The facts that Chuck Strahl and the Tories don't want you to know.
The report, completed for the wheat board by a team of researchers, including the University of Saskatchewan's Richard Gray, looked at the world trade from 1995 to 2004 for malt and feed barley. It shows consistent benefits for producers under the current single-desk system.
Coverage of the Wheat Board from the Left
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Wheat Board
Supply Side Management
The CWB releases one of these "cover our own ass" surveys oddly timed to coincide with every plebicite or parliamentary action. Then, when the faulty methodology or inconsistent results in any particular study is published in an issue of Grainnews, they just come out with another one.
Prove the dual market is better for all farmers. Waiting, waiting, yep still waiting, what no proof...too bad so sad.
Fine, if its so great for all farmers, lets instantly impose it on Quebec and Ontario producers as well.
They already have them. Its called marketing boards. Something that the Tories overlook in their BS propaganda about the Wheat Board.
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