And look at what he is auctioning off.
..Lobsters, Cape Breton whisky, a $100 gold coin, and Ashley MacIsaac in your kitchen? Check out the new additions to Michael’s online auction just released today.
Ashley in my kitchen I would be careful about that you don't know what he might put in the food.
Ashley was considering a run for Liberal leader himself but now it appears he is backing Ignatieff. Is it a coincidence that Ashley released an album called Pride as part of his leadership campaign and now thats Ignatieffs chosen slogan?

Information on Ashley's new release, Pride
Why not throw his support behind fellow Maritimer and out politician Scott Brison?
I wonder if Cherniak and Kinsella know about this and how come they have been so quiet about Canada's favorite gay bad boy.
Wait actually Cherniak was thrilled that Ashley showed up at an Iggy thingee in T.O. And he was even tolerant of Ashley, considering it was youth for Iggy he didn't make any crusining comments about Ashley, unlike his smear campaign against DiNovo.....
As they say Pride cometh before the fall.
As always I try to be "fair and balanced."
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Liberal Leadership Race
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Why do you always have to steal my Ashley in the kitchen punchlines?
Ashley in the Kitchen bitchin...
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