Ah poor Monte Solberg, minister of Immigration and silence over racism in his community, was shouted down by Jaggi Singh and other anarchist activists at a speech he was to give to a meeting organized by the liberal lobby group; Citizens for Public Justice.
The Blogging Tories are all in a tizzy over it.
Professional Protestor back to work
Protesters chase Solberg
Well unfortunately for all involved in this 'action' , mistakenly called a 'direct action' , the result will make it easy for Monte to justify crawling back into his hole , like that other denizen of Southern Alberta; the gopher, not to come back out again in public.
Way to go guys. You just gave the notoriously secretive Conservative government and its Minister an excuse to stay behind closed doors. Not that they needed it.
You get 0 for strategy and -1 for tactics.
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These guys have been dogging Monte for months now. But considering he refuses to meet with them--you only get an audience with his majesties government these days if you belong to the business or rightwing religious community--they have no choice.
Very Ontario centric. Jaggi and company could visit Monte at home, mobilizing the immigrant workers at Tysons, to make the point even more effectively.
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