Monday, August 14, 2006

Gates On AIDS

Give women power to fight AIDS, Gates says
In a swipe at controversial U.S. AIDS-funding policies that encourage abstinence and discourage drug use and prostitution, they said prevention requires distributing more condoms, working with sex-trade workers and giving addicts clean needles. "We need tools that will allow women to protect themselves," Mr. Gates said in a speech to some of the 24,000 delegates to the International AIDS Conference."This is true whether the woman is a faithful mother of small children or a sex worker trying to scrape out a living in a slum. No matter where she lives, who she is or what she does, a woman should never need her partner's permission to save her own life."

This is why the PM did not attend the conference it would have been used against him by his social conservative religious base. Who don't believe in womens rights gay rights, workers right to form unions, or come to think of it human rights period. Since they are man made and not given to us by God.

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

The enemies of my enemy

Israel has made new friends.....from old enemies...though the new friend is less than enthusiastic.... could be because the Zionist States existence in Palastine is a reminder of the poltics of Lebensraum...

Israel's Air War in Lebanon and the German Press

Victimized by its enemies and misunderstood by the world, Israel needed the help of its few remaining friends, notably Germany, to defend itself. It would make him “happy,” Mr. Olmert said, to see Germany protect Israel’s security by sending a German Schutztruppe (peace keepers) to Lebanon which for the Germans would also be a particularly meaningful task. He ridiculed, as just a reflection on their “desperate situation,” Hezbollah’s recent offer of a cease fire for humanitarian reasons: “Hezbollah is no longer a threat for us. We have never begged for compassion or a cease fire but said: To hell with you! We will take the hardest measures against you.”

Already, the beginning of this war appears shrouded in the mists of politicized historical memory: Who provoked whom? Who has or will have the power to determine the provocation? How urgent is the issue of Israel’s security after almost a month of bombing granted by the US in several installments of “one more week or so”? Why has there been so little discussion of the legal aspects of Israel’s preemptive strike? And why Israel’s new emphasis on its “cordial” relationship with Germany? The German reactions to Mr. Olmert’s statements were cautiously neutral across the political spectrum, But Israel’s ambassador to Germany, Shimon Stein, called it a “Novum” and a “historic statement”; never before had an Israeli Prime Minister explicitly welcomed the engagement of German soldiers in the stabilization of the Middle East—a great Vertrauensbeweis (proof of trust). The German government, as reported in the press, did not seem to share Mr. Olmert’s happiness, aware of their over-extension in dangerous places like Afghanistan and the historical complications of German-Jewish relations.

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Advice for the Empire

If you are going to act like the Roman Empire then act like the Roman Empire says conservative historian...

Laina Farhat-Holzman: Military power and the world's press
It seems to me that the only way that today's superpowers could prevail over even the nastiest of guerrilla death cults would be to be as ruthless as the ancient Romans were when they maintained power and peace for half a millennium. Utter ruthlessness and total censorship over a press armed with little cameras and big ideologies is certainly not possible today. But the day may come that we have to choose between prevailing and world order or surrendering to the forces of chaos, totalitarian ideologies, and a return to truly dark times. At the moment, we don't seem to have the stomach for it.

Yep the minute you do that you become the totalitarian state.

Opps that already is happening.....

The land of the free - but free speech is a rare commodity

It used to be said that academic rows were vicious because the stakes were so small. That's no longer true in America, where a battle is underway on campuses over what can be said about the Middle East and US foreign policy.

Douglas Giles is a recent casualty. He used to teach a class on world religions at Roosevelt University, Chicago, founded in memory of FDR and his liberal-inclined wife, Eleanor. Last year, Giles was ordered by his head of department, art historian Susan Weininger, not to allow students to ask questions about Palestine and Israel; in fact, nothing was to be mentioned in class, textbooks and examinations that could possibly open Judaism to criticism.

Students, being what they are, did not go along with the ban. A young woman, originally from Pakistan, asked a question about Palestinian rights. Someone complained and Professor Giles was promptly fired.

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Whose Victory in Lebanon

Once again the neo-con plan to drag Iran and Syria into war failed. The actions of Amerika's surrgoate in the Middle East have borne poisoned fruit; Hezbollah leader a hero to many Arabs

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Ha, Ha, I Am Not Dead

Happy Birthday, Comrade Comindante.

Cubans wish absent Castro happy 80th birthday

Fidel Castro: I Feel very Happy Today

Oh did I mention I was in a Cuban hospital, not a Yankee one. I pity you Yanqui's your lack of healthcare, whereas we in Cuba get it for free......

A series of four photographs of Fidel Castro appeared in the paper

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Comrades I am lounging in my Adidas sweats. Note well comrades, Adidas sweats Not that U.S. Imperialist child labour sweat shop capitalist Nike sweats. Nope Adidas. I will expect the celebrity endorsement cheque in the mail, pronto.

The following statement, attributed to Cuban President Fidel Castro, was published this morning by Juventud Rebelde, Cuba's Communist youth newspaper.

Today is Castro's 80th birthday.

The newspaper also published this photograph, which is said to show Castro with yesterday's edition of the Communist Party newspaper Granma, with headline proclaiming that he has been "absolved by history."

The photo is the first released of the Cuban leader since he became ill with what officials described as an acute intestinal crisis.

Dear compatriots and friends of Cuba and the rest of the world:

Today, the day of the 13th, I attain the age of 80 years.

To say that my stability has considerably improved is not lying.

To state that the recovery will take a short time and that there is no risk would be completely incorrect.

I ask all of you to be optimistic.

And, at the same time, to be ready to face any adverse news.

To the people of Cuba, infinite appreciation for your loving support.

The country is marching and will continue marching on perfectly.

To my comrades in the struggle, eternal glory for resisting and conquering the empire, proving that a better world is possible.

Today, August 13, I am very happy.

For all those who care about my health, I promise to fight for it.

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More Christian Abuse

Ok go figure, the logic of this stuns the rational mind. Of course being a preacher-man means he is far from rational. A Eastern Cape pastor, charged with having raped his adoptive daughter, kept videotapes showing the alleged victim naked in a bath, The Herald Online reported on Friday.He pleaded not guilty to rape and other charges, but guilty to incest. What?! It's not rape if the step father commits incest? Huh? Get thee behind me Satan.

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Christianity Is Child Abuse

Christian Killers and Rapists

Private Day Care Abuse


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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Nude Newz 08/2006

I spent the long weekend sun worshiping in our record breaking heat,so I can relate to this article; Notes on Nude-Beach Season Being naked out of doors and in the water can be blissful.

It appears I am not alone....Uncovering the naked truth in NottinghamThe 350-acre park was founded by Robert and Mary Bonser in 1950. The feisty World War II vet was stationed in the South Pacific. Due to the moist climate and military fatigues he developed a skin fungus that was cured when the natives encouraged him to sunbathe in the nude.Robert was fond of saying, "If God wanted us to wear clothes, we would have been born with them."Today the village is operated by his son Terry and wife Mary. She greeted me at check-in dressed in a blue summer outfit. Mary always dresses for first-time guests. She informed me that if I cared to tour the village I would have to take my clothes off "¦ just as she was doing right in front of me.

Nudism as they say is family fun....Family Of 3 Run Naked On Canadian Beach

And its not just at Wreck Beach in B.C. apparently there is a nude beach on Lake Eire.... Naked truth of beach exposed

In Albania however its a rather shocking experience to see folks doffing their clothes at the beach even if its only to go topless......Naked women shock police

Albanian police were speechless when around 30 Scandinavian women went topless, shocking local bathers and causing an uproar in an Albanian beach resort. "Police only watched ... they could not approach the tourists because they spoke no English," a local newspaper in the southern Albania coastal town of Sarande said.

But apparently it shocks even sophisticated Paris..... Nude sunbathing, g-strings banned on Paris beach but its ok at the rest of Frances beaches. Defending the decree, city hall sports official Pascal Cherki told Le Parisien that indecent clothing "could have led to temptations and dangerous behaviour on the banks of the river." Topless sunbathing and g-strings are common on real beaches around France in the summer. And it doens't lead to lewd or lascivious behavior. Perhaps its something in Paris water?

Fun with arts and crafts.
The Saskatoon Exhibition has pulled an entry in its art show because of a complaint about the embroidered portrait of a nude woman dancing. Censoring embrodiery how low can ya go? Truly PC. Guess they figured one should only embroider flora or fauna.

And speaking of flora this story is really about flowers.....THERE ARE NAKED LADIES in my garden. I know of no old area a garden where they do not cavort, and they are too common in the area to be thought a rarity. It is too early for them, for they generally don't show until late August or early September, but they are out now. Really the plant is called Naked Ladies.Colchicums, aka naked ladies, provide instant gratification.

It would be all so much easier and less hassle for airline travelers.....

The naked solution to flying in safety
Stripped, searched, probed and quarantined, the weary travellers gladly embark on their holidays, grateful to have done their bit in The War Against Terror

Grateful travellers embark in safety

Of course the reason that the UK police found out about the bomb plot was.....

Your hidden secrets revealed by the Rapiscan scanner
Liquid explosives revealed by 'naked' Heathrow scans

That is not a smart place to keep a gun......

RANTS AND RAVES: Nude protest dubious defense
For the straight-faced claim by a DeKalb County man that he was protesting the war in Iraq when he walked naked along a highway in Hammondville waving an American flag. He faces a charge of public lewdness. We're all for the freedom to protest, but it's hard to see just what message a nude parade along a public thoroughfare is meant to send. The defendant, although obviously not shy in other ways, has not been forthcoming on that point. Well it was effective it got this editors attention. Oh I get it he wasn't wearing a sign.

However it appears to becoming a mass movement as Arlo Gutherie said in Alices Resteraunt.
US Man Walks Nude to Protest Iraq War Gerald Lynn Kelley decided to protest the war in Iraq by walking along a highway in a cowboy hat and boots. Just a cowboy hat and boots. Well at least he was wearing something. Wait he was also waving the American Flag Valley Head man says he waved flag in the nude as a war protest

Of course it is not only in America where nude protests occur.....

The 'naked' truth

'They want to take their clothes off to show Mugabe they are tired of him'

The latest issue of the government mouthpiece, the Manica Post, has an article in which they claim that I have been enlisting the services of elderly women from the Makoni area to strip naked in front of law enforcement agents, during our planned non-violent protests. This, they claim, is taboo.
This response to the MDC's largely successful rural outreach programme in Manicaland leaves no doubt that the regime knows its time is up. It does not question why the people would want to protest but only the method, thus acknowledging the opposition's political influence in the province.
What is really taboo is the way Zanu (PF) has abused the rural folk for so long, with its show of contempt for the elderly through its policies that have left this constituency marginalized. In fact, our culture stipulates that we respect the elderly. We have an obligation to look after them into the old age till they die.

Dear Abby: Don't sleep with nude sister This is not so much about a nude sister as much as about a rude sister.

Well at least she only sleeps in the nude. A 17-year-old boy was referred to the district attorney's office Wednesday after a neighbor complained she had seen him repeatedly walking around naked in his open garage and in his yard on Sunray Lane. I would say MYOB, this is a case of a peeping thomasina who didn't .

He was panting too hard.
A bodybuilder seeking the right to bring his dog to a nude beach on Fire Island is throwing in the towel on his federal lawsuit.Mark DelCore withdrew his legal action against the Fire Island National Seashore, citing his poor health. "I do not possess the stamina or physical continuity necessary to continue this complaint," he wrote in an Aug. 7 letter to Federal Judge Joseph Bianco of U.S. District Court in Central Islip,

Lets run away to the circus.... The warped burlesque circus show "Absinthe" is Cirque du Soleil's younger sister — more brash, less inhibited and more naked. Because they both attempt to update the traditional circus with modern artistic sensibilities, its easy to draw comparisons between the two. However, "Absinthe" — playing at the Spiegeltent through September — is far raunchier

And the headline writer had fun with this story.....cheeky,very cheeky...
Stiff contest for Eric Dias Cup

Don't Stay Naked (right), ridden by Paul Francis, leads narrowly from the favourite on the outside, Nijinsky's War (Wesley Henry) and Exclusively, with Trevor Simpson aboard in the centre, early in the straight in race seven over 1500 metres at Caymanas Park at Monday's Independence Day race meet. Don't Stay Naked (2-1) proceeded to win by half-a-length from Nijinsky's War. - Colin Hamilton/Freelance Photographer


And now a bust to remember, too bad Bill didn't.

The so-called
The so-called "presidential bust" of Hillary Rodham Clinton features the former First Lady and current New York senator dressed in a lacy, low-cut gown. (Daniel Edwards)

Wait a Minute when did she get covered up. Hillary Nude at Museum of Sex
According to Reuters, the artist said he wanted to capture Clinton's age and femininity in the sculpture and that he wants to show the senator "as a woman -- not a covered up person, but as a woman." Clinton`s office had no immediate comment. Guess you couldn't show Hillary's bust in Saskatoon.

They issue a press release for a Celebrity Nude Spa that has a secret location....
Celebrity Nude Resort Opens in Palm Springs

Here is one celebrity that won't be showing up though Michael Douglas, done with nude scenes in movies now

Some girls just wanna be nude for a good cause Fashion Scoops: In The Nude

In Indian the scandal of misappropriation of celebrities images continues.
Half nude Sonia Another heroine to get embroiled in the MMS scandal is Sonia Agarwal. She is seen given poses semi nude in internet circles.

It even occurs to American celebrities
Richie's nude photo fear

But this up and coming star is using her nudity for self promotion.
More Nude Pictures Emerge From ROCK STAR Contestant Storm Large

While Bollywood waits with baited breathe Vidya will go nude for future films
She is after all younger than Michael Douglas

'I want to live nude' Shakira, in her garden she says with the nude vegetables.

The trouble with Harry....
Harry Potter star to go nude on stage

And some celebrities are just shy....Pregnant supermodel HEIDI KLUM and husband SEAL have naked portraits of themselves dotted all over their home. But the nudes aren't for all guests to see - they're hidden in a private wing of the couple's house.

While others expose themselves tastefully...EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: SEE HILARY SWANK DANCE NAKED FOR GUERLAIN

Of course when in jail you don't get a choice about not wearing the prison uniform...Survivor's 'fat, naked guy' isn't comfortable in prison

Maybe the fat naked guy sent her pictures......
Kate Beckinsale's naked shock

And then again some folks like to frolic nude.....Naomi Harris: My naked Foxx fun Turns out not to be true...just a fanatsy...she used a body double....Naomi Harris regrets not getting naked with Jamie Foxx

While for others its a chilling experience....
Longoria begs bosses to axe naked scenes
Eva Longoria has begged her bosses on Desperate Housewives to stop making her take baths on the TV show -- because she hates spending all day naked in water.

And some become the character....Naked ambition

Gretchen Mol's naughty-but-nice portrayal of 1950s pin-up Bettie Page is a shrewd career move, finds Tim Robey

The Notorious Bettie Page
Looking back over her shoulder in a pose both coy and come-hither, Mol does nudity like a naturist. Her Bettie looks uncomfortable in any kind of clothing, and she's disarmingly sweet, even modest, as she wiggles her bits for the cameras, giving the period's magazine readers a whole new appetite for essentially harmless smut.

Sharon Stone To Shock Audiences With Her Aging, Naked Body

stone-naked.jpgNot one to be outdone by Madonna's recently adopted habit of sporting a leotard-induced cameltoe wherever she goes, that other blond, pushing-50 icon of showbiz pertinaciousness, Sharon Stone, would like for the world to take a long, hard look at her rapidly degenerating ladyparts, too.

Ho hum yet more Reality TV

Naked Chef trainees home and raring to go

Nude dance show is what market will bare
Fuse's 'Pants-off Dance-Off': 'Dumbest show on TV' unlikely hit
"Why hasn't anybody put naked people and rock music together on television before?" said Low, who created the "Pop-Up Videos" series for VH1. "It seems so obvious, like peanut butter and jelly."

A teacher at a £7,000-a-year private school has drawn a mixed reaction from parents and staff after appearing naked on television. Emma Wright, 37, who teaches at Streatham and Clapham High School, in south London, took her clothes off for a Channel 4 series called How To Look Good Naked. Some parents said Miss Wright's decision to take part in the programme did not affect her performance in the classroom but others were critical that she had taken time off during the term to do so.

NAKED LOVE ISLAND SOPHIE TIED ME TO HER BED.. Sophie, 29, has been wowing fans of ITV1's reality show Celebrity Love Island with her sultry antics. Millions of viewers have watched her snogging old flame Chris Brosnan and getting cosy with him between the sheets. And this week the sex-starved babe caused a sensation by threatening to quit the hit show unless programme chiefs let her have her favourite vibrator, dubbed The Bone.

Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt to Wrestle Naked with Tom Cruise for SEX

LAS VEGAS - Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt will grapple naked with Tom Cruise for SEX, with Jennifer Aniston, Katie Holmes, and Angelina Jolie also participating. And this is merely part of the just-scheduled October 31 cage-match mud-wrestling event, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) has announced. More.

Ahem this last item is satire.


In New Zealand they take a break from the traditional artist model

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Of course in New Zealand they tend to be outspoken too.A response to the modern nude One of my favourite things to say to friends a few years ago was 'Why don't you come home and see my c**t?' I'd follow this up by explaining it wasn't actually my c**t, but a woman in Wellington's. And it was taller than me and pinned on my bedroom wall.

In prudish America you get fired for that sort of thing......As Naked as You Wanna Be Hoover is, of course, Texas' infamous "naked teacher," awaiting AISD's final judgment after a fellow art teacher exposed a classroom full of students to Danger's Flickr photo archive containing pictures of Hoover in various states of undress and life.The school board's reaction (to deem Hoover "ineffective" and essentially fire her) cast a pall on the artists' creations. But that didn't last long. To expect that two women so dedicated to the love of self-expression could turn it off on command is to deny the nature of self-expression, isn't it? What better time to put on a show?

A nude who dunnit
MOTORISTS got a shock when a life-size statue of a male nude appeared by the side of a main road

At least it was a statue......
There was nothing out of the ordinary about Cecil and Denise Allred’s Sunday evening … besides the naked muddy woman in their yard who wouldn’t leave.

And speaking of statues of nekkid people..... Colorado city deals with nude statues

What we need here in Greeley is more nekkid people.

Loveland has them.

Boulder has them.

Everybody in the world now knows about the Nekkid People Statue going up in Loveland, and all the Angry People who don't want it. But the Loveland Councilguys went ahead and put the Nekkid Statue up where EVERYONE driving past can stare at it.

And what's even better, the Loveland People are putting it in a Roundabout, fer gosh sakes, which is one of those traffic things where you start going around in a circle with about a hundred other cars, and sooner or later you break free and escape. Or you starve to death.


In the buff: nude lips Get your mind out of the gutter it's not what you think its about cosemtics.

This is about not showing too much skin in the office.....
Naked truth on office wear After fielding a barrage of calls from regional managers this summer, Steve Keyes, human-resources officer at Nationwide Mutual Insurance, faced a quandary: what to do about exposed midriffs in the office.Employees of the Columbus, Ohio, insurer were increasingly showing up for work in low-cut tank tops, flip-flops and blouses with spaghetti straps. Managers worried that this attire was creating an unprofessional work environment. So three weeks ago, Nationwide rewrote its dress code, banning its 35,000 employees from wearing midriff-baring tops, T-shirts and flip-flops. Keyes says the revision was necessary to keep up with changing styles. "Fashion trends impact the workplace," he says.

File this under Nude Chic.... but really thats pushing it to claim Nudity is the social equivalent of civil rights for Afro-Americans....

Naked: The New Black?

Ms. Moss appears naked, or partly naked, in ads for Louis Vuitton, David Yurman, Stella McCartney, Longchamp and Calvin Klein Jeans. In Vanity Fair’s first style issue, Ms. Moss is inducted into the International Best-Dressed List hall of fame, but on the cover she is not wearing any clothes, save for a white fox hat, white gloves and black boots. Inside she appears with her breasts exposed.

The decisions to show Ms. Moss unclothed were coincidental, executives behind some of those images said. But that coincidence is jarring, considering the number of naked people in editorials and ads in W (the models Carolyn Murphy and Malgosia Bela) and Harper’s Bazaar (fall’s luxe looks are accessorized with a naked man on a motorcycle).

“There has been a very conservative presence around fashion advertising for a while,” said Raul Martinez, the chief executive of the creative agency AR. “I think people are just now starting to branch out.”

We WILL make you look good...even naked! Alexandra Burns is Director and creator of FYEO Portraits, an innovative all female company offering sexy, modern, creative photography for women.


A provocative question.....Back-to-school can mean a lot of things, notebooks, pads, pens, the latest fashions in order to look as good as your new supplies.But would you go back to school naked? Of course not! So why send your computer or cell phone back to school naked?

Female gamer trashed by boys club....
Don't Mind All My Naked Pictures... I'm Just A Gamer! Really!

Pakistan’s resistance to Bollywood is motivated by fears of backlash from the anti-entertainment clergy

Seafood: the new album, the music press and... naked wrestling?


Website features nude women Nothing unusual about that, why is this a headline? Well because the website uses a city logo as if it were 'offically' promoting red light tourism.

Maybe they should change their name
American Bush can keep offering exotic dancing, but the dancers must wear G-strings and pasties over their nipples. UT Supreme Court Rules Against Nude Dancing Appeal

Club With Nude Women Plans To Open In Church-Owned Building That's cheeky.

Update: Nude Juice Bar Debate It could be dangerous around all those blenders. This is another stupid exploitation idea like nude maid services, nude bartenders, etc. In this case the juice bar is a front for a strip club. The attorney for the Waterloo Board of Adjustment requested the court reconsider an earlier ruling that cleared the way for the nude dancing business on Airline Highway during a brief hearing Friday afternoon.

I guess they should have just xeroxed their butts......
Four 'naked civil servants' fired by RPA The inquiry into reports of shenanigans at the Rural Payments Agency has resulted in four staff being booted out of their Newcastle jobs. A further five have received written and verbal warnings.The controversy was sparked by reports of staff vaulting filing cabinets nude, which the investigation said were derived from a prank where staff took photos of each other for a colleague's leaving present. It compared the incident to a "student rag week" gag.

But its not just English civil servants that get busted nude.....
The Royal Welsh Show shed where the impromptu strip was staged
The Royal Welsh Show shed where the impromptu strip was staged
A young woman who caused a scandal by allegedly dancing naked during a party in a cattle shed at the Royal Welsh Show has left her job
The Welsh Black Cattle Society launched an inquiry into the alleged performance which "upset" some members
Yeah but did it upset the cattle, I think not.....

And its not just at the office anymore as more folks are working from home...
Telecommuters reveal the naked truth
MONTREAL -- With the growing number of employees trading in their corporate offi ces for the comforts of working from home, there's an equally increasing possibility the company person you're phoning is in his or her birthday rather than business suit.

Naked Politics

Democratic sleaze and the Clean Money campaign

Tony Blair: The Orator is Naked

Huntly Gordon: The policy makers are naked

Naked Aggression
Not Israel but apparently Lebanon...go figure...


Damn fine homegrown, unfortunately it sounds like he tasted a bit too much of his product. Robert Ferranti probably has more than the usual regrets of someone found rolling around naked on a neighborhood street, babbling, immune to pepper spray and accused of punching a police officer. Investigators following up on the Monday fracas said they discovered a well equipped marijuana growing operation in the house Ferranti rented with another man in a normally quiet community in southern Orange County.

Well at least he wasn't armed, A Broward sheriff's deputy shot an armed man who was driving nude Saturday after he got out of his 1997 Nissan Sedan and yelled, ''Shoot me or I'll shoot you,'' according to the Broward Sheriff's Office.

And here is another stoned nutbar....Whether it was the influence of the full moon or a two-day drug binge, a naked and bleeding Morgan Hill man was arrested early Friday morning

These folks are more of a danger to themselves than others...And this poor fellow got shot for his efforts.....A naked gunman was caught on home video roaming the streets in Atlanta. According to residents the pistol-wielding man appeared drunk or mentally unstable and had no clothes on. At one point the crazed man lunged at a passing car. When police arrived the man dropped his weapon but police still shot him with a stun gun.

In Georgia they use Tasers....Police Taser Naked Man

It seems Americans have a fascination with getting stoned and taking their clothes off even abroad....Naked Massachusetts man high on ‘shrooms terrorizes the Swiss

Oh I get it its summer so guys just wanna take their clothes off.....
Man Admits To Standing Naked On Highway Overpass

Ohio Man Stopped Walking Naked Along Interstate 64
Maier says the naked walker is from Manchester, Ohio, and told officials he was trying to get to Kentucky to visit some family members.

Americans will defend your right to bear arms but not to bare yourself.....
A naked man who was sleeping in a family’s car was arrested Sunday after a loud, chanting mob crowded around him as he scrambled to get dressed, gather his belongings and then hobble away on crutches, police said.

Wonderful thing about America is that guns are legal but being nude ain't.....hmmm I think we have a problem here.....

Search for nearly naked man with gun nets only a towel

BSO deputy shoots naked, bleeding man who charged him with gun

Wait till winter and we will have less naked crime but no reduction in gun crimes in the U.S. Naked is normal — then the temperature drops

Of course male exposure is not limited to the United States.....

A man who stripped naked at a Christchurch laundrette has been remanded for pre-sentence reports.

Naked man shuts Oakville QEW

Buit in Sweden the cops don't shot or taser you....Swedish police help naked men get homeThree naked men found walking in Orebro, Sweden told police their clothes were snatched from them by some unknown females.


US court blocks Utah's curb on naked short selling
A federal court judge on Friday temporarily blocked a Utah law aimed at curbing a controversial investment practice known as naked short selling, in a move welcomed by Wall Street broker dealers.

Here's the skinny on 'naked shorts'

Selling short is a tried and true investment technique that's legal and useful in the marketplace. An investor borrows some shares of stock from a broker and sells them, expecting the price to fall. If it does, the investor buys the shares back at the lower price, returns them to the broker and pockets the difference. The problem, says the Economist, is when investors sell shares without first borrowing them. These are called "naked shorts" and are the object of a new crop of lawsuits

What are naked puts and why take the risk?
Yeah what are they?

You won't see these guys advertising on TV
The Naked Investor: Portfolio defence case of hedging your bets

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