The Blogging Tories and other syncophants of the Harpocrite government will be doing cartwheels over the latest poll headlines: PM's agenda resonating with voters, new poll finds
But wait lets dig a little deeper and we find;
In all regions of the country, about 9 per cent of respondents said Mr. Harper's priorities were identical to their own,
So we have a government that represents the interests of less than 10% of Canadians. There should be no joy in Mudville over that number.
It has remained static. This is the real base of the right wing in Canada.
Meanwhile the great unwashed middle, 54-58% of those polled, is found to be 'supportive' of the governments priorities but, and it's a BIG BUT;
And this poll will bouy the Stalinist regime of the Harpocrite. He will use the poll to justify his autarchic authoritarian control over his party and the cabinet in Ottawa,Alberta. And let's remember it's only a honeymoon poll.“When you poke further and say, ‘Do you have any other priorities?' a solid majority say yes,” Mr. Gregg said.
Those other priorities cover a broad range of issues, topped by education, the environment and other aspects of health beyond the reduction of waiting times.
“When you put those three together, you've got a good solid chunk of the population and that should be a little warning sign to him,” Mr. Gregg said. “There's stuff that he's doing right now in terms of cutting back on the greenhouse-gas emissions that just plays to his weakness.”
The government has had only one week in the house with a question period dominated by the Harpocrite anwsering for all his ministers. Wait till the budget and the bills come into the house. What we have here is Stephen Bush, remaking the PMO into the White House.
It's not obvious that Canadians will be comfortable with this new Canada. What is certain is that this much change can only happen if a prime minister applies his extraordinary powers in ways usually associated with presidents.And that's what Harper is doing. In commanding centre stage, he is accelerating a trend that reduces ministers to bit players whose principal role is filling policy blanks. At the same time, he's reading from the George W. Bush script by staying relentlessly on-message and playing to public perceptions of the media as negative, unruly children in desperate need of adult discipline. PM's control strategy is working — for now
For an excellent slice and dice commentary on this poll see:A BCer in Toronto
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