Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Devils Dictionary Redux

Originally published on my page at Bloglines

With apologies to Ambrose Bierce who had the original idea.

My definitions of some popular words and phrases.




Alberta: See One Party State

Anarchism: marxism without marx

Anarchist: feline domesticus

Feudalism by any other name

Athiest: Squatter (See GOD)

Calgary: largest American City north of the 49th Parallel

see slavery

Capitalist: a merchant/banker with mercenaries who steals
common property to make it their own

Capitalist Planning: cutting your nose to spite your face

Capital Punishment:
'legal' murder of those who oppose the capitalist.

Communism: a good idea whose time is to come

Consumer: a worker suffering a commodity fetish

Creationism: the belief that the earth is flat and Alley Oop is a historical character

a suicide that doesn't know they are dead

Democracy: will that be Coke (tm) or Pepsi (tm)

Economists: if you lined up all the economists end to end they still would not reach a conclusion. (George Bernard Shaw)

Endangered Species: A socialist in the USA

The Holy Roman Empire

Existentialism: Marxism with Hope

FreeMason (AAFM): An upperclass Englishman pretending to be a Scots Tradesman

GOD: The Landlord of the universe

Knights Templars: gods bankers, says it all (also see capitalist)

Maoism: Stalinism with a human face

I'm no marxist.

A perjorative used by Warren Kinsella to refer to someone smarter than he is.

One Party State:
a country or region ruled by one political party and its leader, Cuba, North Korea, Alberta

Buzz Hargrove

PC: Progressive Conservative,

Unless you live in Alberta where it means Party of Calgary

Plagarism: Ayn Rand (noun, improper) whose 1938 novel Anthem reads suspicously like an english translation of WE by Yevgeny Zamiatin published in Russian in 1920. Rand was Russian.

Plagarist: Premier Ralph Klein of Alberta

Political Economy:
them that has the gold makes the rules

proletarian resistance to capitalist colonialism

Pirate: a motely crew of anarchists, rebels and freethinkers

Magick made respectible

Social Democracy: socialism for liberals

Socialism: "state capitalism with electricity" V.I. Lenin

Satan: " the First Rebel " Michael Bakunin

Satanism: Catholicism without guilt

Slavery: the origin of capitalism

Stalinism: meet the new boss same as the old boss

Strategic Voting; See Opportunism

Syndicalism: the heretical idea that workers can run society themselves without bosses or the state.

: Engineers rule!

: 4 people are on an island, one creates a central committee and the other three form factions.

Wage Slave:
I Owe, I Owe, it's off to Work I Go

Witch: heretic and anarchist (Chapter 1, The History of Witchcraft, by Montaque Summers)


It's always nice to be published, with a byline, in hardcopy. In this case my article; Harpers Faith Based Childcare, was printed in the fall issue of the B.C. Humanist Magazine. Thank's to reader; Ellen Ramsey.



Faith Based

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Nice to see someone read my article on the Gun Registry as a P3. And took time to quote from it.

And just a correction for Joe Calgary, I am not an executive member of CUPE. I was a member of my CUPE Local executive, and a Past President of CUPE Edmonton Council, but am not now.


Gun Registry



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Deer In Headlights

It seems that the current spat over Brad Lavigne has generated some 'official' response. In this case a missive from one Joanne Deer who claims to be the NDP's official' Party' Communication Director' while Brad Lavigne is the Caucus Communications Director.

Oh really then how come the NDP offical website says this;

Media Contacts

Canada’s NDP
Brad Lavigne, Director of Communications
(613) 236-3613 x2228

NDP Leader
Karl Belanger, Leader’s Media Officer
(613) 995-6767

NDP Caucus
Ian Capstick, Caucus Media Officer
(613) 995-8259

Is there another official NDP web site we don't know about? Deer caught in headlights.

Oops, he did it again

From the great work of Stephen Taylor and Greg Staples at the Liberal Leadership convention: " Hey! It's our friend Brad Lavigne from the NDP. Director of Communications and Research " I didn't hear a correction. You know - well actually Stephen, I'm Director of Communications and Research for the NDP Caucus, not the party. BTW, someone might want to point out to Brad that this excellent work was captured, edited, published and distributed by some of those bloggers that he's dismissive of.

Clearly the message got through, the response is less than inspiring.

Hello you have a communications break down. Says who, the folks in the field being your pundits in the blogosphere.

And it seems that our Deer Communications Director is selective in who she sends her emails to. Still waiting for mine.


Brad Lavigne


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Precocious Two Year Old

I am, I am. This blog is now two years old. The last of the original four I launched. Perhaps not the last just the survivor which is kept active.

And if you want to see the first post go here, it also has alot of the old widgets, links and design. But it loads fast.

this is post number 3189.

Which means that by the end of 2006 I will have blogged 4000 articles in two years.

Not only precocious but prolific, pontificating, political, punditry.

I have been a DIY web publisher/ activist for ten years now.

Just Shoppers' Guide

NO. 2 April 1996

Sports Shoes

Nike, Adidis, Puma, Hi-Tec, and Reebok all sub-contract the actual manufacturing to suppliers in China, the Phillipines, Thailand, or Indonesia, where wages are low. The following extract, from "When Corporations Rule the World" by David C. Korten, published by Earthscan, 1995, details Nike, which is one of the worst offenders.
An article from Clean Clothes Campaign, a Dutch organisation, is excellent reading on the sports shoe debate.

Another article by CCC on the continuous search by transnationals for cheaper labour in theclothing industry

Eugene Plawiuk writes a piece on recent action against Nike in Canada.

The politics of corruption in the 21st century

Cargill (under its subsidiary Excel) controls 22% of the market. . . . As a commodity broker, it buys and sells food and other commodities trying to get the best price for itself, regardless of the effects on the producer or consumer or their own workers’. 41



File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Eugene Plawiuk "No World Series?! Hec there's always baseball on PBS! ... As late as 1995, Australian Courts took the view that, unless a patent involved ...
www.piper-alderman.com.au/piperald.nsf/IPTBody/9999/$file/SportsMarketing.pdf -

The image “http://chnm.gmu.edu/images/logo_chnm_205.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The Future of Labor’s Past

John Summers

This article was originally published in Labor History 40, 1 (February 1999): 69-79 and is reprinted here with permission. Another site presents an electronic version of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn’s "Memories of the Industrial Workers of the World",39

LabourStart: Labour Web Site of the Week - Previous Weeks

8 May 1997

Eugene Plawiuk's Site (Canada)


Eugene Plawiuk works as a janitor in a school in Edmonton, Alberta. He's a trade union and socialist activist, working on labour education at the provincial level (for the Alberta Federation of Labor), helping the Alberta New Democrats slowly get back into the provincial parliament, and serving on the executive committee of his local trade union (CUPE). In his spare time (when does he have spare time?) he has established a website that would be the envy of major international trade union organizations -- if they understood the web well enough to be envious.

Eugene has a comprehensive global strike page, a (very popular) Nike page, the best list of Spanish Civil War links on the Web, dozens (hundreds?) of articles on trade unionism, social issues, the Internet, etc. When you visit this site, set aside some quality time for your PC. Relax into a comfortable chair. There's lots of good reading here.




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Monday, December 18, 2006

Man Of The Year

Hugo Chavez.

Singer, Popular TV Show host, revolutionary, socialist,Anti-Imperialist, heir of Castro, and democratically re-elected President of Venezuela, for a third time!

Hugo Chavez who was in the lead and the WINNER of Time Online Poll for Person of the Year 2006. He did not even win as their newsmaker of the year.

Even if he had the best performance at the UN.

He did make it as a runner up in the US edition though, unlike our PM Stephen Harper.

Who Should Be Person of the Year?
TIME's Person of the Year is the person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or for ill, and embodied what was important about the year. Who do you think fits the bill this year?

35% Hugo Chavez

21% Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

11% Nancy Pelosi

11% The YouTube Guys

8% George W. Bush

7% Al Gore

5% Condoleezza Rice

2% Kim Jong Il

A tip o' the blog to Canadian Observer



Latin America

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