Will wonders never cease Blogging Tory Celestial Junk discovers that women's oppression continues in Afghanistan despite Tory propaganda. Where was he when the Afghani MP Malalai Joya' was saying the same thing at the NDP Convention? Like the other pro-war Blogging Tories and Pro War Liberals probably attacking the NDP. Well as they say better late than never.
Activist with Afghani organization for women’s rights RAWA tells Ynet women’s situation in Afghanistan even worse than before American invasion: Rape, kidnapping, murder go unpunished.
“I know what they tell you in the West about the situation here,” Sahar Saab sighs despairingly. Saab, an activist with the women’s movement RAWA which operates almost underground in Afghanistan, adds, “They tell you women’s circumstances have improved greatly, but in reality there is no improvement. In the capital, Kabul, and in a few more cities, women even work in government offices, but their numbers are very few, and many dangers still ambush women in the cities. And in the suburbs? For their own safety, women continue to wear burqas. Almost daily, we hear of kidnappings, rape, murder, suicide and disappearance in areas still ruled by the Taliban or the Northern Alliance, and we know there are many more incidents not reported.”See:
Schools In Afghanistan
Sir Robert Bond Idiot
Afghan Woman Speaks Out
The War For Women's Rights
Democracy In Afghanistan
Where Are The Women?

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