
Though the tests are all different and the categories varied, one interesting constant reappears in every show, Parker said.
"To date, men have slightly higher IQs than women. That's the only common pattern," he said.
In careful diplomatic language, Parker avoids drawing conclusions and explains the results this way: "Why is that? Maybe men are more competitive. Maybe it's more important to them and women don't take the test as seriously."
Canadian fellas scored about one point higher than women -- a minute difference, Parker pointed out. What's more, women underestimated their IQ while men overestimated themselves.
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