Sunday, May 29, 2022

IPAC New Zealand Co-Chairs Urge Pacific Neighbours To Exercise Sovereignty Over Police Presence

The announcement in the last 24 hours by two Pacific Island countries that China will build police infrastructure there shows how quickly China is intending to militarise the Pacific. Plans to provide fingerprinting facilities in Samoa and the Solomon Islands, and possible arms to police in the Solomons, are the first step in militarisation by stealth.

We are deeply cynical about the timing of these announcements, and the deals being done with individual nations, ahead of two looming Pacific Islands Forum meetings — including the leaders’ meeting in July.

The whirlwind tour by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi ahead of the July PIF reveals that China is wanting to get ink on paper before the leaders have time to come together and think through the regional implications of their decisions.

It’s a classic case of divide and conquer.

While climate change is undoubtedly the priority long term issue, the immediate focus must be on the scale, speed and breadth of China’s intentions to expand into our region. This is evidenced by security deals done already in Samoa and the Solomon Islands, and the leaked draft regional pact which would see China have cooperation deals with 10 Pacific nations.

'We urge our Pacific neighbours to exercise their sovereignty and self-determination by holding their own strategic talks first before coming together at the behest of foreign actors — whether East or West.'

China will meet with the Foreign Ministers of 10 Pacific nations in Fiji tomorrow (Monday).

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