The Edmonton Sun editorial board like most Albertans are confused, about why we can swim in Lake Wabamun, but can't shower or wash dishes with water from the lake. Apparently because we should not ingest the tainted water.
The Sun is confused as to why CN has not been sued by the Alberta Government for having polluted the lake last year.
And Albertans are confused about why the Government has done nothing leaving it up to local residents to blockade and go through civil court to get compensation from CN.
Yep we are all confused when the peoples government abdicates its responsibilities because it of course would never think of regulating business.
We are confused when the Federal government fails to enforce the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, TDG, Act.
We are confused when the environment department says go swim but Capital Health says don't.
We are confused when both the Wabamun property owners and their neighbours; the Aborginal community have to sue CN without support from the the State whose laws CN violated.
Yep confusion reigns in Alberta where the State is not in the business of regulating business. Duh Oh.
Also See: CN
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