File this under Catch 22. You are only gay if you can prove you have had gay sex. Unless you have had gay sex you are not gay.
Wait a minute what about heterosexuals who are celibate or abstain till marriage. How do we know they are really straight?
Only someone from Brokeback Alberta, homophobic home to closeted cowboys, could come up with this logic.
"The (refugee) judge just didn't think I was gay enough and I didn't qualify to be gay."
IRB adjudicator Deborah Lamont, who heard the case from Calgary via videoconference, questioned his lack of same-sex relationships while he lived in the U.S.
"I found the claimant's many explanations unsatisfactory for why he chose not to pursue same-sex relationships in the U.S. as he alleged it was his intention to do so and he wanted to do so," she wrote in her decision.
Instead, she concluded: "...he is not a homosexual... and fabricated the sexual orientation component to support a non-existent claim for protection in Canada."
Gee and how was he supposed to PROVE he had gay sex.
And if he did would it end up on Fox News; Boys willingly submitted to rape according to O’Reilly
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