Monday, April 29, 2024


Robots can’t outrun animals. A new study explores why

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Ready, set, go 



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The question may be the 21st century’s version of the fable of the tortoise and the hare: Who would win in a foot race between a robot and an animal?

In a new perspective article, a team of engineers from the United States and Canada, including University of Colorado Boulder roboticist Kaushik Jayaram, set out to answer that riddle. The group analyzed data from dozens of studies and came to a resounding “no.” In almost all cases, biological organisms, such as cheetahs, cockroaches and even humans, seem to be able to outrun their robot counterparts. 

The researchers, led by Samuel Burden at the University of Washington and Maxwell Donelan at Simon Fraser University, published their findings last week in the journal Science Robotics.

“As an engineer, it is kind of upsetting,” said Jayaram, an assistant professor in the Paul M. Rady Department of Mechanical Engineering at CU Boulder. “Over 200 years of intense engineering, we’ve been able to send spacecraft to the moon and Mars and so much more. But it’s confounding that we do not yet have robots that are significantly better than biological systems at locomotion in natural environments.”

He hopes that the study will inspire engineers to learn how to build more adaptable, nimble robots. The researchers concluded that the failure of robots to outrun animals doesn’t come down to shortfalls in any one piece of machinery, such as batteries or actuators. Instead, where engineers might falter is in making those parts work together efficiently.  

This pursuit is one of Jayaram’s chief passions. His lab on the CU Boulder campus is home to a lot of creepy crawlies, including several furry wolf spiders that are about the size of a half dollar.

“Wolf spiders are natural hunters,” Jayaram said. “They live under rocks and can run over complex terrain with incredible speed to catch prey.”

He envisions a world in which engineers build robots that work a bit more like these extraordinary arachnids.

“Animals are, in some sense, the embodiment of this ultimate design principle—a system that functions really well together,” he said.

Cockroach energy

The question of “who can run better, animals or robots?” is complicated because running itself is complicated. 

In previous research, Jayaram and his colleagues at Harvard University designed a line of robots that seek to mimic the behavior of the oft-reviled cockroach. The team’s HAMR-Jr model fits on top of a penny and sprints at speeds equivalent to that of a cheetah. But, Jayaram noted, while HAMR-Jr can bust a move forward and backward, it doesn’t move as well side-to-side or over bumpy terrain. Humble cockroaches, in contrast, have no trouble running over surfaces from porcelain to dirt and gravel. They can also dash up walls and squeeze through tiny cracks.

To understand why such versatility remains a challenge for robots, the authors of the new study broke these machines down into five subsystems including power, frame, actuation, sensing, and control. To the group’s surprise, few of those subsystems seemed to fall short of their equivalents in animals. 

High-quality lithium-ion batteries, for example, can deliver as much as 10 kilowatts of power for every kilogram (2.2 pounds) they weigh. Animal tissue, in contrast, produces around one-tenth that. Muscles, meanwhile, can’t come close to matching the absolute torque of many motors. 

“But at the system level, robots are not as good,” Jayaram said. “We run into inherent design trade-offs. If we try to optimize for one thing, like forward speed, we might lose out on something else, like turning ability.”

Spider senses

So, how can engineers build robots that, like animals, are more than just the sum of their parts? 

Animals, Jayaram noted, aren’t split into separate subsystems in the same way as robots. Your quadriceps, for example, propel your legs like HAMR-Jr’s actuators move their limbs. But quads also produce their own power by breaking down fats and sugars and incorporating neurons that can sense pain and pressure.

Jayaram thinks the future of robotics may come down to “functional subunits” that do the same thing: Rather than keeping power sources separate from your motors and circuit boards, why not integrate them all into a single part? In a 2015 paper, CU Boulder computer scientist Nikolaus Correll, who wasn’t involved in the current study, proposed such theoretical “robotic materials” that work more like your quads. 

Engineers are still a long way away from achieving that goal. Some, like Jayaram, are making steps in this direction, such as through his lab’s Compliant Legged Articulated Robotic Insect (CLARI) robot, a multi-legged robot that moves a little like a spider. Jayaram explained that CLARI relies on a modular design, in which each of its legs acts like a self-contained robot with its own motor, sensors and controlling circuitry. The team’s new and improved version called mCLARI can move in all directions in confined spaces, a first for four-legged robots.

It's one more thing that engineers like Jayaram can learn from those perfect hunters, wolf spiders.

“Nature is a really useful teacher.”

The mCLARI robot balances on a leaf.


Heiko Kabutz


New insights into tree canopy light absorption and its climate implications


Once the illumination and view angles are determined, LESS calculates the proportions of the four components within each pixel (red rectangle) using ray tracing and subsequently generates the four-component images. 



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Recent research has successfully quantified the directional characteristics of the clumping index (CI) in various vegetation canopies using the large-scale remote sensing data and image simulation framework (LESS) model. This study enhances our understanding of radiative transfer processes and could significantly improve ecological modeling and climate predictions.

The clumping index (CI) is critical for accurately modeling light absorption in plant canopies, affecting predictions of photosynthesis and climate dynamics. Traditional methods of estimating CI, however, typically ignore its variability with observation angle, leading to potentially significant errors in environmental assessments.

A recent publication (DOI: 10.34133/remotesensing.0133) in the Journal of Remote Sensing, dated April 12, 2024, delves into how vegetation canopies influence light absorption in various ways, a crucial aspect for understanding photosynthesis and climate interactions.

In the study, by employing the advanced large-scale remote sensing data and image simulation framework (LESS) model within the radiation transfer model intercomparison (RAMI)-V framework, the team meticulously calculated the CI across various viewing angles and vegetation types, such as coniferous and broad-leaf forests. This index measures how leaves within a canopy are clustered, affecting the passage of light through the canopy. Their findings highlight that CI is not a static trait but varies significantly with the zenith angle and the type of vegetation, changing with seasonal cycles and canopy structures. For instance, coniferous forests show minimal variation in CI with changes in the zenith angle, whereas broad-leaf forests display more pronounced changes. These directional characteristics of CI are essential for refining radiative transfer models used in global climate predictions, demonstrating a sophisticated approach to ecological modeling that accounts for the complex realities of natural vegetation.

Dr. Donghui Xie, the lead researcher from Beijing Normal University, emphasizes the study's impact: "By accounting for the directional variability of CI, we can significantly refine our models of how vegetation interacts with light, improving the accuracy of global climate models and ecological forecasts."

This study reveals how vegetation canopies vary in their impact on light absorption, crucial for photosynthesis and climate modeling. Using the LESS model to analyze the CI across different vegetation types, the research highlights significant variability influenced by factors like vegetation type and season. These insights enable more accurate climate predictions and inform sustainable forestry practices, enhancing ecological and environmental management.





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Funding information

The work is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant nos. 42071304 and 42090013) and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (grant nos. 2020YFA0608701 and 2022YFB3903304).

About Journal of Remote Sensing

The Journal of Remote Sensingan online-only Open Access journal published in association with AIR-CAS, promotes the theory, science, and technology of remote sensing, as well as interdisciplinary research within earth and information science.


Team publishes perspective paper on net-zero emissions in the aviation industry

Focus on CO2-to-aviation fuel conversion


CO2-to- aviation fuel conversion 



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A research group of Prof. Fei Wei and Chenxi Zhang in Tsinghua University has published a perspective paper that evaluates the progression from deep-rooted fossil-fuel-dependent technologies to innovative strategies aimed at carbon neutrality, with a specific focus on the formulation of sustainable aviation fuel from CO2. The paper provides an analytical review of the cutting-edge methodologies for CO2-to-jet fuel conversion with an assessment of the practicality of current industrial models.


On April 10, 2024, their perspective paper published in Carbon Future, which focuses on basic and applied research in the field of carbon. Carbon Future is an international English-language comprehensive journal sponsored by Tsinghua University, committed to publishing cutting-edge progress in the field of carbon and creating an international academic exchange platform with multidisciplinary integration.


For several hundred years, the concentration of greenhouse gases has steeply increased in the atmosphere due to dependency on carbon-intensive energy sources. In particular, CO2 and CH4 have been especially challenging to reincorporate into the chemical industry because of high energy demands and current technological constraints. Amid this great challenge, numerous governments have adopted different strategies to reduce carbon emissions. “Among the diverse strategies employed for the recycling of carbon emissions, such as CO2 and CH4, for application in the chemical industry, the integration of renewable energy sources to transform carbon emissions into value-added products is a viable pathway. Therefore, committing to the development of renewable energy is not only the key to controlling CO2 emissions as a responsible country, but also an inevitable choice for energy independence” said Fei Wei, a professor at Tsinghua University.


The team notes the ways that countries are working in the area of renewable energy. The European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive III represents a seminal step in this direction, setting a precedent for the integration of sustainable energy practices within statutory mandates. They also note the accelerated research progress in China, especially in the area of photovoltaic (PV) technology. “A significant surge in solar PV and wind system endeavors has been witnessed in China, as evidenced by the investment in intellectual property, which accounts for the first place globally in this domain. In addition, the complete industrial chain of renewable energy provides development opportunities for CO2 to Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)” said Wei.


Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) refers to a C8~15 liquid hydrocarbon fuel derived from non-fossil resources, that is, green jet fuel. Aviation fuel uses C-C and C-H chemical bonds as energy storage, and its energy density is 80 times that of commercial lithium-ion batteries. The huge gap in energy density makes it difficult for the aviation field to quickly achieve electrification, so SAF has become the main route to net-zero emissions in the world's aviation industry. By the end of 2020, a total of 65 countries around the world had implemented mandatory blending policies for SAF, and by 2027, ICAO's Carbon Reduction Offset Mechanism (CORSIA) will be fully enforced. The European Union (EU) Renewable Energy Directive stipulates that the proportion of SAF blending shall not be less than 5% in 2030 and 70% in 2050, of which the proportion of electric fuels produced through carbon dioxide capture (eFuel) shall not be less than 35% by 2050. And the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provides a tax deduction for SAF, aiming to achieve 100% SAF as an alternative to fossil fuels for aviation fuel by 2050. The aviation industry's "green barrier" allows SAF to sell for four times as much as petroleum-based jet fuel, making SAF the "holy grail" of the energy sector and a precursor to the profitable process of green energy.


The 'CO2 to SAF (CO2AFTM)' technology harnesses CO2 as a carbon feedstock, integrating it with green hydrogen produced via electrolysis of water using renewable energy sources such as wind or solar. This process synthesizes liquid jet fuel that boasts a high energy density. “Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) plays a key role in ensuring national energy security in the aerospace sector and achieving net-zero emissions in the world's aviation industry. This approach utilizes liquid fuel as a novel form of energy storage across seasons and years; concurrently, renewable aviation fuel is recognized globally in the aviation industry as a viable pathway for carbon reduction. The high added value of this process establishes it as an important, profitable industrialization method." said Wei.


The research team includes Guo Tian, Chenxi Zhang, and Fei Wei. They work at the Beijing Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Zhang also works at Ordos Laboratory and the Institute for Carbon Neutrality at Tsinghua University. Wei also works at Ordos Laboratory.


The research is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing Nova Program, Key Research and Development Program of Inner Mongolia and Ordos, Ordos-Tsinghua Innovative & Collaborative Research Program in Carbon Neutrality and Ordos Laboratory.


About Carbon Future

Carbon Future is an open access, peer-reviewed and international interdisciplinary journal, published by Tsinghua University Press and exclusively available via SciOpen. Carbon Future reports carbon-related materials and processes, including catalysis, energy conversion and storage, as well as low carbon emission process and engineering. Carbon Future will publish Research Articles, Reviews, Minireviews, Highlights, Perspectives, and News and Views from all aspects concerned with carbon. Carbon Future will publish articles that focus on, but not limited to, the following areas: carbon-related or -derived materials, carbon-related catalysis and fundamentals, low carbon-related energy conversion and storage, low carbon emission chemical processes.

About SciOpen 

SciOpen is a professional open access resource for discovery of scientific and technical content published by the Tsinghua University Press and its publishing partners, providing the scholarly publishing community with innovative technology and market-leading capabilities. SciOpen provides end-to-end services across manuscript submission, peer review, content hosting, analytics, and identity management and expert advice to ensure each journal’s development by offering a range of options across all functions as Journal Layout, Production Services, Editorial Services, Marketing and Promotions, Online Functionality, etc. By digitalizing the publishing process, SciOpen widens the reach, deepens the impact, and accelerates the exchange of ideas.



Fading lights: Comprehensive study unveils multiple threats to North America’s firefly populations

As cities grow, they encroach on firefly natural habitats reducing their populations. A multi-university study is hoping to begin reversing the decline of this critical insect.


A landmark study conducted by the University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment; Bucknell University; Penn State University; and the USDA has shed light onto the precarious situation facing firefly populations across North America. The study’s results identified multiple factors impacting their numbers, offering a deep dive into how shifting environmental and human factors influence these iconic insects.

The study, published in Science of the Total Environment“Illuminating Patterns of Firefly Abundance Using Citizen Science Data and Machine Learning Models,” identified the factors likely responsible for troubling declines in firefly populations across North America. To study these population changes, the research used a mix of field surveys from citizen scientists and advanced machine learning techniques to analyze over 24,000 surveys from the Firefly Watch citizen science initiative.

Key Findings

This research marks the first comprehensive attempt to apply a data-driven approach to understanding firefly population dynamics on a continental scale. Key findings from this new study indicate that fireflies, part of the beetle order, are sensitive to various environmental factors, from short-term weather conditions to longer climatic trends, including the number of growing-degree days related to temperature accumulations.

“Subtle changes in climate patterns, especially related to temperature, are significantly impacting firefly breeding cycles and habitat quality,” said Darin McNeil, study principal investigator and assistant professor of wildlife ecology and management.

Christina Grozinger, publius vergilius maro professor of entomology at Penn State University, said while scientists previously knew that urbanization, agricultural intensification and climate change can affect biodiversity, less was known about how these complex factors interact and what people can do in their own backyards, towns and cities to support biodiversity.

“In this study, we integrated large scale data sets on species abundance, land use, soil type, weather and climate using machine learning models to precisely model and predict firefly abundance patterns at the local scale across the eastern U.S.,” Grozinger said. “We were very fortunate to have a multi-year citizen science data set that spanned more than 24,000 observations.”

The study underscores fireflies' sensitivity to climatic variables such as temperature and precipitation. Fireflies thrive in temperate conditions, with wet and warm summers creating the ideal breeding environment and cold winters supporting the survival of immature stages like eggs, larvae and pupae.

However, as global temperatures rise, these conditions become less predictable and, often, less hospitable. Changes in precipitation patterns, another critical factor for firefly survival, have led to either overly dry conditions that reduce larval survival or excessively wet conditions that can flood breeding grounds and disrupt life cycles.

“Artificial lights at night could disrupt firefly populations, possibly affecting both adult and larval stages,” McNeil said. “Firefly larvae, which live in the soil, are particularly vulnerable to changes in light exposure and artificial light could alter their developmental cycles and survival rates. Firefly larvae, which are predatory, also require moist soil conditions because the humidity supports soft-bodied invertebrates like snails and slugs that firefly larvae use as prey.”

Urban growth, such as establishing impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, buildings and roads, poses a significant threat to firefly populations by invading natural habitats and decreasing available breeding areas. Light pollution from streetlights and commercial signs is particularly disruptive, as it interferes with the fireflies' bioluminescent communication essential for mating. The study indicates that fireflies are markedly less common in areas with significant nighttime light pollution.

Agriculture impact on fireflies

Certain agricultural practices also seem to contribute to the decline of fireflies. The extensive use of pesticides and herbicides has been linked to decreased firefly numbers, likely due to reduced prey availability and direct toxicity. This new study did not find a pesticide effect; in fact, certain agricultural areas supported some of the highest firefly densities, perhaps because some practices (e.g., livestock grazing) support meadow-like conditions that benefit fireflies. The study warns against increasing agricultural intensification, especially practices that reduce the organic debris and moist environments firefly larvae require to thrive.

The paper reveals that the decline in firefly populations is not uniform across all climates or regions. Some species adapted to dryer environments or those with specific breeding patterns may be less affected by certain changes, whereas others are more vulnerable. This highlights the complexity of natural ecosystems and the need for tailored conservation strategies.

The research team also made significant strides in identifying potential conservation measures to mitigate these impacts. These include reducing light pollution, preserving natural habitats and implementing wildlife-friendly agricultural practices that support fireflies.

Fireflies’ importance in the environment

The decline of fireflies is more than the loss of a beloved natural spectacle; it signals broader ecological disruptions that could have cascading effects on other species and ecosystems. Fireflies play a role in the food web, serving as prey for some species and as predators for many invertebrates. Their disappearance could have unforeseen repercussions on local biodiversity.

“As the study concludes, further research is encouraged, particularly in exploring the long-term trends of firefly populations and the efficacy of various conservation strategies” McNeil said. “Moving forward, focused studies that survey particular firefly species, rather than the firefly community as a whole, will be important. This approach will be crucial in ensuring that future generations can also enjoy the natural wonder of fireflies lighting up the night sky.”  

“Each individual species has its own habitat requirement and things it needs to succeed,” adds Bucknell University assistant professor of biology Sarah Lower, a noted firefly researcher. “With the citizen science data in this study, we’re looking at fireflies in the aggregate, but we would like people in citizen science getting more training in species identification. If we can get species-level information, we can provide more specifics on species living in a particular area and how best to protect them.”

To create similar data sets for other firefly species, the research team is also leveraging technology and AI to develop automated monitoring systems through an NSF funded INSECT NET graduate training program.

Individuals interested in learning more about the land use, weather and climate conditions in their locations can use Penn State's Beescape tool, which provides location-specific habitat quality scores for pollinators.

This work was funded by the Penn State Insect Biodiversity Center, Penn State’s Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences and Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences via the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture and Hatch Appropriations.


uOttawa scientists team up with global partners to secure your coffee’s future

uOttawa scientists team up with global partners to secure your coffee’s future 





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Are you a fan of sipping a cup of coffee and enjoying its delightful fragrance? This popular beverage, loved by people worldwide, can be traced back to the humble coffee plant, specifically, the Coffea arabica species. How did this plant evolve into the drink we all know today? And what measures can we take to ensure its future?

Coffea arabica is a widely-cultivated coffee species with a complex evolutionary history. Scientists from the University of Ottawa took part in a recent study that examined its genomic variations. The study discovered important genes associated with resistance to pathogens, providing valuable information on breeding opportunities and mechanisms for diversification.

A global team of 70 researchers from 15 different laboratories, including uOttawa’s bioinformatics lab, collaborated on this project. David Sankoff, full professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the Faculty of Science, worked alongside PhD candidate Zhe Yu, whose PhD thesis is related to this study. Likewise, Daniella Santos Muñoz conducted research for her master’s thesis in connection with the project. Other contributors included former PhD student Chunfang Zheng and visiting professor João Meidanis from Brazil.

The production of coffee, particularly Coffea arabica, renowned for its exceptional quality and taste, plays a significant role in the world economy. Researching the genomic and evolutionary history of this species is essential for enhancing breeding practices and ensuring the sustainability of coffee farming.

Sankoff highlight’s the project’s “detailed study of the evolution, genetics, geography and history of the Arabica coffee genome. The research carried out in our own lab delved into its connections with different coffee species, especially its beginnings as a hybrid with two separate sub-genomes and how it is responding to environmental obstacles, by examining changes in the sub-genomes.”

Genomics for disease-resistant coffee crops

The study discovered intricate gene clusters in Coffea arabica, pinpointing genomic areas associated with disease resistance, indicating potential methods to enhance the resilience of coffee plants.

“The field research was primarily conducted by teams in France and Brazil. Wet-lab experiments took place in Nestlé’s laboratory in Switzerland, while raw data was managed at Cornell University in the United States. The analysis was carried out by researchers from the United States, Finland, Singapore, France, Belgium, Italy and other locations, including our own laboratory. The writing process was mainly coordinated by Professor Jarkko Salojärvi in Singapore and Finland,” says Sankoff.

The variety of coffee plants available today underscores the significance of genetic diversity in coffee breeding. This diversity enables the development of superior coffee plants with enhanced flavour, higher yields and increased environmental sustainability.

The study’s genomic analysis sheds light on the evolutionary trajectory and genetic potential of Coffea arabica, offering resources for coffee breeding. Harnessing the power of genomics will help realize the potential of this beloved beverage crop and ensure its continued success in the face of rapidly evolving agricultural challenges from pathogens and climate warming.

The study, titled The genome and population genomics of allopolyploid Coffea arabica reveal the diversification history of modern coffee cultivars, was published in Nature Genetics.


Electric vehicle drivers can estimate their personalized fuel savings with new Argonne tool

New tool allows public to calculate electric vehicle savings to their ZIP code


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A new tool launched by Argonne enables drivers to estimate, at the ZIP code level, how much they save on fuel costs by driving an electric vehicle.

A new tool launched by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory enables drivers to estimate, at the ZIP code level, how much they save on fuel costs by driving a plug-in electric vehicle (either a plug-in hybrid (PHEV) or a battery electric vehicle (BEV)).

The tool, Driving Electric: Local Fuel Savings Calculator, is freely available to the public. Drivers can enter their ZIP code or state, as well as any information they have about their vehicle size, model year, tank size, fuel economy and annual mileage. The tool then generates estimates of how much drivers can save.

“Driving a plug-in electric vehicle rather than a conventionally fueled vehicle results in fuel cost savings and reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in more than 99% of U.S. ZIP codes,” said Yan (Joann) Zhou, principal transportation systems analyst in the Energy Systems and Infrastructure Analysis (ESIA) division at Argonne. ​“With this new tool, drivers can enter information about their vehicle, their location, annual mileage and local fuel prices and see how much they’re saving per mile, per tank and per year.”

“When more individuals choose to drive BEVs, they’re not only contributing to cleaner air — they can also enjoy significant cost savings for themselves.” — Dr. Zhou, principal transportation systems analyst at Argonne

The EV savings calculator is based on Argonne’s recently published technical report, Adoption of Plug-In Electric Vehicles: Local Fuel Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions Across the U.S. With this report, scientists shed light on new information that previously was not well understood: How local factors like fuel and electricity costs can affect an individual’s savings — and how they can reduce GHG emissions — depending on where they live.

The researchers found that, compared to driving a gas vehicle of equivalent size, driving a BEV leads to significant savings of up to $2,200 annually. The largest fuel savings were found in areas with high gasoline prices, low electricity prices, preferences for larger vehicles and high annual mileage driven. Additionally, the researchers found that, compared to driving an equivalent gas vehicle, driving a PHEV leads to savings of up to $1,500 annually.

The report also examines the impact of GHG emissions, using a ​“well-to-wheels” approach, which considers the entire life cycle of a vehicle’s energy consumption. The investigators found that BEV drivers have the potential to save close to five tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per every 10,000 miles driven. ​“When more individuals choose to drive BEVs, they’re not only contributing to cleaner air — they can also enjoy significant cost savings for themselves,” said Xinyi Wu, a transportation systems analyst in the ESIA division and lead author of the report. ​“With this tool, individuals can now see just how much they can save based on where they live and how much they drive.”

Access the tool at ener​gy​.gov/​l​o​c​a​l​-​f​u​e​l​-​s​a​vings.

This project was funded through DOE’s Office of Policy and Vehicle Technologies Office in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Argonne National Laboratory seeks solutions to pressing national problems in science and technology. The nation’s first national laboratory, Argonne conducts leading-edge basic and applied scientific research in virtually every scientific discipline. Argonne researchers work closely with researchers from hundreds of companies, universities, and federal, state and municipal agencies to help them solve their specific problems, advance America’s scientific leadership and prepare the nation for a better future. With employees from more than 60 nations, Argonne is managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science.

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, visit https://​ener​gy​.gov/​s​c​ience.


U.S. reservoirs hold billions of pounds of fish

Better reservoir management could aid food security and fisheries conservation


After nearly a century of people building dams on most of the world’s major rivers, artificial reservoirs now represent an immense freshwater footprint across the landscape. Yet, these reservoirs are understudied and overlooked for their fisheries production and management potential, indicates a study from the University of California, Davis. 

The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, estimates that U.S. reservoirs hold 3.5 billion kilograms (7.7 billion pounds) of fish. Properly managed, these existing reservoir ecosystems could play major roles in food security and fisheries conservation.

“There is a large amount of fish mass in U.S. reservoirs that are being overlooked, despite the value being comparable to fish harvest from fisheries around the world,” said lead author Christine Parisek, a Ph.D. candidate in the UC Davis Ecology Graduate Group and the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology.

States with most reservoir fish

For the study, the authors analyzed, digitized, ranked and classified reservoir data collected by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers between the 1970s and 1990s, after dam construction had tapered off from its heyday of the 1940s to 1960s. The data include fish biomass and production rates from 301 reservoirs in the United States.

Southern U.S. reservoirs contained 1.92 billion kilograms (4.2 billion pounds) of fish. Reservoirs across the entire U.S. were estimated to contain 3.43 billion kilograms (7.6 billion pounds) of fish.

Most states show reservoir stock of at least 100 million kilograms (220 million pounds). The top five states with the most standing stock, or total weight, of reservoir fish are Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Florida and South Dakota. 

When total weight is adjusted for how much reservoir surface area is available in the state — similar to a per capita measure — Louisiana, Indiana, Alabama, Maryland and Illinois ranked highest. 

The study also said the large mass of fish in U.S. reservoirs is significant for the global carbon cycle, as fish play important roles in carbon flux, food webs, nutrient cycling and energy transfer. 

Managing amid challenging realities

The authors emphasize the study is not making an argument for prioritizing building reservoirs over protecting and restoring natural-flowing rivers. The study states: “Ecological effects of dams have been overwhelmingly negative and represent one of the principal drivers of freshwater biodiversity loss at all scales.” 

The study does suggest unrealized opportunities to better manage both natural and built ecosystems, given the realities of reservoirs’ continued existence, climate change, and the dire challenges facing native fish.

“We should be able to walk and chew gum,” said fish ecologist and senior author Andrew Rypel, director of the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and professor in the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology. “We should be able to decommission and remove some dams, and manage others for food and as important habitats. 

“In a worst-case scenario where salmon go extinct and native fishes go away, these fisheries may be all we have left. It’s worth having some foresight about how to make them well managed and how to use these ecosystems to deliver value for the environment and for people.”

Additional authors include co-first author Francine De Castro, Jordan Colby and Steven Sadro of UC Davis, and George Leidy of consulting firm AECOM and Stillwater Science.

The study was funded by the National Science Foundation, UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences’ Bechtel Next Generation Funds, Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California, and the California Trout and Peter B. Moyle Endowment for Coldwater Fish Conservation.