Well that social parasite the Queen, for one. She is celebrating her birthday, AGAIN this week for one. Those British aristocrats just can't get enough of their Queen. Threw her another birthday party.Which we all pay for.
Britain`s last Queen?Though as Canadians we may have saved some money on this her second birthday party.Where's Michaelle?And one implication of all this that must trouble Her Majesty as she receives the genuinely affectionate birthday greetings of her subjects is that the future of the Monarchy she inherited is very far from secure.
Another new poll for Britain`s ITV News this week suggested that while 52 percent of Brits think the Queen provides 'good value for money,' only 31 percent think the same of her son and heir Prince Charles. Yet another poll this month in The Times found that only 37 percent of Brits think that Charles should succeed his mother.
But wait apparently she is secretly a Marxist! Queen Elizabeth supports Marxism
But for those who have no use for royalty, well we have someone we can celebrate who is turning 80. None other than that arch nemesis of Amerika; Comrade Fidel Castro. And he is a Marxist just like the Queen.
One of the revolution’s endearing features has been its ability to reinvent itself. Castro was originally a guerrilla revolutionary with a utopian programme to create a new society; later, in the 1970s, he became a Soviet placeman with a communist blueprint; then in the 1990s (after the collapse of the Soviet Union) he was a simple hand-to-mouth survivor, regardless of the ideological cost. In the 21st century he describes himself as a socialist, but is also a fully paid-up green campaigner. Efforts to curb corruption, save energy and promote organic farming are all part of a new struggle to put revolutionary fire into the bellies of a younger generation that doesn’t remember the palmy days of the Soviet-subsidised era, let alone the revolutionary excitements of half a century ago.
Castro, in his 80th year, is the same age as the Queen of England. He has been Cuba’s ruler for almost as long and is still apparently as active as ever. Last November, he spoke for five hours at the university and then talked to the students until dawn. Yet he doesn’t look well. While I used to think he could go on for another decade, I now suspect he may not last much beyond the celebrations of the revolution’s half century in 2009.
Castro may well be of the same opinion. Speaking to the university students, he addressed the problem of what might happen after his death, and asked a series of rhetorical questions: “When the veterans start disappearing, to make room for new generations of leaders, what will be done? Can the revolutionary process be made irreversible?’’ He warned that it would be possible for the country to self-destruct. He said it would be up to the new generation to see that this did not happen, admitting that his own rule had hardly been perfect. “After all, we witnessed many mistakes that we simply did not notice at the time.’’In an interview, Dr Kaunda said he was delighted that President Castro had invited him to attend his 80th birthday celebrations scheduled for August. "We have been personal friends for a long time indeed," Dr Kaunda said.
Coordinator for Africa and the Middle East in the Department of International Relations of the Central Council of the Cuban Communist Party, Dr Rodolfo Puente Ferro, disclosed to The Post in Havana, Cuba, last week that Dr Kaunda was among the eminent personalities from around the world who would grace President Castro's 80th birthday anivessarry on August 13, 2006.
And Dr Kaunda said President Castro had contributed towards a safe global village due to his belief in socialism, which favoured the poor people.
He said President Castro had succeeded in making the Cuban population as one of the most educated people in Latin America. "He has trained doctors, engineers and professionals...a number of those doctors, engineers and other professionals have come to Africa to assist the poverty stricken continent," Dr Kaunda said.
"When Angola was invaded by the Afrikaans or Boers' troops, Comrade Castro sent his troops to assist his brothers here in Africa."
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Made In Cuba Green Policy
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1 comment:
My MIL is 80 this year, too, and she's an amazing activist, still!
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