Dr. M. Ishaq Nadiri discusses the progress that has been made in Afghanistan in the last few years, the issue of terrorism, and the challenges that lie ahead. Dr. Nadiri is a Professor of Economics at NYU and an economic advisor to President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan.
I can name many other projects and activities that have occurred. We have also developed a new strategy for Afghanistan, the Afghanistan Compact. It has become a model of development....
So I read on, and on, and found not a single mention of any projects. No mention of how many schools we have built, or hospitals, or roads built or repaired, or how many museums and zoos were restored, or how many new banks or businesses have arisen. Nope nada, nothing not a word. Here is his explanation of Afghanistans development strategy, no kidding......
And not once, never does he expand on what those things are. This has got to be the worst explaination, the most banal, I have read. A piece of fluff from someone who is supposed to be an economics professor. Give your head a shake.
This is the explanation to Canadians about why we should be in Afghanistan....generalizations and political platitudes...and no real facts.
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