Saturday, April 06, 2024

Voting For a Man Who Called Black Mothers Bitches?

 APRIL 5, 2024

The day Trump acknowledge Blacks for Trump in Sanford, Flordia.

An NBC poll shows 16 percent support for Donald Trump among Black voters. Is it because they haven’t studied how a Trump regime would affect Blacks?

Trump wanted to shoot those who were demonstrating under the Black Lives Matter banner. Even though FBI statistics show a decrease in crime, he’s threatened to use the army to combat crime, which means the occupation of Black neighborhoods, which is where the media locates crime even though there are higher crime rates in some Red States and contrary to Senator Tim Scott’s singling out New York and San Francisco as the centers of U.S. crime, crime has declined in both places.

A series of articles and reports have pointed to the inadequate treatment that Black men and women, especially women, receive from the health industry. Obamacare has improved the care that millions of Blacks and browns receive. Trump wants to eliminate Obamacare.

His and Senator McConnell’s Supreme Court’s anti-Abortion position is leading to the deaths of American women, particularly Black women, adding to thousands of Blacks who died as a result of Trump’s incompetent handling of the COVID crisis.

Thousands of Blacks who are civil servants will lose their jobs if Trump follows Steve Bannon’s demand that the administrative state be dismantled. We’re back to Woodrow Wilson, who rid the Civil Service of Blacks.

When Trump was incensed by Black football players taking the knee to protest injustice, he called them “sons of bitches.”

Maybe the Rappers with millions of followers who support Trump are comfortable with a rapist who calls Black mothers “bitches,” but I don’t think that things have changed since I was a member of the AME Zion Church.

The church broke away from the white Methodists over discrimination. More than Easter, the Sundays devoted to the celebration of mothers saw the highest church attendance. Calling Black mothers “bitches” in 2017, I believe began Trump’s unraveling. When Rappers are asked why they support Trump, they sound ignorant or unhinged. These Rappers receive enormous publicity from corporate media outlets like The New York Times because they draw youthful subscribers. As a result, they have replaced the traditional Black leadership as spokespersons for Blacks. Another bill that you have to pay if you are Black in America.

Some Black men support Trump because he is charismatic and exciting. Gail Collins wrote in the Times, “He’s fun to watch.” He has excited the country into a state of burnout. I know I’m tired.

Ishmael Reed’s latest play, “The Shine Challenge, 2024” will be Zoomed until April 15:

Ishmael Reed’s latest play is “The Conductor.”


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