There is no official word if the suicide bomber was a member of PETA.
Assignment Kandahar: Dog Fights, then a Bloodbath
A suicide bomber killed scores of Afghans attending a dog fighting "festival" being held just outside the city.
No report on the number of dogs killed.
And apparently the bodyguards were responsible for as many deaths as the suicide bomber.
Men and boys were enjoying picnics or watching dog and cock fights when the blast happened. Six children and thirteen auxiliary policemen were among the dead. Many of the wounded were critically injured and the death toll was expected to rise. Witnesses claimed panicking bodyguards fired wildly after the explosion, hitting dazed survivors.
Faizullah Qar Gar, a resident of Kandahar who was at the dog fight, said the militant commanders' bodyguards opened fire on the crowd after the bombing.
"In my mind there were no Taliban to attack after the blast but the bodyguards were shooting anyway," he said.
And let's remember that in North America dog fighting is illegal and will get you kicked out of the NFL and put in jail. But in Kandahar, well it's a 'tradition', gee just like Burka's and boy brides.. Still haven't got rid of those either in liberated Afghanistan.
Ironically , like opium production, dog fighting was banned by the nasty Taleban.
Can you say medieval patriarchal society? The enemies of my enemy may not be any better....
Dog-fighting competitions, which were banned under the Taleban regime, are a popular pastime in Afghanistan.

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