Thanks to Global Warming this summer was so damn hot that teenagers will do anything to be cool...Nude Teens Raise Eyebrows in Vermont Town
Old fuddy duddies were outraged and wanted a bylaw outlawing public nudity....but cooler heads prevailed.Board puts off nudity decision
"There's not a movement in Brattleboro," he said. "It's just silliness that got out of control. It's cold here most of the time and I think we should forget about it."
Brattleboro was propelled into the international spotlight after local media coverage of young people disrobing in the Harmony Lot. The story was picked up by The Boston Globe, circulated around the Internet and published across the country and world.
Tuesday's debate on nudity was in response to resident Theresa Toney complaining at a previous Selectboard meeting about a woman in the Harmony Lot who walks around topless.
"I just think it's anarchy, because they won," she said Tuesday after the meeting. "It's inappropriate behavior for downtown. It has nothing to do with the weather. There's good behavior and there's bad behavior and that's bad behavior."
Adhi Palar, guilty of parading around in his birthday suit last month, spoke of upholding freedom and the value of the human body.
"Our acting in nudity is an act of celebration of this history and traditional values as a place where you're allowed to be nude," he said. "I find that important and I find that proud."
Here, Here it's all about Freedom and liberty which is anarchy!
As usual in America guys love to run around naked, this guy not only lost his girl, and his car but his clothes....
Nude runner faces felony charges
A Bridgton man was arrested in Naples early Thursday after police said he ran naked through the streets shouting, “Baby, help me.”According to investigators, Daigle and a female companion broke into a garage and stole a car sometime Wednesday night. They drove to a popular swimming hole. Daigle went swimming and lost both his companion and his clothes, Rhoads said.
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In Canada motorcyclists must wear the proper helmet for protection or else......
Nude motorcyclist ticketed for wearing wrong helmet
Guelph Mercury (subscription), Canada -
A motorcyclist wearing nothing but a football helmet was ticketed Monday evening after Guelph Police received several calls about the nude ride
You would think these guys had never heard of nudist clubs, where you can safely and legally remove your clothes.
Meanwhile in Australia where global warming has a very real impact with consecutive years of drought folks 'almost' take their clothes off and other folks get upset. What ever happened to scientific objectivity?
Striptease heats up global warming
Rebecca Gale, who led dancers from Miss Kitka's House of Burlesque, says she's puzzled why some delegates got upset at the climate forum dinner in Canberra
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) -- A saloon-style striptease, complete with corsets and balloons, at an Australian government-sponsored conference on global warming left some scientists hot and bothered and the organizers in boiling water.
The show was cut short and organizers issued an apology after some delegates at the Australia and New Zealand Climate Forum's dinner in Canberra walked out in disgust at what was intended as a lighthearted break from the weighty business of rising temperatures.
Rebecca Gale, who led the team of dancers from Miss Kitka's House of Burlesque, said the performance was in reasonably good taste and she didn't understand what the fuss was about.
Gale said she emerged into the function room during dinner wearing a heavy corset, black fishnet stockings and at least a dozen balloons, which she invited delegates to pop as she danced to Peggy Lee's sultry 1958 hit "Fever."
"The most that any of the girls get down to is vintage lingerie, which is corsetry and stockings," Gale told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio on Friday. "It's not like we were doing full nudity and simulating sexual acts or anything like that.
"There was not even a midriff on display."
Well that is hardly naked or nude.....when you are all dressed up.....For all their bluster it really does seem folks Down Under have a problem with nudity....even when it's for a good cause....
What nude photograph?
The NRL has distanced itself from a provocative fund-raising calendar that reveals a glimpse of Penrith winger Nick Youngquest's genitals.
The Naked Rugby League calendar was released in Sydney today, with sales to help raise funds for the National Breast Cancer FoundationSome of the NRL's biggest stars, including Australian Test representatives Johnathan Thurston and Justin Hodges, are photographed nude in the publication, which is being marketed as the "most provocative calendar ever released by an Australian football code".
In New Zealand there is outrage over another footballer posing nude....one would think that is natural for a hooker....oh sorry he is not that kind of hooker.....
Oliver's nude modeling upsets All Blacks' legend
New Zealand rugby, which prefers its top players to be stoic and reserved, has been shaken by news former All Blacks captain Anton Oliver has posed nude for an oil portrait. Oliver, 31, a hooker and member of the New Zealand squad preparing for next year's World Cup, confirmed on Tuesday he had posed for Dunedin artist Simon Richardson, but only after assurances the resulting work would be tasteful.
Whereas in Jolly old England footballers get naked for a jolly romp they hope will put them on sports TV...unfortunately it appears male nudity is still too controversial even for YouTube.... ![]() The six players stripped off in March |
Matthew Wintle from Port Talbot was one of the six naked players who kicked a ball around the town's Remax Stadium.
One of the group filmed the others after they had been out in Swansea celebrating an 18th birthday.
They were hoping to send the 47-second clip to a TV programme but after it was turned down, the naked game was posted onto the YouTube website.After first approaching Sky Sports' Soccer Am programme, Mr Wintle said one of the group posted the footage on YouTube, where it was viewed thousands of times before being removed. A note on YouTube said: "This video has been removed due to terms of use violation".
In Chicago the home of prohibition...they solve the problem of mixing alcohol and nudity by prohibiting the mixing of both....
Court: Ban on nude dancing where alcohol served OK
The city law that bars nude dancing at establishments that serve alcohol does not violate the U.S. Constitution, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled Thursday. While nude dancing can sometimes constitute free expression protected by the 1st Amendment, the city has the right to address the social ills that can result from allowing nude dancing where alcohol is served, Justice Lloyd Karmeier wrote for the majority.
And in Utah they can demand that Strippers cover up at the American Bush....The Supreme Court has better things to rule on apparently......Perhaps they wolud like to rule polgamy illegal...oh they did that already....the message just didn't sink in....
The U.S. Supreme Court won't consider a lawsuit brought by several Utah exotic dancers required by city ordinance to wear G-strings and pasties, passing on the case Monday.
By refusing to hear the case, the court left intact a South Salt Lake city ordinance passed in 2001 that prohibits nudity in sexually oriented businesses, preventing dancers at American Bush and other South Salt Lake clubs from taking it all off.
More moral outrage over nudity ... in this case over a child seeing a nude statue in a museum during a school field trip...the result the teacher is suspended.....Hello what about all those naked Michalengalo statures in the Vatican......
The subtle difference between nude and naked
Back in April, Sydney McGee, an art teacher with 28 years of experience, took students from her fifth-grade class at Wilma Fisher Elementary School in Frisco, Texas, to the Dallas Museum of Art on a field trip. According to The Dallas Morning News, McGee spoke with museum staff before the trip and toured the galleries to ensure that all the works included in the excursion were fifth-grader friendly.
While at the museum, one of McGee's students saw a piece of nude art. The student returned home and relayed to the parents the fact that he/she had seen an "offensive" image, prompting the student's parents to speak up in outrage. Since then, legal battles have ensued between McGee and the Frisco Independent School District.
Two weeks ago, on Sept. 22, McGee was suspended from teaching within the district and was let off with pay.
The notion of McGee losing her job because a student happened to see a nude figure in an art museum is preposterous.
That's like attributing the entire foundation of Italian tourism to the pornography of the David, to Botticelli's very naked Venus and to a nude Jesus who just can't seem to keep his fig leaf on in public.
It is one thing for parents to oppose the children's exposure to sexually explicit images in the media or even pornography.
It is an entirely separate entity to put a nude painting or nude sculpture on the same level as pornography and not be OK with a child seeing the art. Nudity in artwork is not intended to be offensive and should not be taken as such.
Kids need look no further than adults to learn art of stupidity
In Paris of course they are more enlightened and children mix with tittering tourists to see Art which includes nudes......very expressive nudes...
THE French primary school groups and foreign tourists intermingle politely, their attention concentrated on the wonderful paintings of the Musee d'Orsay in Paris.
Here's a room of Van Goghs. The Degas works spill over six rooms. Monet has three.
It's no wonder this museum of the fine arts between 1848 and 1914 attracts crowds from all over the world, as well as lucky Parisian children.
In Room 7, however, many of the noticeably English-speaking tourists stop with a jolt in front of Gustave Courbet's Origin of the World, a graphic picture of a reclining nude woman, her legs splayed.
And if even after all these years that painting can still shock imagine the new Saatchi show....
It is being billed as Charles Saatchi's most controversial show yet.
USA Today features paintings of an erect penis and a young girl performing oral sex, and a series of highly political artworks criticising George Bush and the war on terror.
Of course you expect nudes in Museums and art galleries....but somehow after all
these years they still manage to be controversial....in Charlotte, North Carolina....luckily it is a 'private' gallery or else it would have its Arts funding cut by fundamentalists.
But Lassiter does not remember a private gallery in Charlotte devoting a show exclusively to the nude figure during her time here. And she knows nudity in the arts has been controversial. In 1996, nudity in a local production of "Angels in America" caused a ruckus and a temporary halt of some public funding for the arts. Lassiter said her gallery is not in the same "arena and therefore I don't see that I would be subject to that level of controversy."
Of course one would expect such prudish reactions to nude art in authoritarian regimes, not in the Land O Liberty....but then again what's that they say about everything changed after 9/11...Troops allegedly posed nude at Shelby
Members of a Kentucky National Guard unit accused of posing nude while training at Camp Shelby could face courts-martial.
U.S. Army officials are investigating allegations that some women in the 410th Quartermaster unit were photographed posing nude before the unit was deployed to Iraq on Aug. 26.
The Courier-Journal in Louisville, Ky., was independently provided with a compact disc containing 232 photos of at least a half-dozen nude and seminude women in various poses, including kissing one another, posing suggestively with military rifles, and covering their breasts with American flag decals, the newspaper reported in Thursday's edition.
They are going to their deaths let em have some fun.It looks like the Chinese, like their American counterparts, want to cover up the naked truth...
Nude lessons, anyone?
An art professor has caused a stir in China's art circles and Internet chat rooms for stripping in front of a class to make a point while lecturing. Mo Xiaoxin, an assistant professor of art at the Teachers' University of Technology in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, stunned 30 students by stripping naked. Mo's action stunned the students and has led to heated debate after being reported on Tuesday by a local newspaper, 'China Daily' reported.
The teacher said he wanted to emphasis the power of the body and "confront taboos."
Mo was teaching a class on physical art and humanity culture studies, the first course of its kind to be approved by the Ministry of Culture. It has been running for six years.
The Chinese are not alone in facing the biggest crisis in Art today....Lack of nude models is the death of life-drawing classes
After the Foley incident one would think elected officials would learn not to leave incriminating photos, emails, instant messages at their computers at work....did I mention the nude photos were on his work computer....
Despite Revealing Photos, Senator to Run
CHARLESTON, W.Va. State Sen. Randy White said Wednesday he would continue his campaign for a second term, despite the embarrassment of revealing photos of him aired on a Charleston television station. The Webster County Democrat blamed a disgruntled former employee for stealing the photos from his computer. Some show him nude, while others show at least two men whose bodies were painted.
Too much for Japan even...nude Britney Spears ads for Harpers Bazzar...the land of soft core porn TV, sexually explicit anime, manga and a fetish for farting, and under age girls deems this ad too hot for Japanese youth....
At Canada's most popular nude beach they are warning people not to wade in the water....it is apparently full of effluent...Nude swimmers should be concerned
And wear would we be without the obligatory PETA nude protest story. And this one also has a Canadian connection....
Sadie Frost is going naked, 'turning her back on fur' and literally all other clothing in this ad campaign for PETA. Actress and 'fur-free' fashion designer debut for her nude portrait will launch in London's Covent Garden. Frost, a strict vegetarian, has teamed up with animal rights organization PETA, to bare all for a new anti-fur advert, photographed by rock legend and fellow vegetarian Bryan Adams.
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