Tuesday, November 21, 2006

And They Run The Province

This is hilarous. These are the guys who want to be the leader of the province and have been running it for 35 years. Heavy turnout at advance poll 'hell' for some voters

EDMONTON - Hundreds of voters, including seniors and women holding babies, waited hours at an advance poll Monday night to cast a ballot in the Progressive Conservative leadership race.

"This is terrible," said Mike Wincentaylo, as he approached his third hour in the lineup.

"I think a 10-year-old child could have organized this better."


Conservative Leadership Race

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Werner George Patels said...

But they did have time and resources to book a 50,000-sq.ft. room at the Calgary Roundup Centre for Saturday night (November 25) for their election party (they seem convinced it'll only take one ballot).




As the story says part of the problem was Oberg was busing in voters, and swamping the poll. Stuffing the ballot box with folks who have English as a second language and may have been directed as to who to vote for. This is a sham, we need a provincial election in the spring.