My favorite blog nutbar, after this guy, Herr Wiener Patels proves my point about being a blog spammer.
He published an attack on me, not once but three times. Same post on all three of his blogs.
He also libels me by claiming I use 'school' property to produce my blog. Which I don't. I produce this on my home computer.Twit.
Ah blog wars are so much fun eh, wot. Since Herr Patels has proven my point, I will now cease documenting the trials and tribulations of this multipleblog personality.
Let the shunning begin.
Blogosphere Is Fast Becoming A Cesspool
an ideal world, of course, any blog that has a 99% content of schlock would be deleted automatically within 24 hours, such as Eugene Plawiuk?s blog. One can dream, right? If you care to waste a few minutes of your time, visit Eugene Plawiuk?s blog
Blogosphere Is Fast Becoming A Cesspool
an ideal world, of course, any blog that has a 99% content of schlock would be deleted automatically within 24 hours, such as Eugene Plawiuk?s blog. One can dream, right? If you care to waste a few minutes of your time, visit Eugene Plawiuk?s blog
Blogosphere Is Fast Becoming A Cesspool
an ideal world, of course, any blog that has a 99% content of schlock would be deleted automatically within 24 hours, such as Eugene Plawiuk?s blog. One can dream, right? If you care to waste a few minutes of your time, visit Eugene Plawiuk?s blog
Patels, blog, blogging, bloggers, Canada, Alberta, Calgary
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