Years of tension end with 'unique' BC rain forest deal
Globe and Mail -
VANCOUVER -- After 10 years of logging-road blockades, marketplace boycotts and meetings that were so fractious people couldn't even agree on lunch breaks, the antagonists in British Columbia's great land-use debate finally made peace. ...
Canada creates massive `working` park
Canada signs deal with loggers to save ancient rainforest
And the US is looking at the crisis of the Polar Bear in the Arctic due to Climate Change. Someone hasn't told Bush about this cause you know what he thinks of Global Warming.
White House to Study Protecting Polar Bears

Washington Post, United States -
The Bush administration has agreed to study whether polar bears should be added to the nation's endangered species list because global warming is shrinking ...
US considers endangered status for polar bears
US mulls protecting polar bears as Arctic melts
Polar Bears May Join Endangered Species Listi
This must mean the Right To Arm Bears campaign has been making headway.
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