It just is not the Republicans week. We had the continuing saga of Foley Fallout. And then the expose of how Karl Rove used f***ing Faith Based Intitatives for political purposes.
And less than a month to the elections. More Republican scandal makes the headlines. Giving new mean to "You Don't Know Jack".
Representative Ney Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy in Abramoff Case
Senate blasts non-profits for working for Abramoff
one run by prominent Republican Grover Norquist, ``perpetrated a fraud'' on taxpayers by selling their clout to lobbyist Jack Abramoff
Jewish Religious Right Agency Shuts Down in Abramoff Scandal
"Citizens Against Government Waste has said some highly critical things about open source software in the past. They've also pounced on supporters of the OpenDocument Format along the way. Alas, it seems their close ties to Jack Abramoff have drawn the (unfavorable) attention of Senate staff."
More evidence of less-than-savory ties between Rep. John Doolittle (R-CA) and Jack Abramoff.
AP Exclusive: Records suggest Abramoff, Pombo lobbying contacts
Powerful Assistant Not Without Controversy
As the top administrative aide to Bush strategist Karl Rove, Ralston brings the scandal of imprisoned former lobbyist Jack Abramoff right into Bush’s inner circle.
Prosecutors seek 30 to 37 months for ex-Bush aide Safavian

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