Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Could It Be Satan

Welcome to the bible belt, home of every kind of Christian sect and cult and nutbar. Here we go again, what was old is new again.

Remember when you ruined your record collection and stereo needle trying to find all those hidden Satanic messages in Led Zepplins; Stair Way To Heaven. Welcome to the digital age
. Albertan finds Satan in music downloads Say it ain't so.

I always thought of Bill Gates as Moloch but Steve Jobs is Satan, who knew!

"I grew up hearing and believing there were satanic messages in rock music and I wanted to find out for myself," said Milner, a 26-year-old University of Lethbridge new media student. "I think it's cool, but there are some people who find it so gripping they spend the whole day listening. You might call it obsessive."

Yep I would. And I would call this generational satanic hysteria, since it was passed down from Father to Son.

"My dad thinks it's Satan influencing rockers to put it into the songs," he said.

You don't need to play the songs backwards there are lots of Satanic Black/Heavy Metal Bands out there, and then there is always Diamanda Galas.

The Black Metal/Death Metal movement is highly popular in Norway. And is associated in the public mind with Satanism. Norweigans also believe that George Bush is a satanist.

Norwegians confused by Bush family's "Satanic salute"Associated PressJanuary 21, 2005OSLO, Norway - Many Norwegian television viewers were shocked to see U.S. President George W. Bush and family apparently saluting Satan during the U.S. inauguration.But in reality, it was just a sign of respect for the University of Texas Longhorns, whose fans are known to shout out "Hook 'em, horns!" at athletic events.The president and family were photographed lifting their right hands with their index and pinky fingers raised up, much like a horn.But in much of the world those "horns" are a sign of the devil. In the Nordics, the hand gesture is popular among death metal and black metal groups and fans."Shock greeting from Bush daughter," a headline in the Norwegian Internet newspaper Nettavisen said late Wednesday above a photograph of Bush's daughter, Jenna, smiling and showing the sign.Bush, a former Texas governor, was simply greeting the Texas Longhorn marching band as it passed during a Washington D.C. parade in the president's honor, explained Verdens Gang, Norway's largest newspaper.Just the same, the Internet was abuzz Thursday with speculation about what the Bushes really mean by the sign.


1 comment:

Tor said...

So much for the superiority of Scandinavian education.

