Boing Boing has publicized his plight. Though he has money for this months rent, the man is dying. And is broke. In America. Where of course they don't have no state socialist medicare. So if you can help out....
Monthly contributions of $50.00 or more will be greatly appreciated. All monies will go directly to Robert and can be sent to his PayPal address You can also send a check to RAW c/o Futique Trust, P.O. Box 3561, Santa Cruz, Ca 95063. Link
I had the privilege in the eighties of bringing RAW to Edmonton at the height of the Keegstra Affair and its ensuing conspiracy theories. He spent a week here, that he said was the best week of his book tour. I would encourage all his fans to help him out in his last days. America should be ashamed. Ric Dophin did a two page spread in Alberta Report on Bob, and gave him fair and balanced coverage, which was surprizing.
Note from Robert's friend, Denis Berry: Sadly, we have to report that wizard-author-intelligence increase agent is in trouble with his life, home and his finances. Robert is dying at his home from post polio syndrome. He has enough money for next months rent and after that, will be unable to pay. He cannot walk, has a hard time talking and swallowing, is extremely frail and needs full time care that is being provided by several friends-fans-volunteers and family. We appeal to you to help financially for the next few months to let him die at his home in peace.
From Denis, who is managing Bob's care:

Anyway, this morning Bob's daughter showed up at his house in tears because she had checked his PayPal account and found money for next month's rent plus more. Bob called me to say that he couldn't believe people would care so much about him and as we talked (which isn't easy for him at this point) he was overcome with emotion more than once. He is so touched and RELIEVED at the possibility of staying in his home. He kept repeating to me his deep felt appreciation and disbelief that people would care so much about him. What a humble and sweet man.
A tip o' the blog to Disinformation for this.
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