Friday, May 10, 2024

‘A handgun in every nightstand’: US art installation shines light on gun violence


Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg’s artwork features a US flag bearing names of 1,039 people killed in mass shootings since Columbine

Alienable Right to Life features the names of 1,039 people killed in mass shootings since the Columbine high school massacre in 1999. Photograph: Alienable Right to Life

David Smith in Washington
Fri 10 May 2024 20.4

On Capitol Hill there is no shortage of politicians who wrap themselves in the Stars and Stripes and founding documents when seeking to defend the right to bear arms. But any who walk up Pennsylvania Avenue in the next 10 days will be confronted by an inversion of these patriotic symbols and an urgent plea to tackle gun violence.

Alienable right to life is a public art installation at Freedom Plaza that features a massive American flag bearing the names of 1,039 people killed in mass shootings since the Columbine high school massacre 25 years ago.

“I, sadly, have left one panel blank on the northeast corner of this artwork in case there is yet another mass shooting while this art is on exhibition,” artist Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg said on Friday at a rainy launch event attended by congressional Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Jamie Raskin and gun safety advocates.

The piece, made of scaffold wrapped with vinyl, is 35ft long, 25ft high and 12ft wide and secured by 32,000lbs of ballast. Nestled behind the flag is a giant facsimile of the Declaration of Independence, which takes the assertion that all men are created equal with certain unalienable rights, magnifies the word “unalienable” and puts a red cross through “un”, leaving only “alienable”.

Nearby is an interactive circular mural, representing an upside down Stars and Stripes (a sign of imminent danger or distress) for visitors to share personal stories.

“Kids shouldn’t be afraid to go to school!” one says.

The structures are surrounded by trappings of the nation’s capital: historic quotations about Washington inscribed on the upper terrace; a statue of Casimir Pulaski, a general in the Continental army, on horseback; the executive office of the mayor and the council of the District of Columbia; the National Theatre, about to stage Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Jesus Christ Superstar.

In her remarks on Friday, Firstenberg, 64, described her motives for creating alienable right to life, noting that gun violence has become the leading cause of death for American children.

“America has become a dangerous place,” she said. “It used to be a place where we talked about a chicken in every pot and now it’s a handgun in every nightstand.

“This art is meant to broaden the dialogue regarding gun access from a singular focus on the right to bear arms to the individual right to life that emanates from the Declaration of Independence. I’m just going to go there, folks: if people are willing to fight for the rights of frozen embryos in Alabama, we should fight for the rights of America’s children.”

The artist told how a friend named Andrea recently bought a 9mm handgun and used it to end her life. Firstenberg has added her name to the circular mural, where the public are invited to use black stickers to add their reflections or the names of loved ones lost.

“The image of our American flag will disappear under those stories of gun violence,” Firstenberg said.

Alienable right to life, privately funded, was made possible with the help of the National Park Service and DowntownDC Business Improvement District, will be on display until 20 May.

Firstenberg added: “Let us all commit that we will not let our children die in car seats, in math class, at the movies, or sitting on a kerb watching a Fourth of July parade. We must stop adding names to the flag.”

The launch event heard Pelosi and Raskin praise Firstenberg’s work and urge Congress to do more to curb gun deaths, including legislation to ban assault weapons. Chaplain Denise Reid recounted how her life has been affected by gun violence for half a century including when her son, Tavon Waters, was shot at a traffic light in 2006 and left paralysed from the neck down. He died from his injuries three years later at the age of 25.

Reid, a deputy lead of the Baltimore city chapter of the group Moms Demand Action, said: “A senseless act of violence took my precious child from me and senseless acts of gun violence continue to plague our communities. How far to the sky would this flag need to be to include all the names of those needlessly lost? As this art beautifully conveys, the Declaration of Independence clearly expressed 248 years ago that everyone has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Firstenberg is known for poignant installations such as In America: Remember, which blanketed the National Mall with 701,000 white flags for 17 days in 2021, in memory of victims of the coronavirus pandemic. Their stories are now being entered into a database at George Washington University and some of the flags are preserved at her studio in Bethesda, Maryland.

In an interview, the artist said she hopes the scale and prominence of her work can transcend political divisions.

“Words are going unheard because we’re all existing more and more every day in our own echo chambers so public art is one of the few ways in which we can reach people without prior intention on their part of choosing what information they get,” she said.

“Public art gives us a way to have free expression and hope that people see it. Will it change minds? I can only hope. We have to start comparing ourselves to other countries rather than just thinking we’re the best. We have to pull back and understand what’s happening here.”
America’s unseen book bans: the long history of censorship in prisons

Tens of thousands of books are banned in US prisons, in an often arbitrary process that limits education opportunities

Antoine Davis and Kevin Light-Roth
Thu 9 May 2024 

On a Monday night, just after six, Alicia Williams waits for the last stragglers to take their seats in her cramped classroom at the Washington corrections center. Her students braved western Washington’s fall weather to get here and they enter the room still ruffled from the wind, their khaki uniforms flecked with rain.

There is no rush. Instead of the lesson she planned to teach, Williams will be relying on hastily adjusted notes and on-the-spot explanations. She’d just heard she wasn’t allowed to teach the book her class was scheduled to discuss that night.

The course is English 233, children’s literature. The offending text? All Boys Aren’t Blue, a book recommended for adolescents ages 16 and up.

Republicans will do anything to ban books, even saying they cause porn addiction
Arwa Mahdawi

For many Americans, the concept of book banning until recently brought up images from earlier, more oppressive societies – grainy black-and-white film of Nazi book burning rallies, photos of McCarthy-era crowds exuberantly hurling books and political pamphlets now considered laughably tame on to bonfires.

But in recent years, books have again become a flashpoint in civic discourse, and book banning and censorship in the education system have made a comeback. Nearly every state has seen conflict over school curricula and public library catalogues.

Groups such as the pressure organization Moms for Liberty have scrutinized school libraries, hunting books that examine race or LGBTQ+ issues and demanding their removal. Conservative commentators have dedicated lengthy segments to the purported dangers of certain books, and have persuaded large swaths of Americans that critical race theory, a graduate-level college course, is being widely taught in US grade schools. Video of fistfights breaking out at PTA meetings and tirades during town halls have racked up millions of internet views. Book banning has entered the talking points of political campaigns, infusing the dynamics of everything from city council elections to gubernatorial and presidential debates. School book bans ballooned 33% between 2022 and 2023, according to the Freedom to Read Foundation, a first amendment defense organization. Authors whose books have been targeted include Margaret Atwood, Toni Morrison, William Faulkner and James Joyce.

Few people are aware, however, that book banning is a widespread and longstanding practice in US prisons. Carceral facilities scrutinize what books and magazines can be offered in their libraries, can be taught in their classes or can be mailed to people on the inside.

In many states, the list of banned publications is long. The Florida department of corrections alone has 22,825 books banned from its libraries, according to an October 2023 report by the non-profit PEN America. The Texas department of corrections is second to Florida with 10,265 bans. The Kansas DOC has banned 7,669 books. Virginia DOC, 7,204. By comparison, in the first eight months of 2023, the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom received reports of 1,915 attempts to remove books from public, school and academic libraries.

“Even if you accept the premise that there are dangerous books out there, it strains credulity to suggest there are 10 times as many books that are dangerous for adults than there are books that are dangerous for children,” says Anthony Blankenship, an expert on prison policy at the Washington non-profit Civil Survival. “Florida is the worst when it comes to book banning, but every department of corrections is engaged in it. It’s something educators and incarcerated students have to deal with in every state,” he says.

Particularly troubling, according to PEN America, is the arbitrary way book bans are decided upon by some prison authorities, and the lack of clarity about the qualifications of the people imposing these bans. In a statement, the organization noted that employment at correctional facilities requires only a GED or high school diploma, “which means staff empowered to censor books may have only basic literacy themselves”.

A Washington department of corrections spokesperson said that the agency maintained a publication review committee that approves or restricts books. The spokesperson said that the department created a public list of its banned books, and provided reasons for each ban.

All Boys Aren’t Blue is not on this list.

Additionally, the spokesperson said that restricting All Boys Aren’t Blue from use in classrooms was “a joint decision” made by the department of corrections and Centralia College – the college contracted to teach English 233 – “due to the sexually explicit content in this book”. Williams, the Centralia College instructor, disputes this. She also disputes DOC’s claim that the ban could have been appealed.

“In corrections educations,” she says, “there is no appeal process. I don’t even know who is rejecting content or why.”

Williams says she was told by a department administrator that the book had been banned because the department considers any material relating to homosexuality to be problematic.

Curiously, the reason the administrator cites, Williams says, was that some students may be gay themselves, and that the book could create conflict between straight and gay students. She rejects that rationale.

“If we can’t trust that incarcerated students won’t beat each other up over the identity of book characters, what hope is there for rehabilitation and re-entry into society?”

Williams’s English 233 class guides students in a literary analysis of children’s books across a span of several centuries. The course ordinarily opens with a review of the original Grimm fairytales and works its way through contemporary children’s fiction, including a segment on children’s books that some school districts have recently banned.

“One of the biggest topics in children’s literacy is censorship and book-banning,” says Williams. “Part of the class curriculum is developing a sense of one’s own approach to content selection and censorship.”

Williams, an instructor since 2015, says many students “have never seen or read content that has been banned”, and before taking her class assume books are banned only when they contain extraordinarily explicit sexual content or promote racial conflict. After exposure to banned material, students often come to view the bans as absurd.
What’s likely to happen if someone is exposed to this material? I would say the most likely answer is empathyAlicia Williams

“The real growth happens when students have to confront material that is likely to cause discomfort and material from voices that significantly differ from the reader’s,” says Williams.

“Talking about censorship without viewing what has been censored is like going to culinary school without ever tasting the food.”

Education opportunities in prison are a key tool in reducing recidivism, says Blankenship, the prison policy expert. “The more [schooling] you have, the more your recidivism drops. By the time you get to a bachelor’s degree the chances of you going back to prison are basically zero. The department of corrections should be bending over backwards to make education accessible and to avoid interfering with it,” he said.

Not only are books critical to prisoners’ education, they can help many incarcerated people heal from the intense childhood trauma that put them on the path toward prison. Introducing prisoners with histories of adverse childhood experiences to trauma-related literature “helps them look within themselves, and gives them a baseline for how to deal with their trauma”, says Rion Tisino, an ethnic minority mental health specialist at the Washington department of social and health services. “It’s almost like a recipe for dealing with trauma.”

Devonte Crawford, a student in Williams’s children’s literature course, spent much of his life in need of such a recipe. At the age of 10, he was sexually assaulted by an older family member, he says, and the abuse went on for several years. It engendered in him what he describes as “a consuming darkness”. “I started to become a very troubled kid,” says Crawford. As a teen he was drinking and taking drugs “to cover the pain and hatred”. He recalls moving to the west coast for a fresh start, only for his destructive behavior to escalate once he arrived. He was soon serving a 30-year sentence for armed robbery.

It wasn’t until he was 26 and in prison that Crawford discovered a trauma-centered program – created and facilitated by other prisoners – and came to see that his trauma was the primary force driving his self-loathing and aggressiveness. Slowly, he began to heal. He wishes he had encountered a class like that sooner.

“I truly believe that had I been able to see or read about someone going through very similar situations then things would be much different today. It would have been incredible to know that I was not alone.”

For people like Crawford, banning books from prison education “stunts the rehabilitative process”, Tisino says. Trauma-centered literature and programs “help you see the root causes of your negative behaviors and … understand how they perpetuate harm. This is the beginning stage of accountability. But when DOC bans literature that contains traumatic experiences, accountability can be difficult for a person to arrive at.”

Alicia Williams wants prison administrators to weigh education outcomes and the potential for emotional growth when determining which books to permit incarcerated students to study. The point of education, she says, isn’t just to increase knowledge. It also builds a student’s ability to see things from the perspectives of others – a skill that books like All Boys Aren’t Blue are designed to develop.

“What’s likely to happen if someone is exposed to this material? I would say the most likely answer is empathy.”

Sam Levin contributed reporting
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin audiobook review – from the civil rights frontline

Law & Order’s Jesse L Martin narrates two powerful essays examining the Black experience in the US, the first in a series marking the author’s centenary year

Fiona Sturges
Fri 10 May 2024 

First published in 1963 at the height of the US civil rights movement, James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time comprises two astonishing essays examining the Black experience in the United States and the struggle against racial injustice.

The first, My Dungeon Shook, takes the form of a letter to Baldwin’s 14-year-old nephew, and outlines “the root of my dispute with my country … You were born into a society which spelled out with brutal clarity, and in as many ways as possible, that you were a worthless human being. You were not expected to aspire to excellence: you were expected to make peace with mediocrity.”

The second, Down at the Cross, is a polemic examining the relationship between race and religion, and finds Baldwin reflecting on his Harlem childhood, his encounters with racist police, and a spiritual crisis at the age of 14, which, triggered by his fears of getting drawn into a life of crime, “helped to hurl me into the church”. There, he was filled with anguish “like one of those floods that devastate countries, tearing everything down, tearing children from their parents and lovers from each other”.

The essays are narrated by the Law & Order actor Jesse L Martin, who highlights the rhythmic nature of Baldwin’s prose, and channels his anger and devastation at the unceasing suffering of Black Americans. This audiobook is one of several new recordings of Baldwin’s writing being published over the next few months, to mark the influential author’s centenary year, which also include Go Tell It to the Mountain, Another Country, Giovanni’s Room and If Beale Street Could Talk.

Available via Penguin Audio, 2hr 26min

Further listening

Fire Rush
Jacqueline Crooks, Penguin Audio, 11hr 3min
Leonie Elliott narrates this coming-of-age story set in the late 1970s about the daughter of a Caribbean immigrant who finds kindred spirits and thrilling new sounds at an underground reggae club.

Two Sisters
Blake Morrison, Harper Collins, 10hr 28min
A tender account of the life of Gill, Morrison’s younger sister who died from heart failure caused by alcohol abuse, and his half-sister, Josie. Read by the author.
UK has moved out of recession, official figures show

GDP rose by 0.6% in first quarter of 2024 but forecasters expect economy to grow slowly this year
Fri 10 May 2024

The UK is officially out of recession after figures showed the economy grew by 0.6% in the first three months of the year.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the period from January to the end of March marked a return to growth after a mild recession in the second half of 2023. It was the strongest rate of quarterly growth since the end of 2021, and a better performance than expected by economists, who forecast growth of 0.4% in the first quarter.

The downturn came to an end after an increase in activity across the services sector, which has flourished since the turn of the year as wages have outstripped inflation, easing pressure on consumers.

However, forecasters expect the UK to grow slowly this year as high interest rates and last year’s inflation surge continue to take their toll on disposable incomes.

The Bank of England has predicted that a lack of momentum in the economy means gross domestic product (GDP) will grow by only 0.5% this year. The Bank kept interest rates unchanged at 5.25% on Thursday but indicated it may begin cutting them from June.

The chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, said: “There is no doubt it has been a difficult few years, but today’s growth figures are proof that the economy is returning to full health for the first time since the pandemic.”

Speaking after a trip with Hunt to a Siemens factory near Oxford, Rishi Sunak said it would take time for people to “really feel better”.

“Of course there’s more work to do,” said the prime minister. “And I get that. And that’s why I’m keen to stick to our plan and keep delivering for people. But I think today’s figures show that we now have momentum.”

Hunt said the UK had the best outlook among European G7 countries over the next six years, “with wages growing faster than inflation, energy prices falling and tax cuts worth £900 to the average worker hitting bank accounts”. However, apart from Germany, other eurozone countries avoided a recession last year.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development said last week that the UK would be the worst performing economy in the G7 next year, as high interest rates and the lingering effects of last year’s surge in inflation drag on growth.

Responding to the first-quarter GDP numbers, the shadow chancellor, Rachel Reeves, said it was a case of going “from no growth to low growth”.

She said: “This is no time for Conservative ministers to be doing a victory lap and telling the British people that they have never had it so good. The economy is still £300 smaller per person than when Rishi Sunak became prime minister.”

The ONS said consumer spending and business investment recovered in the first quarter after declines across the second half of 2023.

An increase in transport and storage services was the biggest driver of the 0.7% increase in the services sector. The boom in private healthcare and renewed activity in the NHS after a series of strikes last year were among the other factors pushing up services sector growth.

Construction activity fell in response to a decline in housebuilding, while the manufacturing sector benefited from a recovery in car production.

Textile factory output fell by 3.6% to register the sixth consecutive quarter fall.

Energy production increased between January and March. However, the ONS said growth in this sector and manufacturing was partly offset by a fall of 2.4% in the output of activities associated with the big water companies, including sewage and waste management.

Ruth Gregory, an economist at the consultancy Capital Economics, said the increase in GDP showed the economy had been recovering from last year’s contraction with more strength and momentum than was previously understood. But she doubted the increase in GDP would prevent the Bank of England from making its first interest rate cut in the summer.

“At this stage we doubt the recovery will be strong enough to prevent inflation from falling further and the Bank from cutting rates to 3% next year,” she said.

GDP per head is estimated to have increased by 0.4% in the first quarter of 2024, after seven consecutive quarters without positive growth. It is estimated, based on ONS projections of the UK’s rising population, that GDP per head is 0.7% lower compared with the same quarter a year ago.
Brazil is reeling from catastrophic floods. What went wrong – and what does the future hold?

In the country’s south, up to half of the annual predicted rain fell in just 10 days – the third such event in a year. Experts say it is time to plan for a new normal

Jorge C Carrasco in Porto Alegre, Brazil
Fri 10 May 2024 
Photographs by Daniel Marenco

When the torrential rain began to swallow her city block, Cristiane Batista, 34, grabbed her three children, a couple of backpacks and her smartphone and waited at the door, hoping to be picked up by the municipal trucks preparing to evacuate the population of Muçum, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

“I was terrified. The house was about to flood. We had to get out of there,” she says.

Batista, her husband, Jeferson, 34, and their children – who range in age from one to eight – had already been victims of the extreme weather of Brazil’s southernmost state twice last year. In September 2023, Muçum and its nearly 5,000 inhabitants were at the centre of the devastation caused by floods, which left scores of people – including 15 people in a single Muçum house.

“We lost everything,” she says.

Two months later, the city was hit by another fierce bout of rain. The storm destroyed furniture and appliances and left walls stained with mud. After losing everything for the third time, she says she no longer has the strength to live in the city.

Rio Grande do Sul, a state home to almost 11 million people, has witnessed the most extensive climate catastrophe in its history and one of the greatest in Brazil’s recent history.

Over the course of 10 days at the end of April and beginning of May, the region recorded between a third and almost half of the yearly rainfall predicted – between 500 and 700 millimetres, depending on the area, according to measurements by Metsul Meteorologia.

The storm caused the Taquari, Caí, Pardo, Jacuí, Sinos, and Gravataí rivers – tributaries of the Guaíba – to overflow.

According to the Civil Defence, there are more than 100 people dead, more than a 130 missing, and nearly 400 people injured in 425 affected municipalities.

At least 232,125 people have left their homes: 67,542 are in shelters, and 164,583 are homeless or temporarily staying with family or friends. Cities such as Eldorado do Sul, Roca Sales, and Canoas were partly flooded, and villages such as Cruzeiro do Sul were devastated in what the state governor, Eduardo Leite, described as “the greatest catastrophe of all”.

Porto Alegre, the state capital and one of Brazil’s largest urban centres, is one of the worst-affected cities. On 5 May, the level of the Guaíba River, which runs through the city, reached a record of 5.35 meters, surpassing the 4.76 meters reached during the historic floods of 1941.
Aerial footage shows scale of flooding in Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul – video

Neighbourhoods close to the river were submerged. The airport closed, and power and water-treatment plants went down, causing electricity and drinking water shortages in several areas. A dam in a northern suburb failed and flooded a large portion of the city.

Viewed from an army helicopter, the neighbouring city of Eldorado do Sul looks like a set of canals stretching along narrow strips of land and buildings. About 90% of the city is underwater. Along the BR-290 highway, one of the most critical roads in the country’s south, hundreds of people are waiting for transport to shelters.
An aerial shot of central Porto Alegre reveals the extent of flooding around the public market and city hall

“We knew it would be a unique event, and the river would overflow within a few days. We did simulations with the data we recorded, and the result was terrifying. So we alerted the authorities,” says Joel Goldenfum, the director of the Institute of Hydraulic Research at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, who is leading research on the unfolding catastrophe in Porto Alegre.

Infrastructure is key to understanding what happened in the state capital, says Goldenfum, explaining that an extended network of 42 miles (68 kilometres) of dykes, gates, a containment wall at the dock, and more than 20 drainage pumps prevented a more severe situation. However, the lack of maintenance of the flood protection system over the years may have been a factor.

“This system has worked well, but it has already shown sealing problems,” he says. “The gates and pump houses have already shown weaknesses. There have been maintenance problems, so the system hasn’t held up.”

Extreme floods were relatively uncommon in Rio Grande do Sul. However, scientists believe that climate factors are now accelerating such events.

Flooding in Praça da Alfândega, Porto Alegre’s central square

These include an intense wind current in the region, which destabilised the climate; an atmospheric block, which emerged after a heatwave that made the centre of Brazil drier, concentrating the rain in the country’s northern and southern extremes; and a moisture corridor from the Amazon, which strengthened the torrential rain.

Twenty years ago, a study produced by the climate researchers José Antonio Marengo and Wagner Rodrigues Soares identified a significant increase in precipitation in southern Brazil and warned of its consequences.

A more recent study published by the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) indicated that the number of days Porto Alegre suffers “extreme precipitation” – rainfall above 50 millimetres – has more than doubled since the 1960s. From 1961 to 1970, there were 29 days a year. This number increased to 44 days between 2001 and 2010 and rose to 66 days from 2011 to 2020.

“These climate events gain power as we have El Niño and La Niña periods. Over time, we have seen that the rainfall regime and temperatures are different,” s Marcelo Dutra da Silva, a professor of ecology at the Federal University of Rio Grande and one of the country’s leading figures warning about climate effects. “This is creating climate and ecological troubles and an economic problem.”
Shoulder-deep in water, a man pulls a boat through the flooded streets of São Leopoldo, a suburb of Porto Alegre

In June 2022, Dutra warned public authorities that cities in the southern region were not prepared for natural disasters. “There is no planning for risk areas, for flood areas. There is absolutely no environmental planning to consider the climate changes and events happening,” he said.

Carlos Nobre, a renowned climatologist, principal investigator at the Institute of Advanced Studies (IEA) of the University of São Paulo, and the co-chair of the Science Panel for the Amazon, says climate models had already indicated the risk of increased rainfall in southern Brazil.

The higher the average temperature, the more intense the ocean’s evaporation, bringing more water into the atmosphere and thus facilitating the occurrence and increasing the frequency of extreme weather events, he says.

“What we have seen happen is absolutely devastating,” Nobre says. “We have data on this in Brazil: due to climate change, the forecast is for increased rainfall [in the southern regions].”

The Humaitá neighbourhood, showing the flooded pitch of the Arena do Grêmio, home to one of the two main football clubs of Porto Alegre

For Nobre, a critical problem for regions suffering climate events such as extreme floods is that “the infrastructures were built for a climate that no longer exists”. He says it is time for governments to reconsider planning better adaptation to avoid future catastrophes.

Another study, produced in 2015 during the administration of President Dilma Rousseff, showed projections that now seem closer to our climate reality: heatwaves, water scarcity in south-east Brazil and intense rainfall in the south.

Natalie Unterstell, an expert in climate change policy and negotiations and one of the study’s authors, says the extreme floods in the Rio Grande do Sul are precisely what she has been warning about for years. “What is happening today in Rio Grande do Sul is our new reality and not a ‘sad exception’,” she posted on Instagram.

Brazil’s presidency says that it is not possible to estimate the exact extent of the current damage and how much reconstruction will cost as the water has not receded.

“The country will spare no effort to assist in the reconstruction and resettlement of people who have lost their homes,” itsaid in a statement. “It’s likely that there will be properties that cannot be rebuilt in the same location due to the risk of new floods.”

Rescue teams and volunteers come to the aid of those affected by flooding in the Menino Deus neighbourhood, just to the south of central Porto Alegre

However, on Thursday the state governor announced his first estimate of the damage : about 19bn reals (£2.9bn), which is expected to rise in the coming days and weeks.

Leite – who has relaxed nearly 500 environmental protection regulations since 2019 when he took office – says his administration will develop a housing plan for people affected by the flood. He had previously said that the state would need “a Marshall plan” to recover, referring to the American programme to rebuild after the second world war.

The mayor of Porto Alegre, Sebastião Melo, says his administration has carried out maintenance but acknowledged that the flood prevention system “is old”.

Amid increasing public pressure for political leaders to be held accountable for their indifference to adapting to the climate crisis, Melo says his efforts are focused on the rescue operations and the displaced shelter. “It’s not time to look for culprits,” he ,says. “It’s time to seek solutions.”
Is AI lying to me? Scientists warn of growing capacity for deception

Researchers find instances of systems double-crossing opponents, bluffing, pretending to be human and modifying behaviour in tests

Hannah Devlin 
Science correspondent
Fri 10 May 2024 16.00 BST

They can outwit humans at board games, decode the structure of proteins and hold a passable conversation, but as AI systems have grown in sophistication so has their capacity for deception, scientists warn.

The analysis, by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers, identifies wide-ranging instances of AI systems double-crossing opponents, bluffing and pretending to be human. One system even altered its behaviour during mock safety tests, raising the prospect of auditors being lured into a false sense of security.

“As the deceptive capabilities of AI systems become more advanced, the dangers they pose to society will become increasingly serious,” said Dr Peter Park, an AI existential safety researcher at MIT and author of the research.

Park was prompted to investigate after Meta, which owns Facebook, developed a program called Cicero that performed in the top 10% of human players at the world conquest strategy game Diplomacy. Meta stated that Cicero had been trained to be “largely honest and helpful” and to “never intentionally backstab” its human allies.

“It was very rosy language, which was suspicious because backstabbing is one of the most important concepts in the game,” said Park.

Park and colleagues sifted through publicly available data and identified multiple instances of Cicero telling premeditated lies, colluding to draw other players into plots and, on one occasion, justifying its absence after being rebooted by telling another player: “I am on the phone with my girlfriend.” “We found that Meta’s AI had learned to be a master of deception,” said Park.

The MIT team found comparable issues with other systems, including a Texas hold ’em poker program that could bluff against professional human players and another system for economic negotiations that misrepresented its preferences in order to gain an upper hand.

In one study, AI organisms in a digital simulator “played dead” in order to trick a test built to eliminate AI systems that had evolved to rapidly replicate, before resuming vigorous activity once testing was complete. This highlights the technical challenge of ensuring that systems do not have unintended and unanticipated behaviours.

“That’s very concerning,” said Park. “Just because an AI system is deemed safe in the test environment doesn’t mean it’s safe in the wild. It could just be pretending to be safe in the test.”

The review, published in the journal Patterns, calls on governments to design AI safety laws that address the potential for AI deception. Risks from dishonest AI systems include fraud, tampering with elections and “sandbagging” where different users are given different responses. Eventually, if these systems can refine their unsettling capacity for deception, humans could lose control of them, the paper suggests.

Prof Anthony Cohn, a professor of automated reasoning at the University of Leeds and the Alan Turing Institute, said the study was “timely and welcome”, adding that there was a significant challenge in how to define desirable and undesirable behaviours for AI systems.

“Desirable attributes for an AI system (the “three Hs”) are often noted as being honesty, helpfulness, and harmlessness, but as has already been remarked upon in the literature, these qualities can be in opposition to each other: being honest might cause harm to someone’s feelings, or being helpful in responding to a question about how to build a bomb could cause harm,” he said. “So, deceit can sometimes be a desirable property of an AI system. The authors call for more research into how to control the truthfulness which, though challenging, would be a step towards limiting their potentially harmful effects.”

A spokesperson for Meta said: “Our Cicero work was purely a research project and the models our researchers built are trained solely to play the game Diplomacy … Meta regularly shares the results of our research to validate them and enable others to build responsibly off of our advances. We have no plans to use this research or its learnings in our products.”

None of us saw digital colonialism coming. Now we must live with its consequences

The perverse principles of the 1970s that powered the tech titans have left us with a world where the richest 1% own nearly two-thirds of its wealth

Julianne Schultz
Fri 10 May 2024 

In the early 1980s hand-written chalk signs started appearing on the sidewalks of my grungy Manhattan neighbourhood: Whoever has the most toys when he dies, wins. At that time New York City was still recovering from near bankruptcy and those who could were leaving in record numbers. Crime and homelessness were rife, crack cocaine was offered on every corner.

The sidewalk message was clear: consumerism is a con, resist it, stuff won’t matter when you’re dead.

But never underestimate the ability of American capitalism to co-opt.

Within a few years the irony was leached out of the message and it started appearing on bumper stickers, shopping bags and T-shirts. An anticonsumerist message became an invocation to buy more stuff.

The founders of the early internet and AI companies that are now reshaping the world – Google, Apple, Microsoft, Meta, Amazon and Nvidia – are too young to remember the visceral reaction many had against that “greed is good” era, when political leaders were adamant that there was no such thing as society.

Even then, many predicted that if some were to become mega rich, it would be at the expense of most.

Instead, these tech titans have become its embodiment. Billionaires with personal fortunes beyond the wildest dreams of men like Malcolm Forbes, who is considered the father of the entreaty to acquire more toys, or an earlier generation of industrial millionaires who are now best known for their families’ philanthropy.

‘News on Facebook is dead’: memes replace Australian media posts as Meta turns off the tap

The tech titans will almost certainly have the most toys when they die in a globe flattened for their convenience. They neither asked permission nor sought forgiveness for the chaos they have delivered.

Much has been written about the utopian ideas that informed the early imagining of the internet – a time of limitless information and easy connection.

We now know that that was both true and fundamentally flawed.

The global transformation of civil rights, women’s rights, Blak rights, land rights, environmentalism, freedom of information that was sung, marched and legislated into existence in the 1960s and 70s provoked vehement opposition by those who sensed an existential threat.

It is the ideas from this opposition that are the real drivers of the global enterprises that are reshaping the world, not the utopian hippy talk.

Two key essays in the early 1970s – one by an economist, the other by a psychologist – set the agenda. In a triumph of American social science they conjured up a profoundly inequitable, covertly controlled, angry, anxious world.

In September 1970 Milton Friedman wrote an essay for the New York Times headed The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits. It’s worth rereading. He argued that business should only be motivated by profits, that any concern about social impact was superfluous, and it set the framework for decades of neoliberalism.

Not everyone agreed, but this thinking undermined, with varying degrees of success, social responsibility mechanisms in one industry after another – fairness in the media, environmental protection, tax avoidance.

Around the same time the Harvard psychologist BF Skinner refined in Beyond Freedom & Dignity his idea of how mind control by behaviour modification could change the world, make it more efficient, effective and profitable. His critics suggested that Towards Slavery & Humiliation would be a better title.

Skinner dreamed of a “technology of behaviour” that would understand our every motivation and response before we knew it ourselves. This was a long way from star charts on fridges for children’s good behaviour.

As Shoshana Zuboff demonstrated in her groundbreaking book, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, that is precisely what the tech companies that reach into the most intimate corners of our lives now do – reward (with likes and clicks), satisfy our barely imagined desires (with ads) and punish our noncompliance (by cancelling). Companies and governments use big data and behavioural economics to nudge us towards their offerings.

Freedom of information has gone from being about disclosure to a free-for-all where anything can be said, but the fear of saying the wrong thing paralyses discussion. Internet companies hide behind algorithms that are, by design, unknowable and governments use legal devices to avoid disclosure.

These perverse principles powered the digital colonialism we now endure.

Our de-identified digital exhaust drives the profits that enabled the richest 1% to own nearly two-thirds of the world’s wealth. These everywhere-and-nowhere companies avoid taxes in countries where the digital surplus is generated, accept no social responsibility to ameliorate the anxiety, surveillance and abuse their products induce, and fight to avoid regulations and laws that might inhibit them. If all else fails, they pay the fines.

Governments around the world are trying to put the genie back in the bottle – to devise new laws and protections, to give back control to those who have been colonised by the promise of a world of easy connection and free-flowing information.

Not long before Donald Trump’s election as president, I was back in my old NYC neighbourhood, by then gentrified beyond recognition. Above the High Line tourist attraction was a billboard for a storage company that rivalled the chalk sign of old: The French aristocracy never saw it coming either.

None of us did. But now we have to find ways to live with the consequences of a world created in the image of Milton Friedman and BF Skinner.

Julianne Schultz AM is the author of The Idea of Australia
Abigail Disney evokes Old Yeller in plea to reject Republicans after Kristi Noem kills dog

Exclusive: great-niece of Walt Disney issues appeal to appalled voters on behalf of Progressive Change Campaign Committee

Martin Pengelly in Washington
Fri 10 May 2024 

Evoking the classic Disney tearjerker Old Yeller, in which a family is forced to put down their beloved dog, the US film-maker and campaigner Abigail Disney exhorted voters to oppose the Republican party of Kristi Noem, the South Dakota governor whose story of killing Cricket, a 14-month-old dog, shocked the world and seemingly dynamited her hopes of being Donald Trump’s running mate.

Trump VP contender Kristi Noem writes of killing dog – and goat – in new book

“My great-uncle Walt Disney knew the magic place animals have in the hearts of families everywhere,” Disney wrote in an email released by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) and obtained exclusively by the Guardian.

“When he released Old Yeller, the heart wrenching story stayed with people because no one takes the killing of a family pet lightly.

“At least that’s what I thought until I read about potential Trump VP Kristi Noem shooting her family’s puppy – a story that has shocked so many of us.”

Noem describes the day she killed Cricket (and an unnamed goat) in No Going Back, a campaign memoir published this week but first reported late last month by the Guardian.

Cricket, a 14-month-old wirehaired pointer, met her fate in a gravel pit because Noem deemed her “untrainable” after she disrupted a pheasant hunt and killed a neighbour’s chickens. The goat, which had not been castrated, was deemed too aggressive and smelly and a danger to Noem’s children. By the governor’s own admission, it took two blasts with a shotgun to finish the goat off.

Noem has repeatedly defended her story as indicative of her willingness to do unpleasant but necessary things in life as well as politics. Nonetheless, she has reportedly slipped way down Donald Trump’s list of possible vice-presidential picks, should the presumptive Republican nominee avoid prison on any of 88 criminal charges and should he beat Biden in November.

Two weeks after the Guardian report, shock and revulsion over Noem’s story continues to ring throughout the US. This week, amid a string of uncomfortable interviews even on usually friendly rightwing networks, also questioning an untrue claim to have met the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, the governor cut short a promotional tour for her book.

In her email in support of the PCCC, Disney said: “Walt Disney also understood story telling. Together, we must make sure all voters see how this sad Kristi Noem episode is part of the larger story of the 2024 election: America could vote into the White House extremists that glorify cruelty and lack basic empathy and compassion.”

Kristi Noem’s book, seen in a Maryland store. Photograph: Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA

Asking readers to post pictures of beloved pets and the hashtag #UnleashTheVote, Disney also promoted a petition against “Trump and extreme Republicans who lack the character to lead our nation”.

Old Yeller, which the Guardian called “one of the best and most poignant boy-and-his dog movies”, was released in 1957. It tells the story of a family in Texas in 1869 that adopts a large yellow dog.

Disney said: “In Old Yeller, the family comes to see the lovable stray dog as an indispensable member of the family. The film’s climactic moment is a heartbreaking one, when the father has no choice but to shoot Old Yeller when the dog contracts rabies because of the inevitable threat to their lives – and, out of compassion, to end the suffering the dog would have to endure.

“Noem shot her family’s 14-month-old puppy after a hunting trip, in her own account, because she was too hard to teach. ‘I hated that dog,’ she wrote, framing the killing of a puppy as an example of strength.

Peta unveils Kristi Noem ‘ghoulish monster’ Halloween costume

“Kristi Noem is not strong. Like Trump, she is cruel and selfish.”

Listing positions taken by Trump and supporters like Noem, Disney said: “If Kristi Noem was actually strong, she would stand up to the January 6 insurrectionists instead of celebrating them. Or she would make billionaires pay their fair share of taxes instead of lining up for their campaign donations.

“If she had real courage, she might even criticise the supreme court for abolishing abortion rights or making it easier to flood our streets and schools with guns.

“True strength is not demonstrated through harshness, brutality, or callous indifference, but through steadfast kindness and compassion. Our pets teach most of us this lesson every day through their loyalty and unconditional love.

“Let’s make sure Americans demand leaders who do the same when it comes time to vote.”
Is a previously unheard-of First Nation just Canada’s latest Pretendian case?

Local chiefs claim Kawartha Lakes First Nation is part of a wave of cases in which people falsely claim Indigenous identity

Leyland Cecco in Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
Thu 9 May 2024 

The headquarters of the Kawartha Lakes First Nation sits off a single-lane highway 100 miles north-east of Toronto. Between signs advertising the sale of all-terrain vehicles, hand -scrawled messages on the three buildings decry government corruption.

At the centre of the lot, near signs for the “Redneck Church” and “Chief Willy’s Man Cave” stands a 26ft tipi. Alongside banners commemorating missing and murdered Indigenous women and the victims of Canada’s residential school system, Confederate flags flap gently in the wind.

To its 20 members, this is the heart of Canada’s newest First Nation. But seven local Indigenous chiefs claim it is the site of a brazen fraud that threatens to erode their hard-fought constitutional rights.

In recent years, Canada has grappled with a wave of “Pretendian” cases – in which people falsely claim Indigenous identity. Meanwhile, the use of Indigenous symbols and slogans has also grown increasingly common among the country’s far right.

Members of Kawartha Lakes First Nation argue they are exempt from laws and taxes, echoing the rhetoric of the extremist sovereign citizens movement, and the group’s emergence has raised concerns over how groups might use Indigenous identity to lay claim to land or demand concessions from local and provincial governments.

About two months ago, William Denby, the self-proclaimed “chief” of the Kawartha group began sending emails to local chiefs, municipal and provincial officials. The messages, seen by the Guardian, were often written in all caps and combined grievances and increasingly bold claims.

Denby protested against the destruction of farmland for housing developments and made broad allegations of corruption. He also said he was the hereditary leader of a forgotten Indigenous nation and claimed his group had rights to nearly 5,800 square miles (15,000 sq km) of land.

At first, Taynar Simpson, chief of Alderville First Nation, ignored the near-daily emails. But then, he said: “Against my better judgment, I decided to respond.”

Simpson is one of Canada’s leading Indigenous genealogical consultants and his work has been critical in reaching historic financial settlements for widespread abuse at residential schools as well as the episode know as the Sixties Scoop, in which Indigenous children were forcibly placed in foster care.

“I asked Denby for any evidence of his claim because I know pretty much everything about the First Nations people in this territory. And told him I’d never heard of his group before,” said Simpson.

In email correspondence between the two seen by the Guardian, Denby – a businessman and former mayoral candidate in the region – told Simpson he was in possession of “records” dating back to 1780 that proved “our Ancestors” were on this land for over 30,000 years. But he failed to produce any documentation to support his claims of Indigenous ancestry.

But it wasn’t until Denby appeared before Kawartha Lakes city council a few weeks later that Simpson grasped the scale of the group’s aims.

“Denby stepped up to the microphone to say Alderville First Nation had transferred all authority of the region over to him. He put this on record. I was like, ‘Are you kidding me? I never said anything like that!” Simpson said.

The group’s apparent readiness to make questionable claims in a bid for territory – in this case, the entirety of Kawartha Lakes – alarmed Simpson and the chiefs of six other nations that are signatories to the 1923 Williams Treaties.

Alderville First Nation’s chief, Taynar Simpson, on the Black Oak Savanna, on Alderville First Nation near Alnwick/Haldimand, Ontario. Photograph: Cole Burston/For The Guardian

In a rare joint statement, the chiefs warned Denby and his group were “illegitimately assert[ing] rights” and had no ancestral Indigenous connection to any of the region and warned they would take “any necessary legal action to protect our citizens, rights and interests”.

Denby called the statement “lies” and told supporters he had sued the chiefs for “slander”.

The city of Kawartha Lakes also said Denby’s group “lacks any connection to a historical Indigenous community” in the region and his claims were a “disservice to legitimate rights holders”.

Denby’s claims of Indigenous ancestry and of a “great, great, great, great-uncle Firebolt” also caught the attention of a local genealogy enthusiast, who created a blog to catalogue and debunk the claims by Denby and the group calling itself the Kawartha Lake First Nation.

“I wanted to see who his [Indigenous] ancestor might be. I couldn’t actually find one – which doesn’t mean there isn’t one – but almost certainly there isn’t one within at least six generations or five generations,” said the genealogist, who asked not to be named to avoid potential harassment.

Denby has claimed both Ojibwe and Mohawk ancestry, but also told supporters that anyone born in Canada is “native”. Denby also claims he is a descendant of the “Kawartha Tribe” – but the genealogist points out the name “Kawartha” was created in the late 1800s as part of a tourism campaign to rebrand the Trent Valley.

Advertisement for Grand Trunk Railway Travel to Highlands of Ontario, showing the name Kawartha. Photograph: handout

On a recent afternoon, the group’s camp was quiet. Denby was not present, according to his wife, who said: “He’s probably out raisin’ hell.” Multiple calls to his phone went unanswered.

Steven Lesperance, who Denby made a “deputy chief”, declined to comment.

On 26 April, Denby was arrested and charged with criminal harassment, uttering threats and intimidation of a justice system participant.

During his bail hearing, a crown lawyer read from an email sent from Denby to a number of city councillors that led police to detain the self-proclaimed “chief”.

“We do not want to start to kill, poison, bury every one of you or your families if you do not stop destroying our farmland. We know where you all live. Nobody wants to have to go this far but we will. This is your final warning,” the attorney read in court. “You have no idea how well organized we are and how much firepower we have in storage,” the email said.

Denby has not yet entered a plea and none of the charges have been proven in court.

The far-right strategy of using Indigenous identity to claim a right to lands has concerned researchers, who see the move as a threat to legitimate Indigenous groups.

“They seem to believe that if they can finagle a little land claim, if they can call themselves a First Nation, they’ll get to create their own little fiefdom with their own laws,” said Veldon Coburn, a professor at the University of Ottawa’s Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies.

The use of what Coburn calls a “potpourri of Indigenous iconography” has become a growing trend among far-right groups. Romana Didulo, the Q-Anon figure who has proclaimed herself the “Queen” of Canada, uses the motto “Kiçhi Manitō Osākihin”, a rough Cree language translation of “God Loves You”. During the “Freedom Convoy” occupation of Ottawa two years ago, truckers pinned “Every Child Matters” flags to their vehicles – a phrase associated with victims of the Indigenous residential schools – and protesters held pipe ceremonies and lit a sacred fire – against the wishes of the Algonquin Nation.
The Confederate flag flies at the property of William Denby. Photograph: Cole Burston/For The Guardian

Canada’s constitution outlines the rights of Indigenous peoples, the state’s obligations to recognized groups and the legitimacy of historical and contemporary treaties.

But Coburn says many of the assumptions the groups like the Kawartha Lakes First Nation make are based on a misunderstanding of those constitutional provisions and an antiquated view of Indigenous peoples.

He and others worry that as federal government weighs self-governance legislation that would recognize new – and sometimes contested – Indigenous nations, increasingly sophisticated groups could convince government officials they have a legitimate claim, and even supplant the existing rights-holders.

“We’re seeing cases where legitimate Indigenous peoples are having to defend their title,” said Coburn.

In March, the Narwhal reported that the Métis Nation of Ontario received a C$1.33m (US$1m) grant to acquire 40 hectares of wetlands in a conservation effort, as well as to develop a “Métis culture and language camp” to focus on “land-based education” – even though none of Ontario’s recognized First Nations believe the Métis Nation of Ontario has any legitimate claim to their homelands.

“There are no historic Métis communities in Anishinaabe territories and therefore any [Métis Nation of Ontario] self-government agreement involving lands and resources discussions or processes is illegitimate,” the Anishinabek Nation, which represents 39 First Nations in the province, said in a statement.

In response, the Métis Nation of Ontario said it did not need the “blessing” of other Indigenous leaders to “exist” outside of its historic homelands.

As well as claiming to be a First Nations chief, Denby has also alleged that the Kawartha Lakes municipal authorities have a constitutional “duty to consult” with his group.

William Denby’s property lies just off a single-lane highway. Photograph: Cole Burston/For The Guardian

“He’s trying claim ownership to all of the Kawartha Lakes region. But when you misrepresent yourself – he’s not Indigenous and he’s not a chief – to achieve gain like this, that’s fraud,” alleges Simpson.

Ontario police said no investigation had been opened into Denby’s claims.

Some scholars caution against empowering the government to determine which groups are making legitimate claims.

Riley Yesno, a research fellow at the Yellowhead Institute, says she gets “nervous” about the government developing a mechanism to arbitrate claims of Indigenousness.

“We see the federal government pick and choose which Indigenous people are more favourable for them to work with, so why wouldn’t they be incentivized to develop a system that perpetuates that?” she said.

Chief Simpson, whose community has spent recent years trying to buy up as much of the surrounding land as it can in order to restore it ecologically and rebuild territory lost to Canada, sees strong parallels between with fight with Denby and the legacy of the colonial project.

“In many ways, the federal government is no different from Bill Denby. They masquerade that they have ownership over all these lands. They use the same playbook to try to gain rights and access to the territory. And they work to discredit the people that have been here for thousands of years.”

India says Canada has offered no evidence it was involved in death of Sikh separatist

Comments come after three Indian nationals were charged for their alleged role in assassination of Sikh activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar

Guardian staff and agencies
Fri 10 May 2024

India says that Canada has shared no evidence to back up its allegation that the Indian government was involved in the death of a Sikh separatist leader in Canada last year, despite recent arrests in the crime.

The spokesperson for India’s external affairs ministry, Randhir Jaiswal, also reiterated India’s longstanding allegation that Canada harbors Indian extremists.

Three Indian nationals who had been living in Canada temporarily were charged on Thursday for their alleged role in the assassination of the Sikh activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in British Columbia last year.

Canada killing adds to suspicions of Indian crackdown on Sikh separatists

The Canadian police said that the investigation into whether they had ties to India’s government was ongoing.

Jaiswal said the two governments are discussing the case but that Canada has forwarded no specific evidence of the Indian government’s involvement.

He added that New Delhi has complained to Canadian authorities that separatists, extremists and those advocating violence against India have been allowed entry and residency in Canada.

“Our diplomats have been threatened with impunity and obstructed in their performance of duties,” Jaiswal said. “We are having discussions at the diplomatic level on all these matters,” he said.

Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau set off a diplomatic spat with India in September, after he cited “credible allegations” of India’s involvement in the assassination. India rejected the accusations.

The three Indian men arrested in Canada have been charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder and haven’t yet sought any access to the Indian diplomats there, Jaiswal said.

Meanwhile, Eric Garcetti, the US ambassador to India, said he was satisfied so far with India’s moves to ensure accountability after alleged assassination plots against Sikh activists in the US were revealed.

In November, US authorities said an Indian government official had directed the plot in the attempted murder of Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a Sikh separatist and dual citizen of the United States and Canada. The White House said last month it viewed the reported role of the Indian intelligence service in the assassination plots as a very serious matter.

“I would say the administration is satisfied with the accountability that we’ve demanded on this, because this is a red line for America, for our citizens, and a core part of what we need to do,” Garcetti said.

India has expressed concern about the linkage to officials and dissociated itself from the plot, saying it would formally investigate the US concerns, and take necessary follow-up action.
Met Gala 2024

‘Really dystopian’: why was there no mention of Gaza at the Met Gala?

Courage of celebrities called into question as key fashion event passes devoid of political statement

Ellie Violet Bramley
Fri 10 May 2024 

As pro-Palestinian protests unfolded blocks away and Israel carried out airstrikes on Rafah, the Met Gala took place in New York on Monday evening devoid of political statement.

Attenders wore dramatic dresses made of sand or tens of thousands of crystals, had teams of helpers lug heavy trains and wore suits akin to three-seater sofas. Yet any sartorial statement about what was happening beyond the red carpet was absent. The nearby chants of protesters did nothing to pierce the vacuum.

It “felt really dystopian”, said Venetia La Manna, a campaigner for fair fashion who posted a video on Instagram this week in which she pointed out the absurdity: “As our favourite celebrities took to the red carpet and voluntarily lost the ability to breath and move, Israel seized control of Gaza’s Rafah border crossing, halting the flow of aid, leaving Palestinians nowhere safe to go. They are involuntarily losing the ability to breathe and move.”

Previous Met Galas have not been so devoid of politics. In 2021, the congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez caused controversy by wearing a dress emblazoned with “Tax the Rich”. In 2018, to coincide with the “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination” theme, the actor Lena Waithe wore a rainbow cape. The Gilded Glamour theme of 2022 – a reference to the opulent 19th-century gilded age – provoked several attenders to dress to make a statement, including Riz Ahmed, who used his outfit to draw attention to the role of immigrant workers “who kept the gilded age going”.

View image in fullscreenAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Tax the Rich’ dress. Photograph: Ray Tamarra/GC Images

“Fashion cannot turn its cheek,” says La Manna. “Fashion is inherently political. Clothing is political. Fabrics are political. It’s art, right? And art is inherently political. For an event that is so based around celebrating art, it just felt like a missed opportunity for not a single statement to have been made.”

With thousands of cameras trained on them, and billions of people watching via social media, red carpets offer a chance to make statements. In 2018, actors wore black at the Golden Globes as the #MeToo movement gained momentum. Ditto at the Baftas the same year. When things had cooled in 2019, stars still wore “Time’s Up x 2” bracelets. At the Screen Actors Guild awards in 2022, actors including Michael Douglas and Greta Lee wore blue and yellow in support of Ukraine.

View image in fullscreenLena Waithe wearing a rainbow cape in 2018. 
Photograph: Héctor Retamal/AFP/Getty Images

Other recent high-profile red carpets have seen at least some political dressing relating to Gaza. Celebrities including Billie Eilish and Ramy Youssef wore Artists4Ceasefire pins at the Oscars, while others, including the Anatomy of a Fall stars Milo Machado-Graner and Swann Arlaud, wore buttons with the Palestinian flag. Even subtle symbols were almost entirely absent from the Met. La Manna would have liked even “a watermelon clutch”, the fruit bearing the same colours as the Palestinian flag.

The reasons for the silence are complicated. “Is it because the people in attendance and the brands in attendance just take the stance that it’s not worth the outrage, it’s not worth the potential loss of money?” asks La Manna.

It was not a surprise to the fashion industry activist Orsola de Castro that no one arrived in “an amazing column couture gown in the colours of the Palestinian flag”, but it did, she says, “consolidate this horrendous understanding that [there is] some kind of dystopian fear of speaking out over something which is so blatant”.

La Manna speculates that high-profile people may have “checked out”, at least from public statements, having seen the “industry-wide outrage” unfold after even “an incredibly reasonable political statement, say Jonathan Glazer’s acceptance speech [about what he called the “dehumanisation” in Gaza] at the Oscars”.

The role of the gala being to raise money for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute, Amy Odell, a biographer of Anna Wintour, said “brands usually don’t really want to be around controversy and politics”.

But in the social media age, a completely apolitical event feels out of touch. Instagram feeds ricochet between pictures of the Met Gala and Gaza and, increasingly, “people are not looking at [the Met] as a distinct thing that exists separately from everything else going on in the world”, says Odell.

The theme of this year’s event even invited politics. While it was met with confusion, guests were tasked with paying homage to The Garden of Time, a title that takes its name from a 1962 short story by JG Ballard, a tale of crumbling hierarchies in which a count and countess are overrun by an angry mob. The cognitive dissonance between the pretty roses of celebrity outfits and the story’s plot was pointed out on social media, with one fashion writer, Rosalind Jana, calling it “deliciously ironic”.

Wintour has willingly courted controversy in the past. Odell points out that when she chose to put Ivana Trump on the cover of Vogue in the 1980s, she “knew she was going to raise some eyebrows”. Ditto the interview with Asma al-Assad, the wife of the Syrian dictator, Bashar al-Assad, in 2011, as the Arab spring began.

Odell says she does not know whether Wintour issued some sort of decree for no political statements, but that she is “involved in most of the outfits that come down the carpet … she has a lot of control”. Odell would not be surprised, for instance, if Wintour had known that Ocasio-Cortez was going to wear her “Tax the Rich” gown in 2021.

Outsiders looking in are “desperate to see some kind of solidarity” from celebrities, says La Manna. For De Castro, not to do so via even a subtle symbol like a ribbon or pin shows “an absolute lack of bravery”.