Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Global team of wildlife researchers furthers study of elusive, tree-dwelling animals

Global team of wildlife researchers furthers study of elusive, tree-dwelling animals
Image of a blue monkey caught on an arboreal camera in the Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda. Credit: Wildlife Conservation Society – Rwanda program - Nyungwe National Park

The pandemic has turned many of us to technology as a way to connect with not just other people, but also nature.

Camera traps—stationary cameras such as trail cams that capture still images or video of  that cross their path—are increasingly popular windows into the everyday lives of birds, mammals, insects and more.

"Wildlife researchers have been using camera traps for decades to document flora and fauna," said Jennifer Moore, who led a new review study on the method's latest evolution: arboreal camera traps.

"Camera traps on the ground have been used for a long time, but arboreal camera traps are a newer approach. They capture what is going on at the level of the tree canopy," said Moore, a post-doctoral associate in the UF/IFAS department of wildlife ecology and .

A canopy-level view is invaluable to  who study  that spend their lives in the trees.

"Sometimes we may not even know a species is in an area until we catch them on camera up in the trees," said Moore, whose recent research focuses on  in Rwanda's national parks.

"And you can't conserve what you don't know is there," Moore added.

Looking back through the scientific literature, the study's authors found that wildlife researchers have been using arboreal camera traps for about the last 30 years, though their use has increased dramatically in recent years.

"The growth has been exponential," said Tremaine Gregory, a conservation biologist at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute's Center for Conservation and Sustainability, and a co-author on the study.

Global team of wildlife researchers furthers study of elusive, tree-dwelling animals
Image of a Cassin's hawk-eagle caught on an arboreal camera in the Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda. Credit: Wildlife Conservation Society – Rwanda program - Nyungwe National Park

"There are many advantages to arboreal camera traps. For one, they allow us to see wildlife that would be nearly impossible to see if you're on the ground looking up, even with binoculars," Gregory said. "They are also less invasive than the traditional method of surveying wildlife, which is to walk through the habitat on transects. Finally, they allow us to more effectively document  at night, and so many animals that live up in the trees are nocturnal."

But as with many innovations, camera trapping has a steep learning curve, the study's authors say.

"Camera traps offer a lot of advantages, but there are some common mistakes people make. In our study, we lay out some  to help researchers avoid those pitfalls," Moore said.

The study's 18 authors also provide unique mini-guides that provide guidance on topics specific to arboreal camera trapping such as ways to mount cameras to managing interference from animals in the canopy. The mini-guides also cover best practices for installing cameras up in trees safely.

· Camera mounts

· Climbing protocols and safety

· Non-climbing methods

· Managing animal interference

"These best practices could also be useful for nature lovers interested in putting a camera trap in their backyards," Gregory added.

Global team of wildlife researchers furthers study of elusive, tree-dwelling animals
Image of a mountain monkey caught on an arboreal camera in the Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda. Credit: Wildlife Conservation Society – Rwanda program - Nyungwe National Park

Some of the earliest uses of  in urban areas were nest cams trained on nests of species like ospreys, which are often built on the tops of high urban structures. Today, sites like YouTube are full of live  feeds showing animals in their most candid moments.

"Camera  are a great tool for increasing public awareness about the environment and ," Moore said.

The study is published in the journal Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

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More information: Jennifer F. Moore et al, The potential and practice of arboreal camera trapping, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2021). DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.13666
Journal information: Methods in Ecology and Evolution 
Provided by University of Florida 

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