Saturday, February 27, 2021


Cuba ratifies willingness to prioritize animal welfare by decree-law

Havana, Feb 27 (Prensa Latina) The recent approval of the Decree-Law on Animal Welfare in Cuba confirms the government's willingness to prioritize this issue through a specific regulation, sources from the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG) assured on Saturday.

At a press conference, MINAG legal director Orlando Diaz explained that the instrument includes modern concepts resulting from the dialogue established for its conception.

'A very interesting stage of training and exchange for the implementation of the regulations begins, with emphasis on the educational process and the formation of values in family and schools,' he said.

However, animal welfare is a previous issue in Cuba's policies; there are other laws referring to this point, he stressed.

What is original about this decree-law is the entry into force of a specific and new instrument, with modern concepts in accordance with the international organizations, of which Cuba is a member.

The Decree-Law on Animal Welfare was approved on Friday by the Cuban Council of State, in correspondence with the planned legislative schedule.

The provision establishes the obligations of institutions and natural persons with respect to animal protection and care, and will contribute to raising awareness among the population in respect and responsible ownership of pets.


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