The unprecedented legal status was given to 40-year-old Chanda Musalman.
Conservative and religious Nepal, like many Asian countries, has a sizeable community of people who are born male but behave as women.
It is unclear how this unique legal status will play out in practice - for instance, how it will affect Chanda's marriage rights.

Nepal has a community of men identifying themselves as women
Nepal is not the only country that has communities of men who are transexual/transgendered or women for that matter, it is a universal phenomena.
But this is a postive blow for human rights, which have been denied to Transexuals in Canada.
Gender bending is as old as humanity and is reflected in the traditions of magick and shamanism.
It is disturbing to conservative moralists because it shows that gender is a social construct.
Also See:
Nepal is not the only country that has communities of men who are transexual/transgendered or women for that matter, it is a universal phenomena.
But this is a postive blow for human rights, which have been denied to Transexuals in Canada.
Gender bending is as old as humanity and is reflected in the traditions of magick and shamanism.
It is disturbing to conservative moralists because it shows that gender is a social construct.
Also See:
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