Socially Responsible Investing, mutual funds that invest in Nice Corporations, or force Corporations to be nice. Mutual Funds. The very origin of ponzi investing schemes in the United States after WWII. Outlawed and regulated after the 1929 crash Mutual Funds became a form of Peoples Capitalism with advent of Bernie Cornfeld and IOS.
Cornfeld and his pals ironically were Trotskyites for a short period while in college. Reminding us of the Trots who later became the very backbone of the neo-conservative movement in the United States. Anyways after the IOS scandal mutual funds were disreputable until the 1980's when they became popular again. Especailly after the 1987 crash which they survived. Today credit unions, peoples capitalism, promote socially responsible mutual funds. They are big in Canada as well as the US. As Motely Fool reports; Stocks With Scruples
Here's the scoop, and please don't take it too personally: It really doesn't matter how you feel about SRI. Like it or not, this way of investing has already made its presence known in the press and in the boardroom, on campus and in congregations, through a larger number of tailored securities products, increased shareholder activism, and greater corporate acknowledgement. According to the Social Investment Forum's fifth biennial report on investment trends, which was released in January, SRI investment assets have grown faster since 1995 than all other managed assets in this country -- more than 258%. That report documents an 18.5% increase in SRI mutual funds and a 16% rise in social and corporate governance resolutions over the past two years.And surprisingly SRI mutual funds did better in May than other mutual funds. Proving you can have your cake and eat it too. Peoples Capitalism, ethical investing, oh joy make that an Americana Vente low fat with two sugars please.
May not a merry month for mutual fund investors and salespeople
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