Friday, March 31, 2023

Lauren Boebert brings photos of human fetuses to hearing on endangered species

David Edwards
March 23, 2023

YouTube/screen grab FAKE PHOTO

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) on Thursday presented photos of human fetuses at a hearing on endangered species.

During Water, Wildlife and Fisheries Subcommittee hearing, Boebert was recognized to present her bill to remove the Gray Wolf from the list of endangered species.

"I appreciate this time today and thank you so much for everyone who's attending here and traveling so far to be here," Boebert began. "I do want to say before my opening remarks, you know, since we're talking about the Endangered Species Act, I'm just wondering if my colleagues on the other side would put babies on the endangered species list."

The lawmaker held up photos of fetuses as she spoke.

"These babies were born in Washington, D.C. full term,
she added. UNTRUE

"I don't know, maybe that's a way we can save some children here in the United States."

Boebert then launched into her presentation on the gray wolf.

"For far too long, the Endangered Species Act has been weaponized by extremists, extremist environmentalists, to obstruct common sense multiple-use activities that they disagree with," she said.

Watch the video below or at this link.

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