Voices: The Lord's Prayer
Toronto Star -
We asked if it was time to replace the Lord's Prayer in the Ontario Legislature with something that better reflects the province's diversity.
Ontario premier orders review of Lord's Prayer recitalCanada.com
Ont. mulls alternatives to prayer in legislatureCTV.ca
"And since sin has destroyed within us the first temple of purity and innocence, may they heavenly grace guide and assist us in rebuilding a second temple of reformation, and may the glory of this latter house be greater than the glory of the former."
- Masonic prayer
After all the modern state is a Masonic institution ,according to the conspiracy theories of the social conservative Christian right and their Islamic counterparts, And this 'great beast'; this Leviathan is supposedly a secular state at war with Christianity and Islam.
The modern secular state was the aim and objective originally of the Masonic influenced forces of the bourgeois revolutions in America and France.
Richard J. Purcell's Connecticut in Transition, 1775-1818 (Washington~ 1918; reissued by Wesleyan in 1963) is the best published work. Purcell, who also wrote an American history text for use in Catholic parochial schools, emphasizes the religious differences among competing Protestant sects as an impetus toward the development of political parties, the disestablishment of the Congregational church, and the separation of church and state in the Constitution of 1818.Despite the ahistorical objections of the powers that be.

Masonic Hall T.O.
1666 The Creation Of The World
The Origin of American Conspiracy Theories
American Fairy Tale
Secular DemocracyRadical Robbie Burns, Peoples Poet
The Gnosis of Anarchy; Pagans, Witches, Heretics, and Luciferian RebelsFind blog posts, photos, events and more off-site about:
secular state, prayer,Freemasons, prayer in Ontario Legislature, secret societies, conspiracy theories, Ontario, McGuinty,
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