Happy Birthday, Comrade Comindante.
Cubans wish absent Castro happy 80th birthday
Fidel Castro: I Feel very Happy Today
Oh did I mention I was in a Cuban hospital, not a Yankee one. I pity you Yanqui's your lack of healthcare, whereas we in Cuba get it for free......
A series of four photographs of Fidel Castro appeared in the paper

Comrades I am lounging in my Adidas sweats. Note well comrades, Adidas sweats Not that U.S. Imperialist child labour sweat shop capitalist Nike sweats. Nope Adidas. I will expect the celebrity endorsement cheque in the mail, pronto.Cubans wish absent Castro happy 80th birthday
Fidel Castro: I Feel very Happy Today
Oh did I mention I was in a Cuban hospital, not a Yankee one. I pity you Yanqui's your lack of healthcare, whereas we in Cuba get it for free......
A series of four photographs of Fidel Castro appeared in the paper

The following statement, attributed to Cuban President Fidel Castro, was published this morning by Juventud Rebelde, Cuba's Communist youth newspaper.Also See:
Today is Castro's 80th birthday.
The newspaper also published this photograph, which is said to show Castro with yesterday's edition of the Communist Party newspaper Granma, with headline proclaiming that he has been "absolved by history."
The photo is the first released of the Cuban leader since he became ill with what officials described as an acute intestinal crisis.
Dear compatriots and friends of Cuba and the rest of the world:
Today, the day of the 13th, I attain the age of 80 years.
To say that my stability has considerably improved is not lying.
To state that the recovery will take a short time and that there is no risk would be completely incorrect.
I ask all of you to be optimistic.
And, at the same time, to be ready to face any adverse news.
To the people of Cuba, infinite appreciation for your loving support.
The country is marching and will continue marching on perfectly.
To my comrades in the struggle, eternal glory for resisting and conquering the empire, proving that a better world is possible.
Today, August 13, I am very happy.
For all those who care about my health, I promise to fight for it.
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