Saturday, June 03, 2006

CN Confusion

The Edmonton Sun editorial board like most Albertans are confused, about why we can swim in Lake Wabamun, but can't shower or wash dishes with water from the lake. Apparently because we should not ingest the tainted water.

The Sun is confused as to why CN has not been sued by the Alberta Government for having polluted the lake last year.

And Albertans are confused about why the Government has done nothing leaving it up to local residents to blockade and go through civil court to get compensation from CN.

Yep we are all confused when the peoples government abdicates its responsibilities because it of course would never think of regulating business.

We are confused when the Federal government fails to enforce the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, TDG, Act.

We are confused when the environment department says go swim but Capital Health says don't.

We are confused when both the Wabamun property owners and their neighbours; the Aborginal community have to sue CN without support from the the State whose laws CN violated.

Yep confusion reigns in Alberta where the State is not in the business of regulating business. Duh Oh.

Also See: CN

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Clever Canadians

Yep we are smarter than Americans and the French. That's cause we are a bilingual nation. Double the smarts. Double the Fun. Hmmm wonder if I could get in trouble for that last line? Not any more thanks to the Supremes. Throw another steak on the Barbie.

Supreme Court sides with restaurant in Barbie trademark dispute

The Supreme Court of Canada has found Canadians are unlikely to confuse Barbie dolls with a Montreal restaurant, or mistake Veueve Clicquot champagne for a chain of women's clothing stores.

In a rare and closely-watched judgment on trade-marks, the court ruled that "famous" trademarks do not extend to different products or services that cannot be confused with the original.

"The fact of being famous or well known does not by itself provide absolute protection for a trade-mark," the court declared.

Mattel Inc., the maker of Barbie dolls and owner of the Barbie trade-mark, was trying to prevent a Montreal business owner from registering the name Barbie's Bar and Grill. It argued that the "aura" of Barbie dolls goes beyond the line of children's toys.

Veuve Clicquot, the French champagne maker, was opposed to a women's retailer calling its chain of six stores in Ontario and Quebec Les Boutique Cliquot.

And just in case you can't tell the difference......

Barbie and friend



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Another Character Generator

Which Science Fiction / Fantasy TV Character are ya. Well this is what I got.

John Sheridan

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

An experienced survivor who has maneuvered around many obstacles, you are looked up to by those who rely on your good judgment.

In the last few years, we've stumbled. We stumbled at the death of the president, the war, and on and on. When you stumble a lot you tend to look at your feet. Now we have to make people lift their eyes back to the horizon and see the line of ancestors behind us saying, "Make my life have meaning," and to our inheritors before us saying, "create the world we will live in."

John is a character in the Babylon 5 universe. You can read his biography at the Worlds of JMS fansite.

Also See:

I'm a superhero

Hey I'm A Heretic

Quiz Time Again

Animal Quiz

Political Compass

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Practising Catholicism

Just another week of Catholics in the news. Societies moral guardians at work and play.

Priest faces more sex allegations

CHATHAM -- Nearly four dozen women now allege they were sexually assaulted decades ago by a Roman Catholic priest. Charles Sylvestre, 84, of Belle River, faces 61 sex-related charges involving 47 women, a court heard yesterday. Sylvestre, who is retired, was a parish priest in London, Sarnia, Chatham, Pain Court, Windsor and Port Dover

Irish priest convicted of rape of 13-year-old

DUBLIN, Ireland - A Dublin jury convicted a Roman Catholic priest Wednesday of raping a 13-year-old girl.

The temptations while servicing the church
The Windhoek Observer is good at carrying stories on ‘tendo la ndoa’. It reported this week that Roman Catholic priest, Hans Peter Nagels (80) of Otjiwarongo church last Thursday appeared in court facing four counts of rape.

June 2 trial of 4 US Marines charged with rape

Jesuit Father James Reuter, 90, who is ministering to the accused servicemen, likewise is concerned about the way the media have treated them.

The American priest told UCA News he is "saddened" that the four men have been seen not "as individuals" but as an opportunity to fight the ongoing joint military exercises between American and Filipino troops under the 1998 Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA).


LOWELL -- Having the parish priest mentor your kids is a high honor for any working-class Irish Catholic family -- especially when the church is your reason for living.

Larry Finn's parents, Mickey and Ann, trusted Rev. Joseph Birmingham. While serving at St. Michael Church, the priest took a special interest in the Finn's 12-year-old son, taking him on ski trips and for rides in his gold Cadillac.

"He let me drive his car," Finn said. "He enjoyed letting me sit on his lap while he got aroused. ... He made me touch his privates, and he touched mine."

Finn was repeatedly violated by the priest. Now 46 and standing at the altar of St. Michael's, Finn finds himself returning to a place he has tried to forget since childhood. Looking out at more than 100 faces inside St. Michael's, Finn recounted his story of sexual abuse and innocence lost at the hands of Birmingham.

Effects of child abuse exaggerated, says priest
THE Catholic church has defended a Northern Ireland priest who said the effects of child sex abuse were exaggerated.

The priest’s comments came in a judgment rejecting the request of Roisin Fry, a Belfast woman, for an annulment of her marriage. She blamed the breakdown of the union on damage resulting from her sexual abuse as a child by a priest.

But the priest stated that “there is undoubtedly a tendency to exaggerate” the effects of such abuse. It was later defended by Sean Brady, the archbishop of Armagh, who said the priest did not mean to offend but “was merely carrying out his duty to defend the bond of marriage”.

The sins of the Father

NO DIRECT evidence tied a Toledo priest to the bizarre ritualistic murder of a Roman Catholic nun 26 years ago, but plenty of circumstantial evidence did.

To the jury's credit in reaching its surprisingly swift guilty verdict against the Rev. Gerald Robinson, justice may have been delayed - by a quarter century or so - but ultimately, it was not denied.
When Sister Margaret Ann Pahl was found murdered in the sacristy of the Mercy Hospital chapel where she and Robinson worked, he was an early suspect. But according to police testimony, an investigation into the priest was just beginning when it was abruptly terminated. No one was charged in the crime.
The man convicted a generation later of killing Sister Margaret Ann actually presided over her funeral and went on to serve as pastor in three Toledo Diocese parishes.

ICRT keeps acquitted Rwandan officials in 'safe house'
Meanwhile, a Catholic priest, Father Gabriel Maindron, also known as Munderere, leads the list of the most wanted genocide suspects published recently by the Rwandan Government. He was the priest in charge of the Congo-Nil Parish in Kibuye Prefecture

To answer God's call is tough

Archbishop Mataca said it was his mission to ensure more locals joined the priesthood.

"The church asked every family and parish to pray for more men to join the calling of God and it has continued."

He does not deny there have been problems.

"We all make mistakes and men who aspire to become a priest are dealt with if they do not abide by the rules," he said.

There is a case relating to an alleged rape by a seminarian which is before the court.

by : Ferds Sevilla

LIKE exotic flowers in a dark forest, vestal virgins emit a potent scent that sends sex fiends into a ravenous hunt for such idyllic prey. Even pagan gods preferred their human gifts to be nubile, fresh and untouched.

So did four young men of God in a Catholic church in Sta. Mesa, Manila. Their distorted faith allegedly told them to mix lust with prayers, and feast repeatedly on three girls. “Niligawan kami sa simbahan, tapos dinala kami sa bahay ni kuya. Doon nangyari ang lahat.”

Thus began the graphic narration of an eleven-year old, one of three girls allegedly sexually-ravished over and over by at least four altar boys.

Retired Catholic priest gets 3 years for child molestation
Wempe agreed to forgo appeal on single count

Ex-teacher to serve 4 years in child porn case
A former religion teacher and coach of several athletic teams at St. Joseph's High School in Hammonton was sentenced Friday to four years in federal prison for possessing as many as 300 images of child pornography.

Public's views on Imesch vary

Of late, Imesch has sought forgiveness himself, from people who were sexually abused by Joliet priests when they were children.

He's also appealed to faithful parishioners who felt betrayed by his response to reports of sordid sexual escapades.

The sexual abuse crisis has dominated discussion about Imesch during the twilight of his career, overshadowing his earlier achievements.

Victims' group attacks bishop's statements

May 16, 2006

A national organization of people sexually abused by clergy is blasting Vermont Catholic Bishop Salvatore Matano for "attacking deeply wounded men and women who were raped as kids by priests."

In a recent letter to the state's 118,000 Catholics, Matano explained why the statewide Diocese of Burlington, fearing the costs of 19 priest misconduct lawsuits against it, just placed its 128 local parishes in charitable trusts.

"In such litigious times, it would be a gross act of mismanagement if I did not do everything possible to protect our parishes and the interests of the faithful from unbridled, unjust and terribly unreasonable assault," Matano wrote.

Coalition asks O'Malley to help change sex crime laws

Groups want more public disclosure

A coalition of clergy sexual abuse survivors groups and their supporters have written to Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley, asking him to develop a public list of archdiocesan priests and employees dismissed for sexual misconduct and to publicly support changes in sex-crime laws.

The coalition also announced yesterday that it will hand out leaflets at each stop on the cardinal's pilgrimage, scheduled to start today, to parishes around the Archdiocese of Boston with particularly painful histories of clergy sex abuse. The leaflets are intended for victims of abuse who have not come forward but who may attend the services and will include the names of ``credibly accused perpetrator priests" who served in the parish and phone numbers to call for information and support.


· NEW YORK -- A Roman Catholic priest pleaded guilty to grand larceny for financing a lavish lifestyle of vacations, country clubs and fancy clothes with more than $800,000 looted from his parish. Attorneys for Monsignor John Woolsey, 67, pastor of the Church of St. John the Martyr, entered the plea as part of a deal in which the judge promised him a sentence of one to five years.

Also See:

Papal Fallibility

Pope Benedict Deus Cannus Est

Catholic Hajib

Another Catholic Child Molester

Christian Killers and Rapists

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Zionist Response To CUPE

CUPE Ontario voted to endorse an international boycott of Israel. This was the typical response from the right.
Jewish community called the union's move anti-Semitic. "Its initiatives don't recognize Israel's right to defend itself in the face of terror," said a source.

The Israel lobby still fails to understand the difference between Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism. Just like this dweeb.

Pre-1948 partition of Palestine.

After Six Days War 1967

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Declining Public Sector

Public sector employment
Year Federal government Provincial and territorial government Local government Total government Government business enterprises Total public sector

1990 406 1,387 869 2,663 365 3,027
1991 415 1,402 889 2,706 351 3,057
1992 411 1,409 904 2,725 338 3,063
1993 405 1,397 910 2,712 326 3,037
1994 394 1,376 909 2,679 324 3,003
1995 371 1,370 907 2,649 309 2,958
1996 356 1,315 907 2,579 273 2,851
1997 338 1,302 891 2,531 258 2,789
1998 331 1,300 888 2,518 261 2,779
1999 328 1,296 885 2,509 262 2,771
2000 335 1,304 882 2,521 266 2,787
2001 351 1,314 882 2,547 266 2,814
2002 359 1,335 887 2,582 264 2,846
2003 366 1,382 893 2,642 267 2,909
2004 367 1,393 916 2,676 265 2,941
2005 371 1,413 933 2,716 263 2,980
Numbers may not add up due to rounding.

Federal public sector jobs have declined since 1990. So has employment in the Post Office and other Canadian government businesses.What has increased is contracting out of public sector work , which Stats Canada defines as self employment. Such contracting out allows the State to benefit since wages, benefits, pensions etc. are downloaded onto the individual.

An estimated 2.5 million people were self-employed in Canada last year, representing 15.5 per cent of all workers.

The increase in provincial public sector jobs is not really an increase but a return to the levels before the drastic slash and burn policies of the neo-liberal state during the debt and defiict hysteria of the ninties. The increase probably corresponds to the increased hiring of doctors and nurses which has occured over the past four years.

While business likes to say they create jobs, the reality is that the state remains a major employer of Canadians.

A tip o the blog to My Blahg

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The Conservatives Sixth Priority

Screwing judges. Tories cut recommended pay hike for judges

Because of course as we all know;
Courts Stacked With Liberal Judges says Conservative Leader Harper

They voted for the independent commission when they were the opposition, now they refuse to accept its recommendations. Independent. Non government interefence. Hmmm what part of that don't the Tories understand.

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Full Monte

Ah poor Monte Solberg, minister of Immigration and silence over racism in his community, was shouted down by Jaggi Singh and other anarchist activists at a speech he was to give to a meeting organized by the liberal lobby group; Citizens for Public Justice.

The Blogging Tories are all in a tizzy over it.

Professional Protestor back to work

Protesters chase Solberg

Well unfortunately for all involved in this 'action' , mistakenly called a 'direct action' , the result will make it easy for Monte to justify crawling back into his hole , like that other
denizen of Southern Alberta; the gopher, not to come back out again in public.

Way to go guys. You just gave the notoriously secretive Conservative government and its Minister an excuse to stay behind closed doors. Not that they needed it.

You get 0 for strategy and -1 for tactics.

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Destroying the Federation

Link Byfield and his tax exempt foundation the so called Citizens Centre for Freedom and Democrary, funded by bankrupting the Alberta Report, will be holding a Right Wing Love in this fall in Calgary. Entitled ironically Renewing the Federation.

What they really want is to devolve all power to the provinces. More like destroying the federation. Whenever you have Citizens or Taxpayers in your name you know that the politics are to the right. Here is another irony, Alberta is a One Party State with far less accountability or transparency than any other government in the hemisphere. Yep this is real model for citizen democracy and freedom.

ncluded in his rouges gallery of speakers are several candidates for the leadership of the Alberta Party of Calgary, to replace Ralph. And Ralph will be speaking too. Presto Manning will be speaking. Its the Reform party alumni.

I have blogged about Byfield's right wing lobby effort before. His private club the CCFD wish to ban same sex marriage by allowing provinces to secede from Canada. That sums it up. Anyways they also can't spell.

The Sunday morning session begins with
Dr. Barry Cooper of the University of Calgary political science department, a prominent Canadian political author and commentator.

He will propose National Principle 3: "That national institutions and governments reflet (sic) and respect the exclusive responsibility of provinces for social and economic development."

And while there is a need for a new confederation in Canada, this is not it.

The Bankruptcy of Liberal Federalism

Also See:

Link Byfield

Macleans the New Alberta Report

Social Credit And Western Canadian Radicalism

Historical Memory on the Eve of the Election

Calgary Herald Remembers RB Bennet

Right to Life = Right To Work

Western Canadian Populism

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Capitalism With A Soul

Socially Responsible Investing, mutual funds that invest in Nice Corporations, or force Corporations to be nice. Mutual Funds. The very origin of ponzi investing schemes in the United States after WWII. Outlawed and regulated after the 1929 crash Mutual Funds became a form of Peoples Capitalism with advent of Bernie Cornfeld and IOS.

Cornfeld and his pals ironically were Trotskyites for a short period while in college. Reminding us of the Trots who later became the very backbone of the neo-conservative movement in the United States. Anyways after the IOS scandal mutual funds were disreputable until the 1980's when they became popular again. Especailly after the 1987 crash which they survived. Today credit unions, peoples capitalism, promote socially responsible mutual funds. They are big in Canada as well as the US. As Motely Fool reports;
Stocks With Scruples

Here's the scoop, and please don't take it too personally: It really doesn't matter how you feel about SRI. Like it or not, this way of investing has already made its presence known in the press and in the boardroom, on campus and in congregations, through a larger number of tailored securities products, increased shareholder activism, and greater corporate acknowledgement. According to the Social Investment Forum's fifth biennial report on investment trends, which was released in January, SRI investment assets have grown faster since 1995 than all other managed assets in this country -- more than 258%. That report documents an 18.5% increase in SRI mutual funds and a 16% rise in social and corporate governance resolutions over the past two years.
And surprisingly SRI mutual funds did better in May than other mutual funds. Proving you can have your cake and eat it too. Peoples Capitalism, ethical investing, oh joy make that an Americana Vente low fat with two sugars please.

May not a merry month for mutual fund investors and salespeople

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