Friday, August 18, 2006

Six Week War for Nothing

Zionist apologist Warren Kinsella claims that the Israel Lebanon War was not about who won but who lost. Of course he contends Hezbollah lost, while in Israel Ha'aretz says otherwise.

The IDF carried out three operations in Bint Jbail during the war, and did not conquer it because of its sprawling urban character. The public are not alone in not understanding the army's plans; the officers are hard pressed to comprehend them too. Since the passing of the favorable resolution, Israel is having to withdraw from the territory it has occupied, following heavy losses; but Hezbollah continues to hold the ground and maintain that it won.
ANALYSIS: A new 'Mini-Iran' is emerging in southern Lebanon Ha'aretz

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Shatner Roast

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Canadian comedian and self-promoter; William Shatner will be subject to a Roast on Comedy Central,
but this incident won't make it on the show. Come on you didn't think his portrayl of James T. Kirk was serious drama did you.

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More Terrorism Propaganda

9/11 emergency services tapes released

Convinently released as the Bush regime pushes the panic button over international terrorism.

This falls on the heels of the Cheney comments made after Lieberman loss and the UK terrorist panic.

Some folks are saying the UK panic appears to have been a deliberate and calculated plan by the US and UK authorities.

It's the politics of fear in an election year.

UK terror plot vindicates Bush

London Fog: Doubts Hang Over Terror Plot

The politics of the latest terror scare

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Nuclear Threat In the Middle East

Nope its not Iran, it's Israel. With the help of their German pals.

Israel enhancing nuke-capable submarines

German engineers the past few weeks have been in Israel working to improve three advanced, nuclear capable attack submarines it provided the Jewish state last year, security sources tell the Galil Report.

Many here have estimated the vessels can be used both as a strategic, second-strike nuclear deterrent or for conventional use during any large-scale confrontation.

Military officials say the submarines are not needed for Israel's current campaign in Lebanon. The officials said Israel recently has discussed with foreign governments travel and refueling routes so the submarines can reach the Persian Gulf – within firing distance of Iran.

The submarines usually patrol in the Indian Ocean. But the Galil Report has learned one is currently stationed in the Mediterranean off the coast of Haifa and another off the coast of Lebanon. Both submarines are being serviced. The Galil Report was not provided with the location of the third submarine.

Aso See:


Macho Kinsella

Ouch That Hurts

The Iranian View

Making Iran Nervous

American Sabre Rattling Blogger

US and Iran Allies

The Real Nuclear Threat In The Middle East

Clintons War

Nuclear Paradox

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Dolphins Say Scientist A Dim Wit

A scientist in South Africa is claiming Dolphins are dumber than goldfish.

An examination of cetacean brain structure with a novel hypothesis correlating thermogenesis to the evolution of a big brain

Paul R. Manger

Biological Reviews, Volume 81, Issue 02, May 2006, pp 293-338

Of course he is from a country that once said the same thing about blacks.

I guess you could call this species profiling.

Was his research published in Science or Nature? Nope it was published in the obscure journal;
"Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society".
Which warns its authors that; "articles are aimed at non-specialist biologists". In other words 'generalists'.

Conclusions about the nature and magnitude of dolphin intelligence have not yet been reached. There are many different species of dolphin (see the cetacea article for a full list) and generalisations can be easily misapplied; cognitive differences between dolphin species may be as marked as differences between humans and the great apes."

Most researchers agree that bottle-nose dolphins exhibit a level of intelligence greater than that of a dog and even comparabole to that of some primates--but NOT humans.

"Intelligence" is a term with many definitions and interpretations. It's difficult enough to measure in humans let alone other animals. Large brains are traditionally associated with greater intelligence, and the brain of the adult bottlenose dolphin is about 25% heavier than the average adult human brain. Generally though, larger mammals tend to have larger brains, and so a more accurate estimate of brain power comes from the ratio of brain size to body size - the "encephalisation quotient" (EQ). While river dolphins have an EQ of 1.5, some dolphins have EQs that are more than double those of our closest relatives: gorillas have 1.76, chimpanzees 2.48, bottlenose dolphins 5.6. The bottlenose's EQ is surpassed only by a human's, which measures 7.4 (Australopithecines - hominids that lived around 4m years ago - fall within the dolphin range: 3.25-4.72). But we don't know enough about the workings of the brain to be sure of what these anatomical measurements truly represent. Today, most scientists share the view that it is behaviour, not structure, that must be the measure of intelligence within a species.Guardian Unlimited | Life | Deep thinkers

A Comparison of Primate and Dolphin Intelligence as a Metaphor
Kenneth W. LeVasseur - Dolphin Intelligence & Captivity
Proof of whale and dolphin intelligence

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Trial By Media

The alleged killer of child beauty queen JonBonet Ramsey has been arrested in Thailand, home of the sex tourist industry. Liberal Catnip has published; The Resume of Suspected JonBenet Killer: John Mark Karr

This is a clear case of trial by media, which found the Ramsey family, father, mother and brother quilty. The media replaced the police and the courts in this case and publicly vilified the family whom they judged quilty.

Of course apologies will not be forthcoming by those who profited from the families loss.

The subtext of the media's slur campaign was it's moralistic revulsion towards JonBenet's mother who had made her into a teeny tiny beauty queen. A clone of her mother, who had also been a beauty queen.

The hypocrisy of America, it promotes the expolitation of girls and women through beauty pagents, and then turns around and is morally repulsed by those who participate. They equate child beauty queen's with child exploitation, yet they accept and promote these pagents.

The real child abuser and exploiter who murdered JonBenet was always dismissed as a fantasy until now. The irony is that while the media 's morality play was that of outrage over the exploitation of JonBenet as a child beauty queen, in death she was exploited by them even more.

JonBenet Ramsey murder case, an investigative analysis

The first images of JonBenet Ramsey that were broadcast to the world showed a pretty little girl in heavy make-up and flamboyant costumes parading across a stage. At the time, the media described her as "a painted baby, a sexualized toddler beauty queen."

From the day in 1996 when JonBenet was found dead in the basement of her home in Boulder Colorado, the Boulder police and a large proportion of the world's media believed that her parents, John and Patsy Ramsey, were responsible for her death.

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Who is Fighting AIDS

Leading activists took an angry jab yesterday at major AIDS organizations and the International AIDS Conference, complaining that Bill Clinton and Bill Gates were treated like royalty at the "Hollywood" meeting, while patients and front-line workers have received little profile. 'Hollywood' conference irks activists

This item is locked, however amongst all the AIDS conference news this is the only story critical of the Bill and Bill show in TO. However to his credit Stephen Lewis on the other hand has been focusing on AIDS victims and activists, in particular the Grandmothers from Africa.

American singer Alicia Keys (centre) and UN AIDS envoy Stephen Lewis (right) join grandmothers from around the world affected by AIDS at an event raising awareness about the disease at the International AIDS conference in Toronto, Sunday. (CP / Stuart Nimmo)

American singer Alicia Keys (centre) and UN AIDS envoy Stephen Lewis (right) join grandmothers from around the world affected by AIDS at an event raising awareness about the disease at the International AIDS conference in Toronto, Sunday. (CP / Stuart Nimmo)

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Moon Landing Never Happened

Amongst conspriacy theorists there are those who claim that the Moon landing was faked, it never really happened. This became the basis for the movie Capricorn One.

Well now it turns out that NASA is reporting that the 13 hours of video tapes of the first moon landing is missing!!!

The original tapes though were sent from Nasa to the National Archives in 1970, and the tapes has disappeared since.
Maybe they are buried with Richard Nixon, who also lost important tapes.

Well it was the sixties after all. "Wow man that was some good shit, now we gotta put these tapes somewhere really safe, man"

Buzz Aldrin poses on the moon, allowing Neil Armstrong to photograph both of them using the visor reflection. (NASA)
Buzz Aldrin poses on the moon, allowing Neil Armstrong to photograph both of them using the visor reflection. (NASA)

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Khadr -Canada's Shame

The Unending Torture of Omar Khadr
He was a child of jihad, a teenage soldier in bin Laden's army. Captured on the battlefield when he was only fifteen, he has been held at Guantanamo Bay for the past four years -- subjected to unspeakable abuse sanctioned by the president himself

Because in Canada the State would try him as a young they have abandoned him to the U.S. Gov't in no rush to bring Khadr to Canada

Its all part of the U.S. Canada security pact. The same pact that saw Canadian Mahar Arar, repatriated by the CIA to Syria to face imprisonment and torture.
The fact remains he is being imprisoned and tortured in violation of International and Canadian laws, with no proof he is a terrorist.

The silence of the Canadian state is shameful.

His is another face
that should be made into a poster and placed by the NDP/BQ opposition on their side of the house to face the government.

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Corporate Welfare Bums

File this under Liberal, Tory same old story. Along with subsidies and tax cuts Canadian workers fund the corporate sector with our hard earned tax dollars to the tune of $20 billion. This is just a portion of the Corporate Welfare big business gets. And why would they pay us back, when they fail to reinvest their tax cuts in their own businesses in the first place. Captialists say they hate state regulations but they do love the states handouts.

Following the winter election, the new Conservative Industry Minister, Maxime Bernier, quietly cut off Pratt & Whitney -- the biggest TPC deadbeat -- from the subsidy trough. Furthermore, he helped to discredit the program by making TPC repayments records public. Despite assurances made by the Liberal government that TPC loans were generally in good standing, the data revealed the opposite. A group of 42 recipient companies had yet to submit any reimbursements whatsoever, repayment records for 88 others totaled a paltry $149-million, and another 78 companies had repaid a total of $7.4-million but refused to make their exact repayments known to the public. The data confirmed what critics of Ottawa's corporate welfare program have been stating for years: These programs are a sinkhole for tax dollars.TPC was established to replace the old Defence Industries Productivity Program (DIPP), a corporate welfare plan that paid out $2.15-billion in grants and contributions to businesses over a 20-year period. DIPP was also cancelled by the Liberals because fewer than one in four dollars was repaid to the government. TECHNOLOGY PARTNERSHIPS CANADA A SUBSIDY SINKHOLE

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