I get comments on how slow this blog loads.
Now I understand that some problems occur due to my links on the side. However it also is the problem with the need for instant gratification we have become used to on the internet. With high speed loading and broadband ISP's the average websurfer expects instant gratification.
"People make instantaneous judgements about whether to stay on a site, and if a site doesn't give the right impression users will bypass it," said Dr Jim Jansen, Assistant Professor at IST.
The average wait time is not minutes nor even a half minute it is mere seconds, 2 to 4 seconds and then folks move on. If a page does not appear immediately they leave.
As one wag called it; What I Want Is Instant Results, WIWIIR.
Well I guess if I want readers I will have to make my page more time efficient for loading. Though it does load faster if you keep it in your cache.
So I have removed some of the widgets, dodahs, etc. on the sidebar, does it load faster now? And I seem to have solved the pop-up problem.
Let me know if this loads faster now.
And while your at it check this out;
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Yes, I just tried it, and it was much faster than the last article I checked out on your site a few hours ago.
Dirk did it load faster this time? As for the comments I have that on to avoid spammers. I found the comments getting spammed and having the Blogger account activated eliminated that problem.
Ok folks I have cleaned up the page even more in order to get rid of link drag and pop ups does this work better? And on Dirks suggestion I have enabled open comments hoping that the word verification will eliminate spammers.
This is infinitely better. To be honest, I seldom visited your page: I always enjoyed it when I did, but it sometimes took up to three minutes to load.
VAST improvement. Well done.
Its a radical make over that my readership demanded. So thanks to all you who bitched about the page design.
Your valid complaints have been heard.
Seriously I want to thank all of you who emailed me offline as well as those who commented in earlier blog postings about the page problems. Remember you can fight city hall.
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