Friday, May 03, 2024

Republic of Trinidad,Tobago officially announces its recognition of State of Palestine
Republic of Trinidad,Tobago officially announces its recognition of State of Palestine


PORT OF SPAIN May 3. 2024 (Saba) - The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago announced, at yesterday's Cabinet meeting, the official recognition of the State of Palestine.

This decision came based on the recommendation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as the Council of Ministers decided that official recognition of Palestine by the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago will help achieve lasting peace, by strengthening the growing international consensus on the issue of Palestine’s independence.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (CARICOM), in a statement, said that Trinidad and Tobago has a long history of principled support for the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, which is represented by the government’s consistent position that the two-state solution is the only way to resolve the long-term conflict, and that this is its permanent position, which It is based on Trinidad and Tobago's respect for international law and the principles set forth in the Charter of the United Nations.

She added that this support was regularly embodied through Trinidad and Tobago’s support for key resolutions on Palestine in the United Nations General Assembly, including Resolution 67/19, which granted Palestine the status of a non-member observer state in the General Assembly, and the annual General Assembly resolutions on the permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people.

In the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Quds, and the residents of the occupied Syrian Golan regarding their natural resources and the peaceful settlement of the Palestine issue, noting that since the last war on the Gaza Strip on the seventh of last October, Trinidad and Tobago also supported the resolutions adopted in the emergency sessions of the Assembly.

General Assembly held on October 27 and December 10, 2023, on the protection of civilians and legal and humanitarian obligations.

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