The NDP ruined it?s website!
On the new NDP web site
NDP Website Updates: The Good & The Bad
My comment left at the above blog was; 'the posting of the link to the ND Youth in 6 point at the bottom of the page says a lot about the importance the party places on these core activists.' And there is no search function.
And then there is the ultimate thumbs up review, where a partisan blogger actually uses the newly provided NDP template for their blog.
Then I discovered it was just Werner Patels disguising himself as a Dipper.
Which is a good reason why you should not allow folks to use your template.

As you can see the green background colour has changed from light green to dark forest/green. Be still my beating heart.

And to think that after getting all huffy about Robert McClelland's My Blahg and the promise to address bloggers after the uproar over Brad Lavigne, this is what we get, blog tools.
Whereas the Blogging Dippers dealt with the McClelland crisis by electing a politburo to run it while remaining autonomous from the party.
Still waiting for the party blog......or blog agreggator.....or the party facebook page....or....oh well they have Werner to blog for them now....
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