Monday, December 05, 2005

Let The Green Party In

I posted my blog article on Vive Canada about the campaign to get the Green Party more media coverage, such as having them mentioned in articles, having their Green Blog linked at MSM election web sites and the all important involvement in the Leaders Debate. A good debate is going on at Vive Canada and we have at least twenty comments. I have also posted the two petitions in my left side bar under Election 2006. And I have been emailing comments out to the Media and on my email lists. How about you?


RP. said...

The real pity here is that there are no adults in the Green Party that can stand up for themselves, and have to resort to begging for other parties to advocate for them. It's gross. I guess next I'm going to have to stump for the Christian Heritage Party.


Ah never let the facts get in the way of your opinion. The fact is that those of us in the blogosphere saw how the MSM were treating the Greens and launched our protest, they did the same, without asking us to endorse them or do it for them. Re; Christian Heritage Party. Thank God they don't get my hard earned tax dollars.